Bath County High School---2013-2014

Spanish II Syllabus

Roberto Clemente, from Puerto Rico, was the first Latino inducted into the baseball Hall of Fame, and he did it without steroids, gambling, or any other scandal. He was not only a great athlete, but a great humanitarian as well. He died in 1973 in a plane crash while delivering supplies to earthquake victims in Nicaragua. His Pittsburgh Pirates jersey number 21 was retired.

Mrs. R. Thompson

Room 114

Class Objective: To allow students to experience Spanish language and culture according to the Kentucky Standards for World Language Proficiency and to help them fulfill the requirements of the Kentucky pre-college curriculum.

National Standards for World Language Learning: Communication, Culture, Connections, Comparisons, and Communities.

Kentucky Standards for World Language Proficiency

El Yunque, in Puerto Rico, is the only tropical rain forest in the United States National Forest system.

What Students Can Expect to Learn:

·  Additional basic vocabulary that pertains to daily life.

·  Additional basic grammar constructions that allow students to express ideas.

·  Continued pronunciation and translation practice.

·  More important aspects of Hispanic culture and geography.

Classroom Rules:

1.  Students will follow the rules and guidelines for classroom/school behavior as explained in the student Code of Conduct.

2.  Students will not disrupt class or the teaching/learning process with talking, throwing things, asking irrelevant questions, changing the subject, making faces or noises, or other distracting behavior.

3.  Students will not sleep, lay their heads on the desk, nor prop themselves on their arms or hands whether asleep or not.

4.  Students will not cheat on formative or summative assessments.

5.  Students will not fix hair or put on make-up during class.

Consequences of Rule Violations:

  1. Warning
  2. Break Detention
  3. Parent Notification
  4. Office Referral
  5. No credit for cheating for both parties involved.

¿Qué tiempo hace?


1.  Students will bring textbooks, paper, practices, and a pencil/pen to class everyday.

2.  Students will be in their seats BEFORE the bell rings.

3.  Students will begin Bell Work immediately.

4.  Students will remain seated in their assigned seats until dismissed by the teacher, regardless of the bell.

5.  Students are responsible for getting and turning in completed practice and assessments according to the student Code of Conduct policy. This means students with excused absences will have three days to take care of missed assessments.

6.  Students will raise hands and be acknowledged before speaking or answering.

7.  Students will do their own formative and summative assessments independently.

8.  Students will sharpen pencils, throw away trash, get a Kleenex, etc. at times when it is least disruptive and after permission.

9.  Students will raise their hands to get extra help from the teacher at their desks instead of calling out, whistling, or making other noises.

10.  Students will not eat or drink in the classroom, as this is school policy.

11.  Students will remain awake and alert in class.

12.  Students will not write in or damage books or other school / classmate property.

13.  Students will receive emergency permission to leave the classroom according to school policy. Leaving the class beyond what is permitted by school policy will result in break detention as stated by school policy

14.  Students will respect the teacher, classmates, and themselves. This includes refraining from damaging conversation or comments about other teachers and staff, other students, and the administration. This also includes refraining from using inappropriate language and by following the dress code.

15.  When working on computers, phones, or other devices, students may use them only according to lesson directions. Students are not permitted to listen to music, check email or text messages, play games, or navigate anywhere that has nothing to do with the lesson.

16.  Students will NEVER use cell phones other than when instructed to do so for the lesson.

Try to learn new things as we go over them so you don’t have to cram for tests. YOU ARE ALWAYS RESPONSIBLE FOR EVERYTHING YOU ARE TAUGHT AND ASSIGNED EVEN AFTER THE “TEST.” Also, keep in mind this is a second level class. If there is something you don’t remember from the last class, use

your textbook, use a dictionary, and/or ask the teacher. Don’t assume

you won’t be responsible for knowing it.


Students’ grades will be determined by the following four weighted categories:

Student Success Skills 10% Explanation in the table below.

Formative Assessments 30% Three attempts.

Summative Assessments 50% Two attempts.

EOC 10% One attempt.

Student Success Skills
I come to class prepared every day.
I follow all classroom rules and procedures.
I regularly participate in class to maximize my learning.
I satisfactorily complete all practice and reinforcements.
I regularly complete all bell ringers.

“The 0 - 1 - 2 - 2.5 - 3 Grading Scale of SBG”

3 Mastery

Student understands and can do what is asked in the learning target (no gaps in knowledge and skills even if there are a few very minor errors).

2.5 Mastery

After reinforcement(s) and retake(s), the student understands and can do what is asked in the learning target (no gaps in knowledge and skills even if there are a few very minor errors).

2 Developing

Student has some understanding and can do some of what is asked in the learning target (some gaps in knowledge and skills)

1 Beginning

Student has little, if any understanding and can do little of what is asked in the learning target (major gaps in knowledge and skills).

0 No Data

Student has been absent or has provided no data in which to make a decision about their understanding of the learning target. Student may also have been caught cheating on an attempt so that date had to be thrown out.

NO Extra credit or bonus points.

You get what you settle for.~Louise Sawyer in Academy Award-winning movie Thelma and Louise

August, 2013

Dear Students and Parents:

My name is Mrs. Rachelle Thompson, and I am teaching Spanish II this semester. This is my 19th year of teaching experience. I have taught Spanish at all high school levels, including Advanced Placement. As a Spanish teacher, I get to teach EVERYTHING: literature, grammar, art, music, geography, sociology, history, etc. Therefore, it is no surprise that I truly love teaching it.

I realize most students choose to study Spanish because of the pre-college curriculum requirement. While this is a good reason to take the class, I hope to show students how beneficial a knowledge of the language and, more importantly, the culture can be. Few skills look better on a job résumé than a second language, and few acts of kindness extended to a new neighbor shine brighter than making the effort to learn his or her language.

¡Gracias y que Dios les bendiga!

I have read the course syllabus for Spanish II. I know what the rules are for this classroom and understand the consequences for not following rules or procedures. I know what I need to do in order to succeed in this class. I understand that Mrs. Thompson is there to help me, and I need to make sure she knows I need extra help when I need it. I understand that my test grades determine half my grade.

______Student Signature

I have had the opportunity to read Mrs. Thompson’s syllabus for my child’s Spanish II class. I know what the classroom rules and procedures are, and I know what consequences my child will face if he/she does not follow these guidelines. I know that my child’s test scores will determine half of his/her grade for the class. I know that Mrs. Thompson has made her school email address and phone number available and has given me a list of best times to call by phone concerning my child’s progress.

______Parent / Guardian Signature


Detach and keep this information.

Contact information for Spanish II teacher Mrs. Rachelle Thompson:


Or phone Bath County High School at 606-674-6325

Best times to call are from 9:30 to 10:20 am daily.