WEST SUSSEX Cooperative Meeting 6th June 2011

MEETING / West Sussex Cooperative
DATE / 6th June 2011
REPRESENTATIVE / Christine Hardisty (Mohindar Galowalia also attended, but has since resigned his representative role to the Cooperative)
The West Sussex Cooperative brings together statutory and voluntary sector partners within West Sussex to consider strategic issues for the county. Its aim is to improve outcomes for WS residents by tackling issues which matter to them.
Rather than covering a wide range of topics it aims to focus on a limited range of programmes and issues at one time.
Think Family Programme
This offers support and help for children and families.
Through the Family Intervention Projects (FIPs) 144 families in the most deprived areas of WS will be supported, and solutions to problems in rural areas are being looked at.
Family Nurse Partnerships (FNPs) will support 100 first-time teenage mothers.
FIPs and FNPs will be implemented from June 2011.
Sustainable funding needs to be agreed, and benefits will be monitored.
Age with Confidence
There was discussion around supporting a more independent elderly population in WS. The problems of carers, dementia and coordination of services was discussed. A proposal for action will be developed. VCS rep. spoke of voluntary sector commitment to this agenda.
Sharing Accommodation
Work is being undertaken to assess land and buildings owned and used by public sector with a view to considering whether collaborating over the use of property would be possible. The VCS has been involved with this exercise, although the primary aim seems to be to ensure better public service use of publicly owned property.
The problems of residents and businesses in rural areas accessing satisfactory broadband speeds was highlighted. The Cooperative was told that fibre optic was likely to provide the best broadband service. WSCC had been unsuccessful in bidding for national funding, but expected to receive funding shortly. Match funding would be required.