Congratulations on your scholastic achievement during your sixth and seventh grade! We invite you to join the award-winning NCMSchapter of the National Junior Beta Club during 2016-2017. You maintained a 90% or above in all classesduring 6th and 7th grades, and you scored a math and/or reading EOG score in the 85thpercentile or above of North Carolina 7th graders. We will regularly meet during Friday club meetings. At our first club meeting in September, you will nominate and elect a club president, vice-president, treasurer, and secretary. We invite all new members and their families to an induction ceremony on Thursday, September 29th, 6:00 to 6:30 p.m., in the NCMS multipurpose room. The National Junior Beta Club requires a $15.00 annual membership fee, and our NCMS chapter requires an additional $20.00 for the club t-shirt and state convention project supplies.

Beta Club members collaborate on community service projects, learn to be leaders in their school, and participate in the North Carolina State Beta Club Convention where they compete against public and private middle schools from across the state in various academic, artistic and social events. The state convention will take place on February6thand7that the Four Seasons Sheraton Hotel in Greensboro, North Carolina. NCMS has had state winners in the past, and we anticipate another fabulous year with this terrific group of students. 4,000 North Carolinian Junior Betas met at last year’s convention. We will provide you with information about the convention at the induction ceremony in September, along with a payment plan and optional fundraiser with the Aberdeen Coca-Cola Bottling Company.

Betas must maintain a 90% average or above during 8th grade in all courses. If a Beta falls below that standard, he/she should seek help from the club sponsors and teachers. The Beta will still participate in all club activities, but he/she must improve his/her grades by the next nine-week report card to maintain Beta Club membership. Additionally, all NCMS Betas must complete at least 5 hours of community service duringthe school year.Most Betas easily earn between 15 to 25 service hours.

Beta Club members act in an ethical manner according to the bylaws of the organization. A copy of the bylaws is available on the school website under the Beta Club link. If a student cannot access the Internet and needs a copy of these bylaws, please contact Mrs. Jackson () or Mrs. Oakley ().For more information about the organization, please see

Please complete the form below and return it along with payment to NCMS before school resumes on August 29th. Checks should be made out to,“NCMS Beta Club”. Mrs. Oakley will also receipt payment on Back-to-School Night, September 23rd, 5:00 to 6:30 p.m..

I would like to become a member of the New Century Beta Club. I understand the requirements to maintain membership, and I agree to follow all bylaws of the NCMS chapter of the NationalJunior Beta Club.


Printed Student Name Student Signature

NCMS Beta Club T-shirt Size (Adult Male Sizing, 100% Cotton) Please circle one. S M L XL

I give my child permission to join the New Century Beta Club. I have read the requirements and bylaws, and I understand what my child must do to maintain membership.

Parent Signature and Email Address