CLRMA Board Meetin

June 21, 2016 11:00 am to 12:00 pm

Metro Wastewater, 6540 York Street, Denver, CO 80229

Call in Number: 303-634-3850

Meeting Minutes

  1. Meeting called to order at 11:05
  1. Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes (May 17, 2016)
  2. Kelly Cline moved to approve the minutes as drafted
  3. Craig seconded the motion
  4. Motion passed
  1. Agenda Additions and Deletions
  2. None
  1. Committee Reports
  2. Membership
  3. Steve will contact Greg of NALMS to discuss joint NALMS/CLRMA memberships for next year
  4. NALMS has various membership levels. This may complicate a joint NALMS/CLRMA membership
  5. Conferences / Workshops
  6. Day on the Rez-
  7. Locations- Denver City Park
  8. Date- July 20th
  9. Activities


  1. Standing paddle boards, paddle boats and canoes all available for rent
  2. Rental fees would be in addition to Day on the Rez registration fees
  3. Boat races a possibility

Algae ID

  1. Possibly some Abraxis field testing

-Would they be willing to donate a test kit?

Secchi reading


  1. Stormwater management
  2. Water re-use
  3. Goosinator


  1. Geotec
  2. Steve will contact Ted Miller and Associates

Lunch– Craig will handle

  1. Sound system – Elizabeth, please bring
  2. Registrationcurrently live
  3. Cindy has applied for the Lakes Appreciation Month Proclamation from the Governor’s office

Please forward to Steve upon receipt so he can send to NALMS

  • Fall conference
  • October 25th
  • Westminster Rec Center
  • Theme/Presentation ideas?

Kelly DiNattelle has a presentation regarding reservoir management

Current reservoir projects:

  1. Northern Integrated Supply Project

-Northern Water/Army Corps of Engineers could present

  1. Denver Water

-Gross Reservoir

-Grand County

  1. Rueter Hess/Chatfield Reservoirs

-The history of these projects would be interesting

  1. Stanley Lake’s new outlet

-How is this affecting the lake?

  1. Communications
  3. Summer 16- mid June

Nearly ready

  1. Fall 16- mid September
  2. Winter 16- mid December
  • Website
  • Mike has been busy maintaining events calendar, updating articles and job postings
  • Monthly e-mail updates
  • Thank you Steve
  • Please send any content to Steve for distribution
  1. Other Business?
  2. 6 Displays at DIA regarding Lakes Appreciation Month
  3. East side south end of baggage claim
  4. 3 Barr Lake displays
  5. 3 CPW lake displays
  6. All 6 mention Lake Appreciation Month
  7. These display cases can also be used to publicize the NALMS 2017 Conference
  8. Mike reports that NALMS is trying to raise money to modernize the secchi dip-in database
  9. They are requesting about $500 from each board member, or $20,000 total
  10. While not included in our approved 2016 budget, funds may be available
  11. Mike is not planning on using the travel funds we budgeted, for instance
  12. Board will address after 4th of July holiday
  13. Time to start looking for CLRMA’s next president
  14. Please consider volunteering and feel free to nominate worthy candidates
  15. CLRMA looking for Awards Committee chair
  16. NALMS is looking for a new board member
  1. Meeting adjourned at 11:40
  1. 2016 Meeting Schedule and Locations (Proposed dates)
  2. June 21nd- in person, Metro Wastewater
  3. July 20th Denver City Park -Day on the Rez
  4. August 16h- in person Leonard Rice, 1221 Auraria Parkway or call in
  5. September 20st- Leonard Rice, 1221 Auraria Parkway
  6. October- fall conference?
  7. November 15nd , call in
  8. December 20th, call in or Leonard Rice, 1221 Auraria Parkway