Investment Memorandum


Adam Filipionek

Jakub Różański

Poznań, Poland

Executive summary

ICEbridge is a company with a goal to develop, implement and run an applications called LifeBridge and SaveMe, which will considerably shorten the first-aid response delay in case of accidents and life threatening situations, where an underqualified individual may perform basic life- saving activities before a professional emergency response team arrives. Therefore this application is not a substitute for professional responders, but its subsidiary to them.

The project ICEbridge merges two institutionally separate and independent e-services. The first is a non-profit initiative to shorten the response delay in emergencies and accidents through community engagement, the second is an user-paid application, shortening the time even further through sending a direct information to nearby responders and automatically alerts the dispatch office.

1.  Introduction

Every day millions of people worldwide die because of delay in emergency services. The median time of arrival of the rescue team in Poznań (one of biggest agglomerations in Poland is 8 minutes). The government of Poland in previous years decided to create law regulations to the institutions who provide first-aid emergency calls in order to reduce the time of first response. In cities above 15k of inhabitants the first response time must be below 10 minutes, and in agglomerations below 15k it must be below 15 min, but statistics very often differ from reality. There are numerous of cases when injured person waited for half an hour or more to receive first, lifesaving aid.

The most common causes of emergency calls are time crucial (62%) these aim mainly circulation problems (heart infarction, strokes) but also lack of breathing, unconsciousness and acute accidents (work accidents and communication accidents) Great majority of these cases are threaten poorly because of lack of services in first minutes after accident. The most important first-aid life-saving procedures are very simple and have to be done in first 5 minutes, if the person has lack of breathing or circulation, the most important thing is to restore basic vital functions, if it doesn’t happen after 5 minutes of time occurs irreversible brain damage.

ICEbridge solution may influence to solve this problem, mainly by stimulating people who are in the nearest area to use their professional skills to save the life of injured person. ICEbridge software system will be a unique community solution commonly informing through modern mobile technology the need to help those who are in need.

1.1  ICEbridge project

The ICEbridge is a project involving development, implementation and provision of two merged e-services, which will considerably shorten the first-aid response delay in case of accidents and life threatening situations, where underqualified individuals may perform basic life-saving activities before a professional emergency response team arrives. The ICEbridge initiative aims at reducing the response time in case of serious accidents. As the professional response team is rushing to the scene, nearby volunteers can, if rapidly informed, perform basic pre-medical actions increasing survival rates and decreasing losses in well-being of the victims.

The solution is a coherent solution which works in verge of three different sectors. Firstly, ICEbridge is a e-health IT solution which can bring serious system cost savings in healthcare sector. Secondly the project is a pioneer in social innovation, thanks to involvement of volunteer community, the solution might be the driving force in creating civil society which will change the perception of first-aid. Creating civic awareness in field of providing first-aid is the founders’ major goal in execution of the project. Finally the project is a a smart city conception, which perfectly fits into open data strategy of cities. Thanks to ICEbridge project, the quality of life inside agglomeration
The first service - LifeBridge - is a non-profit initiative shortening the response delay in emergencies and accidents through community engagement. The second - SaveMe - is an user-paid ICT solution, which automatically sends a direct information to nearby responders and simultaneously alerts the dispatch office.

Combining volunteers community involvement and business case ICEbridge has a change to become first in the EU-community IT emergency solution, which will considerably influence on healthcare sector.

1.2 LifeBridge

LifeBridge is a social innovation which aim is to create civic awareness in field of providing first aid. The solution will be integrated with dispatchers software system. Thanks to this integration, the information flow will be quick and undisturbed.

LifeBridge operations are set up to follow the path below:

·  The dispatch office after receiving a 112 distress call and gaining basic situational awareness may decide to send out an emergency crew. After the crew has been dispatched the dispatch operator activates the dispatch office dedicated LifeBridge module, fully integrated into the main emergency response system, allowing for real time or close to real time information flow.

·  The module selects active users based on the distance they are located from the calculated place of the distress call. The radius of the alert area ranges from 400 meters in case of city centres where emergency crew responses are rapid, up to 1kilometer in rural areas, where the response time is the longest. Distances were calculated from a slightly higher than average run speed of a healthy human, so that the user can reach the emergency site and provide assistance before the professional crew arrives.

·  The user may accept or reject the LifeBridge Alert as he may not always be capable of actually providing the assistance due to circumstances he is in. The Alert is enhanced with a map, showing the location of the distress call, so that a user can make rational choice of whether he can provide help in time.

·  After a user accepts the Alert, he starts to receive non-binding, advisory GPS navigational tips and he might be immediatelly connected with the dispatch officer through the phone who can give the user relevant tips and receive feedback about the status of the situation in the area.

Template of LifeBridge information workflow:

1.3  SaveMe

SaveMe service is using mobile application which is installed on mobile devices. It is a paid service marketed to groups in high risk of accidents, or to people who feel the need for increased personal security. With SaveMe they can instantly alert nearby LifeBridge community AND the dispatch office with one click.
A person present in a situation of imminent threat to human life or well-being, usually because of an accident, runs the SaveMe application and can specify the type of the emergency, as well as the probable (or precise) number of victims. SaveMe can also be integrated with multiple devices besides phones and tablets, such as electronical bracelets or car security systems. Those devices can trigger the SaveMe alert automatically, for example, when integrated with the car platforms, a detected hit over a specified amount of G-force applied, may cause an alert to pop up on the cars displays, which would have to be manually turned off within a short span of time.

SaveMe operates in the following manner:

·  The user activates the SaveMe app and sends out a distress signal with geo-spatial data about an emergency situation to the community of LifeBridge users. He has the option to provide information on the character of the emergency and the number (or estimated number) of potential victims

·  The system dials 112 automatically and in the same time sends automatically user-to-user emergency signal.

·  LifeBridge users receive the alerts if they are near enough (same radius thresholds as in basic LifeBridge) and decide if they can take effective emergency response.

·  In the meantime, the dispatch officer talks with the user if possible. They together or the dispatch officer alone may decide on aborting the alerts.

Template of SaveMe information workflow:

The SaveMe solution will not only be a software dedicated to Smartphones. The application is aimed to be integrated with wristbands and also car software.

SaveMe application will be applied to wristband hardware (this solution is targeted mainly to elderly and chronically ill). In case of emergency, person clicks the SOS button on the wristband in order to send the crucial information(GPS location) to the nearest LifeBridge community representative but also in the same time to send crucial data to the members of family or representatives who take care of the person. Thanks to this automatic signal, the workflow of information is reduced, and people who represent LifeBridge community may perform basic life-saving activities even faster.

Car accessories are the third aspect of SaveMe service. SaveMe software will be integrated with car software. In case of explosion of airbag, the program will start the service automatically by informing the LifeBridge community and giving them basic GPS data in order to provide information which might help them to go on the place and secure the place of accident and give first-aid

1.4  Structure

The ICEbridge project is has a two dependent e-services – LifeBridge and SaveMe

LifeBridge – will set up a new institution which will have the NGO character ( non-government organization- foundation or association) in order to provide LifeBridge service, create the community of volunteers and also to lead a social portal. This will help from image point of view, to have free promotion and better social perception of project. The main social activity of LifeBridge foundation will be creating the social responsibility and civic awareness in providing first-aid.

SaveMe will be a commercial company which aim will be to generate profit. This company will be a limited liability company. The company will be servicing the users of SaveMe, by software ( SaveMe app installed in smartphones and cars) but also hardware, by selling wristbands which will have SaveMe software installed in device.

The structure of cooperation between services will be based on database of LifeBridge volunteers. This database of community will be owned by LifeBridge foundation. The Foundation will sell or transfer this database to SaveMe company. SaveMe company will be the one and only commercial user of this database (exclusivity). Thanks to that structure, ICEbridge project will have the first mover advantage (volunteers critical mass) this competitive advantage will help founders to expand and scale the business to different agglomerations due to the Blue Ocean Strategy.

1.5  Target groups

Because of the fact, that ICEbridge iniciative aims to two different groups, the founders decided to separate these groups (LifeBridge and SaveMe).

The recipients of LifeBridge free application are ultimately all individuals who value social commitment and have will to help others. Initially, the application will be targeted only to professionals trained in first aid or affiliated in professional or voluntary organizations, in particular the paramedics, water and mountain rescuers, firemen, doctors. Founders also take under consideration individuals who confirm the first- aid competences by submitting i.e certificates or diplomas

-Clients of the SaveMe application (B2C) - will be individuals who, due to lifestyle, profession, health status or other circumstances, are likely to find themselves in situations where their life, health and well-being may be in danger. Individual recipients of services can be for example: Elderly or diseased, people who work in hazardous conditions, professional drivers, sportsmen, businessmen, tourists (system perfectly fits into smart city conception

However the main recipients (B2B) of services SaveMe will be:

·  Corporations that will provide SaveMe package for their employees as additional medical benefit. Those corporations may include: transportation companies, constuction workers and other sectors where the risk of accidents is relatively high.

·  Insurance companies who supply SaveMe to its customers in a private insurance packages. (Insurance companies are bound to be interested in solutions that potentially reduce the costs of treatment and compensations)

1.6 Business model

The business model for marketing reasons is based on the interaction of two legal entities: the foundation and the company. This organizational structure allows great flexibility in operating activities and provides a positive public perception.
The Foundation is responsible for the provision of LifeBridge services and construction, organization and maintenance of community volunteers. The Foundation also runs a social networking and training, and other events. Due to the profile of activity can count on great interest in the media and free promotion. The study shows that the foundation will be financially self-sufficient by covering the costs of its activities from the following sources:
• The license fees paid by the regional authorities such as voivodships or other autonomic governments in countries where Lifebridge will be implemented. These authorities who are responsible for organizing medical emergency system will be the third party in the project. The fee for license will depend on the number of people inhabiting the agglomeration.
• Premiums paid and voluntary donations to the foundation by third parties, as well as transfers of 1% of the additive PIT ( Personal Income Tax),

SaveMe has a commercial entity and is a limited liability company which generates revenue from the provision of services SaveMe. The Company will be the exclusive user of the LifeBridge volunteers database. Its revenues come from several sources, depending on the adopted model of sales:
- Sale of electronic goods such as wristbands
- Subscription fee (recurring) from individual customers for the use of services (smartphones SaveMe app and SaveMe app in cars)
- License fees (royalties) from insurance companies for the use of the software SaveMe sold by these companies in the form of their own products.

1.7 Profits of implementation

The project is a coherent solution with various of profits included for different representatives of sectors

·  The application meets the need as soon as possible to provide first aid to people injured in accidents or life-threatening events

·  The need for savings system in the medical sector, related, inter alia, with a shorter hospitalization, better prognosis health, lower medical costs and compensation costs.

·  The need to increase public awareness concerning the duty to provide first medical aid - the concept of civic community and the idea of a smart city.

Classification by type of cost-effectiveness analyzes the effects of application on the system: