Director for Missional Worship

General Job Description:

To establish FCC in transformational worship of the Triune God for living all of life in sacrificial service to Jesus our Lord.

Reports To: Lead Pastor

Full Time Position with benefits


  • Meets scriptural qualifications for deacons (1 Tim 3) with a strong heart for corporate worship.
  • Member of Faith Community Church
  • Ability to lead FCC musical teams with confidence in a range of styles and expressions.
  • Ability to work as a team player within the Faith Community structure.
  • Committed to the mission and vision of Faith Community and its music ministry.
  • Accomplished musician with strong skills in applied music theory.
  • Consistently strives to improve skills and performance, personally and within the music ministry teams.
  • Ability to oversee budget for Worship Administration
  • Ability to train and develop volunteers within the area of worship arts.
  • A love for and vision to see the arts used as an expression of and means to corporate worship.



  • Lives consistent with FCC’s Statement on Marriage, Sex, and Sexuality and Statement on Divorce and Remarriage.
  • Theological harmony with Doctrines of Grace and Complementarianism
  • Ability to lead congregational expressions of worship to God through music, prayer, and scriptural meditations.
  • Ability to spiritually shepherd teams (in group settings and individually), and the body in corporate worship.
  • Mastery of Piano or Guitar as an accompanying instrument
  • Strong melodicand harmonic vocalist
  • Ability to develop and teach arrangements (vocal and instrumental) of music used in FCC worship settings.
  • Ability to play from scored music/chord and lead sheets and “by ear.”
  • Willingness to learn and adapt as the technology, process and approach to music ministry develop and progress.
  • Ability to lead ensembles in both practice and worship settings.
  • Strong interpersonal skills and the ability to work with volunteers and staff to develop their skills.
  • The ability to identify and train up new leaders within the area of music.
  • Proficient with Abelton Live or corresponding software to utilize loops.

Desired additional abilities:

  • Ability to utilize computer technology to develop, record, modify and transcribe musical elements used in worship ensembles.
  • Ability to play drums, bass, or other instruments on an as needed basis.
  • Ability to produce in-house videos for use in the corporate gatherings

Responsible For:

  • Oversight of the Music, Media Projection, and Sound Teams including, but not limited to:
  • Training and development of leaders.
  • Running and overseeing worship band rehearsals
  • Working with Sound Team leader to develop a budget that meets FCC’s needs in this area
  • Developing and overseeing a worship administration budget
  • Auditioning new and existing music team applicantsannually to build two music teams for each ministry year.
  • Identifying and arranging new songs for inclusion in the FCC music repertoire.
  • Leading a worship team a minimum of two times a month.
  • Taking the lead in planning special services (Maundy Thursday, Easter, Outdoor Church Picnic, Christmas Eve).