Hilton Garden Inn

600 S. Colorado Blvd.

Denver, Colorado 80246

A block of rooms is reserved from the 15th through the 17th under Colorado Federation of Garden Clubs.

To reserve your hotel room, please contact the hotel directly at 303.754.9800. Parking is complementary. A double bed or king is $139.00 per night (without taxes). Breakfast is $9.95.

Directions: Hilton Garden Inn to Emerson House. Go north on Colorado Blvd (CO 2) to E. Colfax (US 40 W, US 287 N). Drive west on E. Colfax (CO 2) to Emerson Street. Turn north. Emerson House, 1556, is on the east side of the street.

FSS IV Co-Chairman: Louise Niekerk


FSS IV Co-Chairman: Joy Kancir,


Horticulture Exhibits Chairman: Louise Niekerk


Design Exhibits Chairman: Joy Kancir



Dorthy(Dot) Yard

Educational Background:

B.S. Ed. Mathematics, California State College

MA Counseling & Guidance, West Virginia University

NGC Club Affiliations, offices held

Past President of the Garden Club Federation of PA

Five Star Member of NGC, having attained Master Level

In all four schools: GS, ES, LDS, FSS

*Flower Show Schools Horticulture Instructor

Flower Show Procedure Instructor

NGC Board of Directors

Currently, Chairman of NGC FS Schools Committee

Advisor to the New Handbook Committee

Advisor to the Green Manual Committee


Educational Background:

Retired nurse

NGC Club Affiliations, offices held

President of the Garden Club Federation of Ohio

Involved in two garden clubs

Master Flower Show Judge

*Instructor for both Flower Show Schools and Symposiums


*Flower Show Procedure


Involved in other activities in Columbus, OH

Lynn is married and has three grown children

and nine grandchildren.

Flower Show School IV

Sponsored by

Colorado Federated Garden Clubs

Member of National Garden Clubs, Inc.

The Rocky Mountain Region

May16 and 17, 2016

Flower Show School IV


Emerson House

1556 Emerson Street

Denver, CO 80218

Non-members welcome

Pre-registration required


Any interested person is welcome and invited to attend this Flower Show School IV. You need not be a Judge or a Member of National Garden Clubs, Inc. or the Colorado Federated Garden Clubs.

Students seeking credit

Judges seeking credit:

Onlynationally Accredited-Level II judges of National Garden Clubs, Inc. are eligible to take the Flower Show School IIIor IV examination for credit. This Refreshing may happen ONLY ONCE. HB 269

Application for Renewal of Good Standing

To obtain refresher credit, Accredited-Level II judges must attend all lectures in their entirety, including oral point scoring sessions. You must also bring your Handbook for Flower Shows, Rev. 2007, with current updates and changes from The National Gardener.

Credentials documentation: Prerequisite exhibiting and/or judging credits must be documented. Any judge expecting credit for this Flower Show School IV must send a completed and judging-level appropriate NGC form to the CFGC Credentials Chairman at least six (6) weeks in advance of May 16th to the address found below.

Forms are available online from the NGC, Inc. website:

Accredited-Level II Judges-Submit NGC form 13E with completed necessary documentation.

Accredited Judges From Other States-A judge who wishes to attend a symposium from another state must forward a completed application form (Form 18F) to their home State FSS Chairman or Credentials Chairman before registering for this symposium for credit.

Judges may send completedNGC forms to the

CFGCCredentials Chairman.Joy Kancir, ; 303.877.9044
2195 S. Pine Wood Road, Sedalia CO 80135-8403


Handbook for Flower Shows, Revised 2007

Chapters,Hort: 3, 4, 5, 6, 14; Design: 3, 8, 9, 10, 14.

Read Course IV outline, pp. Hort. 248-249; Design 254

All Judges are welcome to attend.


MONDAY, MAY 16, 2016

7:30-8:00 amRegistration

8:00-8:15 am…Welcome and Announcements

Lynn Fronk, FS Procedure

Dot Yard, Horticulture


9:15-9:30 amMORNING BREAK


Class 1: Bulbous plant material:

Begonias, rhizomatous & tuberous

Class 2: Herbs, fruits, vegetables

and nuts:


11:30-12:00 pm…LUNCH

12:00-1:00 pmHorticulture Instruction …

1:00-3:00 pmPractice Point Scoring, Hort.

3:00-3:15 pm…Late AFTERNOON BREAK

3:15-5:15 pmPoint Scoring Exam, Hort

TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2016

7:30-8:00 amRegistration

8:00-8:15 am…Welcome and Announcements

Lynn Fronk, Instructor for

FS Procedure and Design

8:15-9-15 amFlower Show Procedure

9:15-9:30 am…MORNING BREAK

Class 1: Functional Tables

Class 2: Exhibition Type I Tables

11:30-12:00 pm…LUNCH

12:00-1:00pmDesign Instruction continues

1:00-3:00 pmPractice Point Scoring, Design

3:00-3:15 pm…Late AFTERNOON BREAK

3:15-5:15 pmPoint Scoring Exam, Design

SEATING: Students will be given the first row of seats. Preferred placement will be given to Accredited-Level IIJudges. Thereafter, all other seating will be assigned in order of receipt of paid registrations.

REGISTRAR: Louise Niekerk


713 Mourning Dove Lane, Golden CO 80401-0911

Registration Confirmation will be emailed if received by April 30, 2016.

FSS IV, Colorado Federation of Garden Clubs


Monday, May 16 – Tuesday, May 17, 2016

______Name ______Address ______City/State/9 Digit Zip Code ______

Area Code/Telephone ______

Email Address for confirmation ______Garden Club Affiliation (if any) ______Judge Status ______Date of last Certificate or last Audit

FEES for Flower Show School IV, MAY 16-17, 2016

Full Course, 2-day, with exam...... ☐$55.00

Full Course, 2-day, without exam...... ☐ $50.00

Lunch, Monday 16th (optional)………… ☐ $10.00

Lunch, Tuesday 17th (optional)…..…… ☐ $10.00

1 day only …Monday … without exam …… ☐ $25.00

1 day only …Tuesday …without exam …… ☐ $25.00

(Circle Day Attending)

Total Remittance $______

Please note: No refunds after April 30, 2016.

WRITTEN EXAM: Friday, May 20th at Emerson House from 8:30 until 12:30 noon. Exam is three hours and covers three topics: horticulture, design and flower show procedure.

Please MAIL THIS FORM (make a copy for yourself) with check payable to: CFGC FSS IVto the Registrar, whose address is to the left.

Proof of subscription to The National Gardener is

no longer required. (*The National Gardener, TNG,

HB Change, Fall 2013, effective January 1, 2014).