Making the Most of Your Research:

Impact, Engagement and Value

When:Friday October 21, 1.30pm-4.30pm

Where: Brian Hill Lecture Theatre,Building 450,Murdoch University

RSVP: October 14:
Following on from our very successful ‘HASS Researcher Seeks Industry Partner for Long-Term Relationship’ seminar held at Curtin University early in 2016, we are delighted to invite researchers from all of the universities in Perth to our second event.

This second seminar will focus on the complexities of undertaking HASS/Arts research projects in the context of both national and international research‘management’ landscapes that measure the value of these projectsprimarilyin economic terms.

Our aim is to foster dialogue and collaboration and to provide opportunities for researchers from different disciplines and departments across Perth to meet and share ideas and resources.

1.30-1.40 Introduction and Welcome

1.40-2.00The Question of Value: Making a case for ‘value’ in ARC Grant applications.
Professor Helena Grehan, School of Arts, Murdoch University

2.00-2.30 Industry linked research and the Humanities
Professor Peter Veth, University of Western Australia

2.30-3.00 Afternoon Tea

3.30-4.00 “Culture Counts”: A tool for measuring value in creative work
Mr Colin Walker, Department of Culture and the Arts

4.00-4.30Contributing to the Public Sphere and Satisfying States and Employers
Professor Toby Miller, Murdoch University

4.30-5.30Sundowner at Club Murdoch

These events are organised by the Associate Deans/Deans Research in HASS/Arts from all five Universities in Perth.

Professor Helena Grehan

Helena is the Associate Dean of Research at the Murdoch University School of Arts. She has published books and essays on spectatorship and ethics, intercultural theatre, performance and politics and on new media dramaturgy. Recent publications include: William Yang: Stories of Love and Death (with Edward Scheer, 2016) and ‘We’re People Who Do Shows’: Back to Back Theatre: Performance, Politics, Visibility (co-edited with Peter Eckersall, 2013). Helena is a member of the ARC College of Experts, HCA Panel.

Professor Peter Veth

Peter Veth has been involved in archaeological, ethnohistoric, ethnographic and maritime studies throughout Australia and across the Asia-Pacific region, and has carried our several hundred projects, often in large multi-disciplinary teams, throughout Greater Australia. Peter has long served on numerous heritage legislative review committees and regularly speaks to industry and regulatory forums. Peter is also Lead Chief Investigator in two ARC Linkage projects with multiple partners, investigating the researching, interpreting and managing of North East Kimberley Rock Art.

Mr Colin Walker

Colin Walker is Executive Director, Arts & Cultural Development at the Department of Culture and the Arts. Prior to joining the Department, he was Director, Arts & Business West Midlands in Birmingham in the UK and former consultant to the UK National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts (NESTA) for its Fellowship and Cultural Leadership programs. He is also a board member of Perth Theatre Trust and an Advisory Board Member of Symbiotica, the Biological Arts Centre of Excellence at the University of Western Australia and Event Gallery, Melbourne.

Professor Toby Miller

Toby Miller is Emeritus Distinguished Professor, University of California, Riverside; Sir Walter Murdoch Professor of Cultural Policy Studies, Murdoch University; ProfesorInvitado, Escuela de Comunicación Social, Universidad del Norte; Professor of Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies, Cardiff University/PrifysgolCaerdydd; and Director of the Institute for Media and Creative Industries, Loughborough University London.