Unit Project: Family Pedigree

This project is designed to practice and investigate your own family history

It is worth ______points and is due on ______.


Investigate 3separate traits - each trait on their own page, the same framework pedigree should be used

  • You may choose any of the traits listed below. If you’d like to include one that’s not mentioned, check with Mrs. Schumacher first.

Your pedigrees should contain aminimum of 10 people over 3 generations

You can use your family, part of your family, your future family, or any combo

Each Pedigree will be graded for:
Includes 10 people over 3 generations
Correct pedigree symbols used
Genotypes as accurate as possible
Overall neatness, creativity, effort / /5
Total Points for 3 pedigrees / /90

Use the appropriate symbols & shading, and denote genotype for each individual if known

Final copy – neat, organized, ink or typed, color

If I were assigned this project, here’s what I would do.

  1. Make a blank family pedigree
  2. I prefer to use Microsoft Word, but you could hand-draw it too.
  3. Include grandparents, parents, siblings, and perhaps some aunts, uncles, cousins
  4. Or, if your grandparents either aren’t alive or you aren’t able to contact them, then include your parents, you, siblings, and your imaginary offspring.
  5. MAKE 6 copies - 3 rough draft, 3 final draft
  6. Research 3 family traits.
  7. Think about traits that are easy to determine or prominent in your family. Don’t choose dimples if no one in your family has dimples.
  8. Then, contact your family members or look at pictures to determine which family member has which trait.
  9. Using your rough drafts, write out the possible genotypes for each person, using the chart above.
  10. Make Final Draft.
  11. The hard work’s done, time to make it neat and pretty. You can turn this in however you want. Simple on 8 ½ x 11 paper as shown in the example, all taped together in a big chain, on a poster, in a powerpoint. Whatever you want.

Traits / Possible Genotypes
Tongue rolling (R) / R? orRr = roller
rr = non-roller
Attached earlobes (E) / E? orEe = unattached
ee = attached
Mid-digital hair (M) / M? or Mm = hair
mm = no hair
Hitch-hiker’s thumb (T) / T? orTt = hitch-hiker
tt = non-hitch hiker
Widow’s peak (W) / W? orWw = widow's peak
ww = no widow's peak
Dimples (D) / D? orDd = present
dd = no dimples
PTC Tasting (P) / P? or Pp = PTC is bitter
pp = PTC is tasteless
Traits / Possible Genotypes
Freckles (F) / F? or Ff = present
ff = no freckles
Hair type (H) / HH = curly
Hh = wavy
hh = straight
Toe Length (S) / S? or Ss = 2nd toe longer
ss = big toe longer
Hand Use (U) / U? orUu = right handed
uu = left handed
Chin Cleft (C) / C? or Cc = no cleft
cc = present
Eyelash Length (L) / L? orLl = long (> 1 cm)
ll = short (< 1 cm)
Nearsightedness (N) / N? orNn = nearsighted
nn = normal vision