28-30 MARCH 2007
WEDNESDAY, 28 March 2007
Time Activity Venue
10.00 – 14.30* / REGISTRATION*Registration and enquiries desk will remain open throughout the conference
14.30 – 15.30 / OFFICIAL OPENING / Acacia ChamberWelcome - Jennifer Bisgard (SAMEA Chairperson)
Chair and introduction – Mark Abrahams (SAMEA Deputy Chairperson)
Keynote Speaker / Prof Stanley Sangweni (Public Service Commission)
15.30 – 15.55 / TEA
16.00 – 17.30 / PANEL DISCUSSION – Implementation Challenges for the Government-wide M&E System / Acacia Chamber
Moderator / Mr. Mashwahle Diphofa (Deputy-Director-General: Monitoring and Evaluation: Public Service Commission)
Panellists / 1. Ms. Ronette Engela: Chief Director:(Presidency)
2. Mr. Henk Serfontein: Director (DPSA)
3. Professor Kahimbaara: Executive manager: National Statistical System (Statistics South Africa)
4. Mr. Kuben Naidoo: Deputy-Director General (National Treasury)
5. Ms. Tumi Mketi: Deputy-Director General: Monitoring and Evaluation (Department of Provincial and Local Government)
6. Mr. Vijay Valla, Manager Planning and Evaluation (South African Management Development Institute)
7. Mr. Indran Naidoo: Chief Director: Governance Monitoring (Public Service Commission)
17.35 – 19.00 / RECEPTION / Lapa 1 & 2
Drinks and snacks. All welcome. Meet, network, plan and introduce yourself.
Thursday 29 March 2007
8.30 – 9.55 / KEYNOTE ADDRESS – Plenary / Acacia ChamberIntroduction and chair – Dr. Kevin Kelly (SAMEA Board member)
Keynote speaker / Dr. Zenda Ofir
(Past President: African Evaluation Association (AfrEA); Board Member American Evaluation Association; Evaluation and Knowledge Management Specialist)
‘Shaping M&E in the Developing World: Our response, our responsibility, our challenge’
10.00 – 11.00 / TEA AND POSTER SESSION / Oak Chamber Patio
Session 1 – Building Effective M&E systems / Cypress
Chair – Marlene Roefs
Presenter / Topic
1. Diana Cartier / Designing Outcomes-based Monitoring and Evaluation Frameworks for Humanitarian Assistance
2. Natasha Nel / Building the M&E capacity of government and civil society organisations in Africa: Lessons from a practitioners perspective
3. Faaizah Wadee / Monitoring outcomes with ‘cream’ in a Southern African regional project
4. Benita van Wyk / Setting Indicators and Targets for Evaluations of Education Initiatives – Some Examples of Good and Bad Indicators
Session 2 – Theories and Concepts / Yellowwood
Chair – Bongani Magongo
Presenter / Topic
1. Mark Abrahams / Historical and emerging theoretical foundations for Monitoring and Evaluation in South Africa: Implications for practice
2. Tracey Konstant / Grounding Evaluation
3. Kathy Luckett / Paradigms of Policy Analysis and Evaluation Research
Session 3 – Education Sector / Plover
Chair – Bill Sewell
Presenter / Topic
1. Muavia Gallie / Understanding the ‘big picture’ is important in order to deal with monitoring and evaluation of the individual parts – An education sector focus.
2. Serela Ramklass / Designing an instrument that evaluates the physiotherapy undergraduate clinical education program
3. Gert van der Westhuizen / On the need to learn in monitoring and evaluation
Session 4 – The Meeting of External Concerns and Internal Needs / Cedarwood
Chair – Angela Bester
Presenter / Topic
1. Cathy Langerman / Funding success: New Philanthropy Capital's approach to analysing charities
2. Ian G Macfarlane / Measuring progress in development cooperation projects – Some practical steps to increase the added value of external evaluations
3. Donna Podems / New Model for Working with Donor Funded Programs: What to consider as an evaluation facilitator in the developmental context
13.00 – 13.55 / LUNCH
Panel 1 / Acacia Chamber
Utilization of Information from M&E Systems to Ensure Provision of High Quality Services to Primary Beneficiaries
Moderator / Mr. Perry Mwangala
Panel members / 1. Ms. Shirley Magazi (Monitoring and Evaluation Officer, Namibia Global Fund Programme, Ministry of Health and Social Services)
2. Dr. Flavian Magari (PMTCT Technical Advisor, World Health Organization, Namibia)
3. Ms. Molisa Manyando (National HIV/AIDS Coordinator, Namibia Red Cross Society)
Panel 2 / Cypress
Policy Making and Implementation: The Role of M& E Practitioners in Indigenous Evaluation of Development
Moderator / Florence Etta (AGDEN - Policy Research)
Panel members / 1. Akousa A. Ampofo (Gender Ghana)
2. Sarah Okwaare (M&E/Social development Uganda)
3. Francis Madembwe (M&E Tanzania)
4. Mohanuoa Emma Mabidilala (Health Policy South Africa)
Panel 3 / Yellowwood
Donors’ Approaches to Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E)
Moderator / Lauren Wilson (Programme Manager for Tshikululu Social Investments, TSI)
Panel members / 1. Gail Campbell (CEO of Zenex Foundation)
2. Lynn Campbell (Grants Manager, DG Murray Trust, DGMT)
3. Heidi O’Bra (Monitoring and Evaluation Officer, US (CDC), Global AIDS Program.
4. Judith Matthis (Monitoring and Evaluation Practitioner, TSI)
Panel 4 / Plover
Millennium Development Goals: Challenges for Country Level M&E: Development Bank of South Africa
Moderator / Dr. Dumisani Magadlela (Strategy Planner: Strategy, Governance & Communications, DBSA)
Panel members / 1. Mr. Landiwe Mahlangu (Manager: Operations Evaluation Unit, DBSA)
2. Dr. Sanya Osha, Research Fellow at the University of KwaZulu-Natal
3. Ms. Lola Visser-Mabogunje (Chief Executive Officer, GMKONSULT Ltd)
15.30 – 15.55 / TEA
16.00 – 17.00 / KEYNOTE ADDRESS – Plenary / Acacia Chamber
Chair and introduction – Ms. Odette Ramsingh (Director General, Public Service Commission)
Keynote address / Dr. Sulley Gariba (President of African Evaluation Association; past President of IDEAS; Executive Director, Institute for Policy Alternatives, Ghana )
‘Towards a Decade of African Evaluation’
17.05 -– 18.15 / SAMEA AGM – All members and prospective members welcome / Acacia Chamber
18.30 / GALA DINNER / Baobab
Friday 30 March 2007
8.30 -– 10.15 / KEYNOTE SPEAKERS – Plenary / Acacia ChamberIntroduction and chair – Zozo Mamabolo (SAMEA Board Member)
8.30 – 9.30 / Professor Patricia Rogers (Director: Collaborative Institute for research, Consulting and Learning in Evaluation (CIRCLE) in the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology : Australia)
‘Strategies for improving the quality of M & E’
9.30 – 10.15 / Dr. Mark Orkin (Director-General of the South African Management Development Institute (SAMDI))
‘The SAMDI Capacity Building Strategy’
10.15 -– 10.40 / TEA
Session 1 – Design and Methodology (evaluation) / Acacia Chamber
Chair – Gert van der Westhuizen
Presenter / Topic
1. Suki Goodman / Evaluating programme theory: a case illustration of the value and challenges in conducting a theory evaluation
2. Paul Hobden / Why we need to look beyond numbers: the false security of quantitative data
3. Kevin Kelly / A solution to the problem of non-equivalent exposed and unexposed groups in evaluating the impact of mass media products
4. Alfred M. Tambe / Impact evaluation without a baseline: a comparative analysis of two approaches
Session 2 – HIV/AIDS (applications) / Cedarwood
Chair – Mary Cole
Presenter / Topic
1. A Jaffer, G Meyer-Rath, M Maponyane, A Malingan, E Variava, F Venter / Cross-sectional assessment of patient outcomes using a systematic file review process
2. Ms S le Roux / Implementing M&E for the multisectoral AIDS Programme in Gauteng: Using behavioural surveillance surveys (youth and taxi drivers)
3. V Naidu, J Aguilera, C Kganakga, J De Beer, F Netshipale, G Harris / Process Indicators for Home-Based Care (HBC) in South Africa
3. G Setswe, DR Ottenweller / Methods for the evaluation of the abstinence and faithfulness among youth (ABY) intervention in South Africa
Session 3 – Data and Information Management / Cypress
Chair – Leanne Scott
Presenter / Topic
1. Alastair “Bell” Turner / IT in M&E: Not always a bad idea
2. Michael Ogawa / South Africa Data Warehouse for PEPFAR
3. Jerushah Rangasami / A click away
4. Gregg Ravenscroft / Data Transformation
5. Prof Kahimbaara / The national statistics system
Session 4 – Innovations and Adaptations / Yellowwood
Chair – Tracey Konstant
Presenter: / Topic
1. C Morris / Using outcomes mapping as a research methodology for information communication technology projects
2. N Raghunathan / The role of information exchange and management in humanitarian actions
3. Jim Woodhill / Monitoring and evaluation as learning: Re-thinking the dominant paradigm
Session 5 – Participation and Empowerment / Plover
Chair – Delphi Tshibangu
Presenter / Topic
1. Ray Basson / Reflections on Empowerment Evaluation in South Africa
2. Peter Njaramba / Empowerment evaluation: Khulisa’s experience in using project staff as data collectors
3. Patricia Sitemela / Community Participation in Monitoring and Evaluation
4. M Jansen van Rensburg, H Henderson, C Goats / Using participatory evaluation systems in cross cultural settings
12.30 – 13.00 / MEETING OPPORTUNITY / Venues 1 to 4 and Acacia Chamber (specific venues to be announced)
(e.g. Gauteng SAMEA; SAMEA M&E accreditation committee; Western Cape SAMEA; HIV/AIDS chapter; other meetings advertised on notice board)
13.00 – 13.55 / LUNCH
Session 1 – National Systems (HIV/AIDS) / Cedarwood
Chair – Andy Beke
Presenter: / Topic
1. Kevin Kelly / Trends in development of national monitoring and evaluation systems for AIDS response
2. Sue Laver / Building on the National M&E System to monitor the national Action Plan (NAP) programs of Support for Orphans and Vulnerable Children in Zimbabwe
3. Patrick Dlamini; Mduduzi Ndlovu; Mavis Vilane / Development and implementation of a national multi-sectoral output monitoring system for AIDS responses in Swaziland: Challenges and lessons learned.
4. Anzél Schönfeldt / Lessons learnt from implementing an online Monitoring System for a nationwide HIV/AIDS initiative
Session 2 – Performance Management / Cypress
Chair – Jerushah Rangasami
Presenter / Topic
1. Richard Jewison and Themba Msipha / Towards an integrated approach to performance management
2. Bill Sewell / Evaluating people and performance management for effective programmes
Session 3 – Expanding the Benefits of M&E / Yellowwood
Chair – Zeleka Worku
Presenter / Topic
1. Mary Cole / "Real World" Monitoring and Evaluation in South Africa
2. Juliana Thornton / Rethinking Service documentation for Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC)
Session 4 – Partnership Evaluation / Plover
Chair – Peter Njaramba
Presenter / Topic
1. Terrence Beney / Monitoring and evaluation as a unifying framework for integrated stakeholder relationship management (SRM)
2. F Netshipale, M Matshava, F Mbatha, I Cupido, D Ramokgopa, S Kwesaba, L Ernest, J Aguilera / Monitoring and Evaluating Partnerships Between Non-Profit Health Providers and the Department of Health for the Delivery of Primary Health Care in South Africa.
3. Jill Olivier, Nokuzola Makosana / The monitoring and evaluation of government-funded organizations in the Western Cape: Discourses of social development
Session 5 – M&E Across Large Scale Programmes / Acacia Chamber
Chair – Kathy Luckett
Presenter: / Topic
1. Edwin Ijeoma / Evaluating development projects and programes in Africa: The case of NEPAD
2. Doha Mounir / The Experience of Country-Led Evaluation in Egypt:Lessons learnt and the road ahead
3. Shirish Paliwal / Evaluation of Implementation of Citizen Charter Program
4. Leanne Scott / Monitoring and evaluation of government policy across the spheres and functions of government.
15.30 – 16.30 / Open Microphone Session and Closing / Acacia Chamber
Facilitated by SAMEA Board Members