Collect andPrayers


and the Commission on Older Adult Ministries would like to suggest that some recognition be given to the senior members of our congregations during this month.

A “Collect for Older Adults and Their Ministry” and inserts for the various forms of the Prayers of the People are provided for use in the context of Sunday worship.

The Commission would like to hear from any of you who use this material or design your own creative observance of Older Americans Month!

Collect for Older Adults and Their Ministry

All-knowing and all-loving God, whose own dear Son was greeted and blessed by

the aged prophets Anna and Simeon: Keep us ever mindful of the wisdom and gifts

of older adults in our midst; enable us to continually grow in love of you and service to one another throughout our span of years; and, in times of diminishment and loss, provide us with compassionate caregivers. Fill young and old alike with your Holy Spirit, that, as a community of faith, we may all share in the accomplishment of your work in the world, and together reflect the fullness of your image from generation to generation; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Suggested Insertions to the Prayers of the People

Form I

For the older adults of this congregation who gift us with their wisdom and love,

let us pray to the Lord.

Lord, have mercy.

For all communities, families, and individuals who provide care for older adults,

and for those who love the unlovable, let us pray to the Lord.

Lord, have mercy.

Form II

I ask your prayers for the older adults of this congregation who gift us with their wisdom and love.

Pray that they may be granted strength of body, mind, and spirit.

I ask your prayers for all communities, families, and individuals who provide care

for older adults, and for those who love the unlovable.

Pray that they may be given the grace to love and to persevere.

Form III

We pray for all older adults who gift us with their wisdom and love;

That they may be granted strength of body, mind, and spirit.

We pray for all caregivers;

That they may be given the grace to love and to persevere.

Form IV

Open the hearts and minds of the older adults in this community of faith; that they may share with us their wisdom and love, and enjoy abundance of life.

Lord, in your mercy

Hear our prayer.

Look with compassion on all caregivers; that they may be given the grace to love

and to persevere.

Lord, in your mercy

Hear our prayer.

Form V

For all older adults, that they may share their wisdom and love, and be granted abundance of life, we pray to you, O Lord.

For all caregivers, that they may show compassion to those for whom they care,

be supported by this community of faith, and be given grace to love and to persevere, we pray to you, O Lord.

Form VI

For all older adults in this community of faith;

For caregivers and families who nurture and support them in times of need.