Tony Bennett Scholarship 2013


DEADLINE: May 17, 2013


SCHOLARSHIP DESCRIPTION:TheTony Bennett Scholarship was established to help make attending a 4-year college more affordable. It is a one-time-only scholarship awarded to graduating seniors to help pay for tuition, room and board their freshman year at college.

SCHOLARSHIP VALUES:Scholarships will be awarded in amounts of $5,000 and $10,000.

Please note: Before applying, we encourage you to call your college to find out if and how receiving this scholarship might impact your Financial Aid package.

ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENT:This scholarship is only available to 12th gradestudentsenrolled in a 4-year college for the coming Fall 2013 semester, graduating from one of the following schools:

  • Brooklyn Community Arts & Media High School
  • Brooklyn High School of the Arts
  • Celia Cruz Bronx High School of Music
  • Frank Sinatra School of the Arts
  • High School of Art & Design
  • Professional Performing Arts School
  • Susan E. Wagner High School
  • Talent Unlimited High School
  • UA Bronx Studio School for Writers & Artists
  • UA Media High School
  • UA School for Design & Construction
  • UA School for Law & Justice
  • UA School of Music & Art
  • UA School for the Performing Arts

SELECTION CRITERIA:We will consider the following criteria when awarding scholarships:

1) Transcript 2) Personal Essay 3) Financial Need

Tony Bennett Scholarship 2013

Application Checklist

Review this checklist to ensure your application is complete before submitting it in school.

( ) PART ONE: Information Form

( ) PART TWO: Transcript

( ) PART THREE: Personal Essay

( ) PART FOUR: Signed Photo/Video Waiver


( ) Academic Teacher Recommendation Form

( ) Arts Teacher Recommendation Form
IMPORTANT: We do not accept additional letters of recommendation.

PART SIX: Financial Need

U.S. citizens & legal residents must submit:

( ) Student Aid Report from your FAFSA

( ) Optional: Financial Narrative

Undocumented immigrants must submit:

( ) Financial Information Form provided in this application

( ) Optional: Financial Narrative


( ) Other Scholarships & Financial Aid Information Form

( ) Copy of the financial aid package sent by your college

( ) Award letters from other scholarships/grants (if applicable)

PART ONE: Information Form

Student Name: ______

High School: ______

Major in High School (if your school has majors): ______

Home Address:


(Street address) (Apt #)



Student phone numbers:



Student email address: ______

Parent/Guardian Name: ______

College where you are enrolled for Fall 2013: ______

If attending SUNY Purchase, please check one:

( ) I will be commuting from home.
( ) I will be living in the dorms.

Please indicate how you heard about this opportunity (select all that apply):

A classmate received a Tony Bennett Scholarship last year

My Principal or an Assistant Principal

A teacher at my school: ______(name of teacher)

Promotional posters hanging in my school

ETA staff visited my school to present this opportunity

I received an email from an ETA staff member

ETA’s E-Newsletter

ETA’s social media (Facebook or Twitter)

Other: ______

PART TWO: Transcript

Directions: Please attach a copy of your most recent 4-year transcript.

PART THREE:Personal Essay


Legendary American singer and painter, Tony Bennett, founded the public high school, Frank Sinatra School of the Arts, and a charitable organization, Exploring the Arts, to support young artists.

Mr. Bennett would like to award this scholarship to students who believe, like he does, that it is important to help others and give back to one’s community. In your essay, please answer both of the following questions, writing at least one paragraph for each question:

  1. What does "giving back" mean to you? Please illustrate your answer by including an example of how you have given back to your community, or how someone else’s giving back influenced you.
  1. How do you plan to use your future education and professional experiences to better the world around you?

Your essay must be 1 to 2 pages in length and typed in 12-point font.

PART FOUR: Photo/Video Waiver

Student Name: ______

Name of School: ______

I consent to the participation in interviews, the use of quotes, and the taking of photographs, movies or video tapes of the student named above by Exploring the Arts.

I also grant to Exploring the Arts the right to edit, use and reuse said products for nonprofit purposes without compensation, including use in print, on the internet, and all other forms of media. I also release Exploring the Arts and its agents and employees from all claims, demands, and liabilities whatsoever in connection with the above.

If student is under 18:

Signature of Parent/Guardian ______Date ______

If student is 18 or older:

Signature of Student ______Date ______

PART FIVE: ARTTeacher Recommendation

STUDENT DIRECTIONS: Please give this recommendation form to one of your arts teachers. The teacher must fill it out and return it to you in a sealed envelope for you to submit with your application.

TEACHER DIRECTIONS:Please complete and return this form to the student in a sealed envelope to be submitted with his/her application. Students may not open the envelope.

TEACHER NAME (print): ______



1. ATTITUDE & BEHAVIOR (please select oneof the following):

( ) This student has been disrespectful to myself and/or fellow students in class.

( ) This student had good attitude and behavior in my class, nothing inappropriate.

( ) This student had an exceptional, impressive attitude in my class.

2. CLASS WORK, HOMEWORK, PRESENTATIONS (please select oneof the following):

( ) This student made little or no effort in my class to complete quality work or meet deadlines.

( ) This is a good student, but the level of his/her efforts varied depending on his/her interest in the assignment.

( ) This is not the most talented student, but he/she is very passionate and a hard worker.

( ) This student has both a tremendous natural talent and an exceptional work ethic.

3. RECOMMENDATION (please select one of the following):

( ) It is my pleasure to recommend this student for the Tony Bennett Scholarship.

( ) I hesitate to recommend this student for the Tony Bennett Scholarship. Please explain: ______




PLEASE NOTE: We cannot consider additional letters of recommendation.

PART FIVE: ACADEMIC Teacher Recommendation

STUDENT DIRECTIONS: Please give this recommendation form to one of your academic teachers. The teacher must fill it out and return it to you in a sealed envelope for you to submit with your application.

TEACHER DIRECTIONS:Please complete and return this form to the student in a sealed envelope to be submitted with his/her application. Students may not open the envelope.

TEACHER NAME (print): ______



1. ATTITUDE & BEHAVIOR (please select oneof the following):

( ) This student has been disrespectful to myself and/or fellow students in class.

( ) This student had good attitude and behavior in my class, nothing inappropriate.

( ) This student had an exceptional, impressive attitude in my class.

2. CLASS WORK, HOMEWORK, PRESENTATIONS (please select oneof the following):

( ) This student made little or no effort in my class to complete quality work or meet deadlines.

( ) This is a good student, but the level of his/her efforts varied depending on his/her interest in the assignment.

( ) This is not the most talented student, but he/she is very passionate and a hard worker.

( ) This student has both a tremendous natural talent and an exceptional work ethic.

3. RECOMMENDATION (please select one of the following):

( ) It is my pleasure to recommend this student for the Tony Bennett Scholarship.

( ) I hesitate to recommend this student for the Tony Bennett Scholarship. Please explain: ______




PLEASE NOTE: We cannot consider additional letters of recommendation.

PART SIX:Financial Need

Exploring the Arts’ Tony Bennett Scholarship does not discriminate against undocumented immigrants. All students are eligible to apply.

I. Financial Information:

Please check one of the following statements and carefully read the instructions that accompany the statement you select.

( ) I am a legal resident or citizen of the United States.

  • Students applying for this scholarship, who are citizens or legal residents of the U.S., must also apply for the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
  • Please attach the Student Aid Report from your FAFSA form to this application, which can be printed from this website:
  • If you need help accessing your Student Aid Report, please request help from a College Counselor at your school.

( ) I am an undocumented immigrant in the United States.

  • Please complete our Financial Information Form provided on the next page.

II. OptionalFinancial Narrative:

All students (legal residents, U.S. citizens, and undocumented immigrants) may choose to write a Financial Narrative, but it is not required.

We recommend you write a Financial Narrative if you feel that the full extent of your family’s financial need is not captured in the FAFSA Student Aid Report or Financial Information Form.

Your Financial Narrative should be a typed essay describing any additional circumstances you wish to highlight that explain why you need help to pay for college. You may wish to include the following types of information (these are only examples):

  • Is there an illness in your family? High health care costs?
  • Did your parent recently lose his/her job?

Financial Information Form

(for undocumented immigrants only)


  1. What is your parents’ marital status? (choose one)
  2. Marriedd. Widow / Widower
  3. Divorcede. Single
  4. Separated

 If your parents are divorced, does the parent you live with receive child support? YES | NO

  1. What is your father’s highest achieved educational level? (choose one)
  2. No high school c. Completed high school
  3. Some high school d. College or beyond
  1. What is your mother’s highest achieved educational level? (choose one)
  2. No high school c. Completed high school
  3. Some high school d. College or beyond
  1. Including you, how many individuals will be living in your household in 2013-14? ______
  1. How many of the individuals from Question 4 will be enrolled in college or graduate school in 2013-14? ______


  1. Please circle any of the following that apply to you:
  2. My parents are deceased.
  3. I am an emancipated minor.
  4. I am in a legal guardianship with an adult who is not my parent.
  5. I am homeless.
  6. I am at risk of homelessness.


Please work with your parents or legal guardian to provide the following dollar amounts:

  1. Father’s income earned from work in 2012 (Jan. 1 – Dec. 31, 2012) ______
  2. Mother’s income earned from work in 2012 (Jan. 1 – Dec. 31, 2012) ______
  3. Total amount of cash savings your parents currently have ______
  4. Net worth of your parents’ current investments ______
  5. Net worth of a business or farm your parents own ______

PART SEVEN: Other Scholarships & Financial Aid Information

1. What is the total cost* of attendance at your college? $ ______
* This refers to Tuition, plus Room & Board if applicable.

2. Please attach to this application a copy of the financial aid package you received from the college you have chosen to attend.

3.Did you apply for any additional scholarships?

( ) NO

( ) YES, but all of my requests were declined.

( ) YES, but I have not received a response yet. I am still waiting.

Please list those scholarshipsin the space below.

( ) YES, I have been awarded other scholarships or grants.

Please attach a copy of each award letter you have received.

Tony Bennett Scholarship 2013: Student Application