US History Midterm Project- You must include all of these terms in your SpringPad. This is your review for the midterm!
Goal / Key Terms / Goal / Key Terms1 / 1. First American Party System (Hamilton v. Jefferson, Federalists, Democratic-Republicans)
2. Whiskey Rebellion
3. Washington’s Farewell Address
4. Alien and Sedition Acts / Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions (Nullification)
5. Marbury v. Madison
6. Louisiana Purchase
7. War of 1812 (Embargo Act, Impressment, War Hawks, Washington, DC, New Orleans,
8. Hartford Convention / 4 / Goal 4 (6%)
30. Motivation for Westward Movement (Manifest Destiny, Homestead Act)
31. Mormon Migration
32. Transcontinental Railroad
33. Dawes Act / Helen Hunt Jackson
34. Populism (farmers v. railroads, gold v. silver, Populist Party Platform, William Jennings Bryan)
2 / 9. American System
10. Missouri Compromise
11. Monroe Doctrine
12. Eli Whitney / Cotton Kingdom
13. Spoils System
14. Indian Removal Issues (Trail of Tears, Indian Removal Act 1830, Worcester v. Georgia)
15. Tariff Controversy (Nullification, Tariff of Abominations)
16. “Pet Banks”
17. Cultural Nationalism: Cooper / Hawthorne / Webster / Hudson River School
18. Mexican War – causes, course, consequences (Mexican Cession) / 5 / Goal 5 (7%)
35. Influence of Big Business (Robber Barons, Carnegie, Morgan, Rockefeller, Vanderbilt)
36. Labor Unions (Knights of Labor, American Federation of Labor)
37. Gospel of Wealth
38. Social Darwinism
39. Social Gospel
40. Sherman Anti-Trust Act / Interstate Commerce Commission
41. Immigration 1880’s – 1920 (Urban Slums, Nativism)
42. Settlement Houses / Jane Addams
3 / 19. Popular Sovereignty
20. Abolitionism – Garrison, Douglass, Stowe, Tubman, Brown
21. Third American Party System (Democratic Party, Republican Party)
22. Dred Scott v. Sanford
23. Abraham Lincoln (views on slavery and his evolving goals of the Civil War)
24. Emancipation Proclamation
25. Battle of Gettysburg
26. Reconstruction Plans (Lincoln, Johnson, Radical Republicans)
27. Civil War / Reconstruction Amendments (13th, 14th, and 15th)
28. Compromise of 1877
29. Jim Crow Laws / 6 / Goal 6 (7%)
43. Imperialism (reasons, Alfred Thayer Mahan, Josiah Strong)
44. Spanish American War – (Yellow Journalism, Remember the Maine, Teddy Roosevelt)
45. Open Door Policy
46. Foreign Policy of the Progressive Era (“Big Stick”, Roosevelt Corollary, Dollar Diplomacy,
Missionary Diplomacy)
Museum Display MidTermProject
You will create a Museum Display of a topic you choose from the turn of the 19th century. Your project will be displayed and we will have a “Museum Walk” during which we will review your topics.
Your museum display will be a poster which must include:
- At least 1 authentic photograph (from the time period) The Library of Congress Website is a Good resource:
- A description (3-5 sentences), which will help the visitors understand the artifacts in this display
- Enough information for your classmates to be able to complete the museum walk“SpringPad.”
a / b / c / d-All class time was used wisely & teacher never had to remind student to stay on task
-Time was taken to produce a professional-looking display that is colorful, creative, and understandable
-Authentic photos are included
-All required terms are required
-The description adds to project and has no spelling/grammar errors
-The museum visitors understand the display & learn from it / -All class time was used wisely
-Time was taken to produce a display that is colorful, creative, and understandable
-Authentic photos are included
-All important terms are included with little confusion
-The description adds to project and has very few spelling/grammar errors
-The museum visitors understand the display and learn from it / -All class time was used wisely & teacher seldom had to remind the student to stay on task
-Time was taken to produce display that is colorful, but lacks understandability
-Authentic photos are included
-All important terms are included with little confusion
-The description adds to project, but may have some spelling errors
-The museum visitors understand the display & learn from it / -Teacher had to remind the student often to stay on task
-Product lacks color, creativity, and understandability
-There is not an authentic photo included
-Some terms are included with little confusion
-The description does not add to the display
-The museum visitors may not understand the display & may not learn from it
Assigned Topic: ______
Poster Due Monday, January 7 (extra credit to students who stay after school to help hang posters!)
Gallery Walk Tuesday, January 8 & Thursday, January 9
Midterm- Thursday, January 10.
Use this graphic organizer to plan for your poster.
Goal #: ______Topic: ______
As you review your notes, fill in all the numbers for each category. In the last blank, write 3 complete sentences that summarize this topic.
Who? (Important People) / What? (Important Events)1.
5. / 1.
When? (Important Dates) / Where? (Important Locations)
5. / 1.
Other (Anything Else That is Important) / 3 Summary Sentences
5. / 1.