July 6, 2016
To the Members of the Board and Superintendent Fuller:
Re: June Board Report
Magma Ranch K-8 was busy as usual at the end of the school year. May was full of fieldtrips, concerts, performances, ceremonies and promotions. We have so many things to be proud about and want to share them all, but will summarize.
The first week of May was Teacher Appreciation. We like to eat at Magma and we used this week to show our teachers how much they mean to our school. Teachers were given daily gifts in their boxes and a breakfast and lunch meal each day. We included all staff in our Teacher Appreciation because we see ourselves as a family. Everyone is vital to the success of the students at Magma Ranch.
We participated in the Basketball season, Accelerated English teacher trainings, Keys to Kinder night, as well as class fieldtrips throughout the month. We held a Walk-A-Thon for PBIS to earn money for prizes. Our 2nd Semester Sports Banquet was a success with parents invited to a Pot-Luck dinner. Our teachers were given more professional development for teaching grammar from the Accelerated English staff. Each grade level was able to plan and attend a fieldtrip to support their standards and curriculum in the classroom. Our bus barn staff went above and beyond and we want to thank them for their help with our trips.
We are also very grateful for the attendance for our end-of-year events from the Board and Principals. Both Jim Thomas and Thad Gates attended our Kindergarten Celebration of Learning and the 8th Grade Promotion. We appreciated their support and wanted to thank them once again for taking time to participate in our events.
As always, we will use the summer to prepare and plan to make the coming school year more successful than ever. We will miss those who left FUSD and are excited about the new faces we will get to know this year who are taking their places.
Eddie Lopez
Eddie Lopez
Principal, Magma Ranch K-8