Lifelong Learning (Verb Forms 01)

The composition below is correct except for 34 errors in word endings. Correct them.

[-3 points for each mistake]


Learn[1] is the most important characteristic of human behavior. In order to learning[2], a person has to changing[3].

Some people believe that learning should be limit[4] to a certain period in life. They believe that after adolescence, a person does not has[5] the ability to understand. Therefore, they believe that an older person need[6] more time to learn. For example, some corporations will not hired[7] a person at the age of forty because they believed[8] that s/he’s too old for[9] learn a new system. Most medical schools in the Unite[10] State[11] has[12] an age limit for accept[13] students. It is the general opinion that a person should finishing[14] her/his education before s/he gets marry[15]. Some people even believes[16] that a person stops learning after finish[17] high school. Therefore, our society has limit[18] the individual’s opportunity to learning[19] with this[20] old-fashioned ideas.

I don’t think that learn[21] ever end[22] at all. I have try[23] to do my best to learn every since I was borned[24]. However, learn[25] does not only depends[26] on ourselves. It also depending[27] on other people. Since civilizations began, people have always had to communicated[28]. They have always tried to understand, and to make themselves understood by, the people around them. A healthy society can’t survive without do[29] this.

A person should not limits[30] her/his learning because of her/his age or educational background. S/he should accept what s/he learn[31] each day as a normal part of her/his life, no matter how old s/he is, and s/he should be exciting[32] to learning[33] as much as s/he can. S/he will be learning until life end[34].

[1] ______

[2] ______

[3] ______

[4] ______

[5] ______

[6] ______

[7] ______

[8] ______

[9] ______

[10] ______

[11] ______

[12] ______

[13] ______

[14] ______

[15] ______

[16] ______

[17] ______

[18] ______

[19] ______

[20] ______

[21] ______

[22] ______

[23] ______

[24] ______

[25] ______

[26] ______

[27] ______

[28] ______

[29] ______

[30] ______

[31] ______

[32] ______

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[34] ______