Terms and Conditions of Membership
•Fees for each term are payable in full and to be received ON or BEFORE the first week of each term.
•By agreement these may be paid in 1, 2 or 3 instalments. Weekly payments are at the discretion of the individual Centre Director, and if agreed must always be at least 2 weeks in advance.
•Any bank charges incurred by Theatretrain for a cheque, that is not honoured, will be passed back to the individual.
•All weeks must be paid for whether your child attends or not.
Registration fee
•There is a one off registration fee of £10 per child payable on or before first class attendance.
•Once your child has registered and joined Theatretrain there is no need to re-register every term.
•A minimum of 4 weeks’ notice in writing, must be given to the Centre Director, if your child no longer wishes to attend classes. Notice may only be given during term time and payment for 4 weeks must be made even if notice expires during a holiday period. Term time means any period during which Theatretrain classes are running. If notice is not given in accordance with this term, a fee equivalent to 4 weeks’ fees will be payable.
•Jazz shoes (or equivalent dance shoes) and appropriate clothing must be worn every week. We reserve the right not to allow any child to participate in any class if s/he does not have the required clothing.
•A Theatretrain t-shirt (and other Merchandise and clothing) is available to purchase, and it is at the Centre Director’s discretion as to whether this is Compulsory at your centre.
•NO Jewellery should be worn for safety reasons.
•NO Chewing gum.
•Long Hair to be tied back.
Classes and Performances
•Students participate at their own risk and are obliged to inform Theatretrain in advance of participation of any injuries or medical condition which may affect their ability to participate in classes or which might be adversely affected by activities undertaken in classes.
•Theatretrain expects ALL students to show due respect and manners to ALL staff and fellow students at all times.
•If a Student is more than [15] minutes late in arriving for a class the Centre Manger may in his/her discretion exclude him/her from the class.
•Theatretrain reserves the right to exclude any child from classes at the Centre Manager’s discretion in the event of misbehaviour.
•Theatretrain advises that no valuables are brought to classes. Centres do not have secure facilities and Theatretrain will not accept any liability for lost, stolen or damaged belongings.
•If your child participates in 4 performances (excluding School productions) in the 6 month period prior to Theatretrain’s Annual performance, then your Centre Director must be informed.
•Once Theatretrain announces its annual performance any Student that leaves in the 8 weeks prior to the performance date will be liable to pay all show costs incurred by the Centre Director in purchasing show t-shirts, costumes, props, coach travel, rehearsal CD’s and lyrics. NO refund will be given for any show payment made prior to this date for costs incurred to the Centre Director.
By signing this form:
1.I have read and agree with the Terms and Conditions of membership.
2.If no written paid notice of 4 weeks is given I agree to pay a sum equivalent to 4 weeks fees in lieu of notice.
3.I agree to inform the Centre Director if my child has performed more than 4 times in the 6 month period prior to Theatretrain’s Annual Performance whether through Theatretrain or any other company or organisation (with the exception of performances organised by a school or college).
4.I understand that Theatretrain has a relationship with The Agency who may agree to act on behalf of Students during the time when they are registered and fully paid members of a Theatretrain Centre. If my child auditions for The Agency and is accepted I further understand that representation by the Agency will cease when my child stops attending Theatretrain classes
5.I hereby release all Theatretrain staff and any other person involved with the administration and organisation of Theatretrain from any liability as a result of any injury sustained outside of Theatretrain. Children are the responsibility of parents/guardians, outside of the designated session times.
Signed (Parent/ Guardian) ……………………………………………………………….. Date …………………….