Name: Date: Per:


Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD)

Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI)

(The Pre-Test is graded as classwork and not graded as a test)

Indicate whether a Virus or Bacteria cause the following STD’s:

1.HPV (Genital Warts)


3.Hepatitis B

4.Genital Herpes




Answer the following questions:(Use the STD’s listed from above)

8.What STD that is a virus and it can cause cervical cancer in women?

9.What STD that is bacteriaand can cause a person to be sterile (cannot have babies)?

10.What STD that is a virus and it affects your liver?

11.What STD that is a bacteria and it is common to be asymptomatic (no symptoms)?

True or False:

12. Sharing clothes will not put someone at risk for getting pubic lice (crabs).

13. Syphilis has various stages.

14. All STD’s can be cured with antibiotics.

15. A viral STD can be cured.

16. Chlamydia is one of the most common STD’s.

17. As long as you don’t see the Herpes blisters on a person, a person is not infectious.

18. Hepatitis B is spread by having sex, but also by sharing toothbrushes, razors, getting a tattoo

or body piercing.

19. Using a condom can protect someone from all STD’s.

20.Abstinence is the choice not to participate in any sexual activity.

21. A bacterial STD cannot be cured.

22. You can always tell when a person has an STD.

23. Although some diseases can also be transmitted through sheets and towels someone will

notget an STD if they practice abstinence.

24. Scabies can be transmitted by skin to skin contact, but cannot be transmitted by sharing

sheets, towels, or clothes .

25. Using birth control pills will protect someone from getting an STD.


True or False:

26. Most people who are infected with HIV know they are infected and will warn others that they

are infected.

27. If a person has had an STD he/she has an increased chance of being infected by HIV.

28. If a pregnant woman has HIV then the baby will always be born with HIV.

29. A person with HIV can look completely normal.

30. Any type of condom can protect a person from HIV.

31. A person can get HIV from kissing.

32. A person with HIV can live a long time.

33. HIV cannot be cured.

34. Currently the most common age group to contract HIV is 15-24 year olds.

35. Sharing needles like in drug abuse will put a person at risk in contracting HIV.

36. HIV can be transmitted from mosquitoes.

37. HIV can be transmitted through breast milk.

38. HIV canonlybe transmitted through blood.

39. HIV can be transmitted from toilet seats.

40. HIV can be transmitted by donating blood.

41. Even young and healthy people are at risk of becoming infected with HIV.

42. Medicine can cure HIV/AIDS

Multiple Choice:

43. In an AIDS-infected immune system, the T-cells cannot chemically notify the B-cells; so the

B-cells are unable to produce-

a. antibodiesc. D-cellse. none of the above

b. B-cellsd. T-cells

44. What do the letters HIV stand for?

a. Humane Integumentarydeficiency Virus

b. Human Immunedisease Virus

c. Human Intimatedeficiency Virus

d. Human Immunodeficiency Virus

45. What do the letters AIDS stand for?

a. Acquired Integumentary Disease Syndrome

b. Acquired Immune Disease Syndrome

c. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

d. Acquired Intimate Deficiency Syndrome

Revised 3/2012