Kanarev Ph.M.
http: //kanarev.inauka.ruhttp: //Kanarev.innoplaza.net
The announcement. The modern level of knowledge allows to formulate a hypothesis that the space of the universe is indefinite, and the material world in it is final also we are close its center.
The scientific information – a product of collective scientific creativity of scientific different specialties. To answer a question: the universe is final or infinite, it is necessary not only to own set of knowledge of various scientific disciplines, but also to be able to analyze them is system. The first and most important principle of the system analysis – revealing of the primary factors forming the answer to the put question, corresponding to a reality or close to it [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6].
The first and most important factor, allowing to begin the formulation of the answer to the put question, quantitative distribution of chemical elements in the universe is. We have already noted, that 73 % of percent of a material world of the universe – hydrogen, 24 % - helium and 3 % - all other chemical elements. On a background of this information the quantity of chemical elements in our organisms in scales of the universe is close to zero. But, we exist and we try to learn the world surrounding us. At us the first representation about physical essence of space was already generated and we know, that we exist in it. Our level of knowledge allows us to present empty space. We identify it to such condition at which in it there are no chemical elements and their elementary particles. In this connection there is a natural question: whether there are in the universe of area of space in which there are no chemical elements and their elementary particles, that is empty areas of space? [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6].
Already there are experimental results which allow to begin search of the answer to the put question. Fruitfulness of this squeak depends on correctness of interpretation of the experimental fact in which law of radiation of the universe is reflected [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6].
For a long time it is established, that all ranges of so-called electromagnetic radiations make 24 order. The range of light radiation less than one order and its length of a wave changes from up to . Length of a wave of a maximum of radiation of the universe as we have already shown, about millimeter. It corresponds to temperature close to absolute zero and refers to as relic radiation [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6].
Already there is the experimental information allowing us to believe, that the material world is dispersed only regarding the universe which has the form of a sphere. Outside this zone there is no material world. There are no there material particles, and we can count other area of space empty [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6].
The experimental information for confirmation of reliability of the described hypothesis, is received recently. It follows from anisotropy of relic radiation already marked by us at a level of 0,001 %. With a kind it - the insignificant size which is not worthy. However, if to take into account, that astrophysics accept photons radiated by the stars which are taking place on distance of light years the importance of this fact grows. The distance of light years is equivalent to distance . The size windowson a surface of sphere with such radius, equal 0,001 % of its surface, makes square kilometer. So there is a sense to reflect above physical sense of 0,001 % of anisotropy of relic radiation. It means absence of chemical elements outside specified windows, as they – unique sources of radiation of photons. This implies, that the anisotropy of relic radiation equal of 0,001 %, - consequence of limitation in space of a material world. Uniformity of this anisotropy – consequence of spherical of area of space in which there are sources of this radiation – galaxies. The same fact can be interpreted, as an arrangement of the receiver of this radiation (our Earth) near to the center of a material world of the universe
The following important fact – uniformity of a maximum of radiation in all directions from the receiver of this radiation. It also testifies that sources of this radiation are located in the space having spherical restriction [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6].
Astrophysics and astronomers have an abundance of photos of galaxies of the universe. Many of them have zones without stars that gives the basis to believe, that outside these zones there is no material world, and anisotropy of relic radiation confirms this fact.
The described picture of the world gives the basis to believe, that there was such condition of the universe when in it there was no chemical elements and there is a question: chemical elements in the universe whence have appeared? Certainly, we at once reject idea of the Big explosion – as source of formation of the universe and material world in it. Closer to a reality a hypothesis of a birth of elementary particles from a substance in regular intervals filling all space, and named an ether [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6].
1. Kanarev Ph.M. New Interpretation of Relic Radiation. (In English).
2. Kanarev Ph.M. The Founation of Physchemistry of Micro World. The monography. 9-thedition. 1000 pages. (In Russian)
3. Kanarev. Ph. M. TheoreticalbasisofPhyschemistryof Nanotechnologies. The manual. 3-th еedition. 755pages. (In Russian)
4. Kanarev Ph. M. The Answers on Questions to Micro World. (More 900 questions and answers). 200 pages. (In Russian)
5. Kanarev Ph. M. The Lectures of The Unity Axiom. 3-th edition. 220 pages. (In Russian)
6. Kanarev Ph.M. Introduction in New Electrodynamics. The 2-th edition. 150 pages. (In Russian).
P. S. Following article – «The New Hypothesis of a Birth of a Material World»