Newport Community School Primary Academy

Main Themes in Each Subject by Year Group

Year Two
Host Country: Australia / Autumn Term / Spring Term / Summer Term /
Topic / ·  Lights, Camera, Action! / ·  Where Will Work Take Me? / ·  Leaders Change Lives
(Ongoing through the year) / Number Sense
·  Counting in steps of 2,3, 5 and 10 forwards and backwards from any number
·  Comparing and ordering numbers up to 100 and using <,> and =
·  Using what they know about numbers to solve problems
·  Recognising odd and even numbers
·  Remembering and using multiplication and division facts for the 2, 5, and 10 times tables / Additive Reasoning
·  Solving problems with addition and subtraction in their heads, with equipment and on paper
·  Knowing pairs of numbers that make 20 and the related subtraction facts, and, from these, working out facts to 100
·  Adding and subtracting money, including giving change / Multiplicative Reasoning
·  Solving problems with multiplication and division in their heads, with equipment and on paper
·  Recognising, finding and naming ½, ¼, 2/4 and ¾ of lengths, a set of objects or quantity / Geometric Reasoning
·  Recognising, finding and naming ½, ¼, 2/4 and ¾ of shapes
·  Describing position, direction and movement
English / See Literacy Curriculum Overview documents.
Communications and Oracy
(Ongoing through the year) / ·  Listen with sustained concentration and ask relevant questions
·  Describe the key points of what they have learnt
·  Speak in an audible voice / ·  Use appropriate language when explaining
·  Take part in discussions
·  Compromise in order to make group decisions / ·  Participate in conflict resolution
·  Compose sentences orally using varied language choices to support their understanding of different sentence types
·  Give their opinions stating reasons
Science and Technology
(including Design Technology) / ·  Finding out about sound sources and how we hear sound
·  Constructing simple electrical circuits
·  Designing and making a simple device that uses electricity and sound e.g. a gameshow buzzer / ·  Knowing about, sorting, comparing and grouping objects and the materials they are made from
·  Understanding how forces can move and change materials and objects
·  Creating a device that has a moving mechanism / ·  Exploring the basic needs for humans and other animals
·  Knowing how animals and habitats are suited to and depend upon each other
·  Knowing about food chains
·  Understanding ways to protect environments
·  Preparing a simple dish healthily and hygienically
(Ongoing through the year) / ·  Observing, explaining and recording
·  Asking and answering questions / ·  Fair testing
·  Measuring / ·  Investigating
·  Planning
·  Evaluating
IT and Computing / Digital Creativity
·  Painting neatly with different brush styles and sizes
·  Editing a photo
Multi-media Authoring
·  Labelling photos
·  Creating presentations using pictures and text
·  Creating an animated scene / Computing
·  Creating and debugging simple programs
·  Drawing graphs and changing their appearance / Text and Graphics
·  Typing quickly
·  Changing font size and colour
·  Inserting images into documents
(Ongoing through the year) / E-Safety
·  Understanding digital communication / ·  Using hyperlinks to explore websites / ·  Using the internet safely and knowing what to do if content upsets them
Global Learning
(Citizenship) / ·  Knowing the value of others in the wider world as equal and showing them interest and concern
·  Empathising with others and compromising to make group decisions
·  Knowing about conflicts and how they can be resolved / ·  Knowing the value of others in the wider world as equal and showing them interest and concern
·  Understanding individuality
·  Knowing about how human activity affects the environment, and how sustainability will affect their future / ·  Knowing the value of others in the wider world as equal and showing them interest and concern
·  Understanding individuality
·  Knowing what is meant by ‘rich’ and ‘poor’
·  Understanding what is fair or unfair and recognising the need to combat unfairness
Faith and Belief (RE) / Thinking about the questions:
·  What is the best way for a Jew to show commitment to God?
·  Does praying at regular intervals help Muslims in their everyday lives? / Thinking about the questions:
·  Does completing Hajj make a person a better Muslim?
·  Is it possible to be kind to everyone all the time? / Thinking about the questions:
·  Why did God give Jesus to the world?
·  Is it true that Jesus came back to life again?
Creative Arts
(Art and Design) / ·  Painting
·  Colour mixing / ·  3D sculpture / ·  Sketching/drawing
(Ongoing through the year) / ·  Learning about different artists
·  Using art for self-expression / ·  Visiting an art gallery or working with and artist / ·  Exploring and evaluating art work
(Geography and History) / ·  Finding out about Australia
·  Using maps and other sources to find information
·  Comparing the UK with a non-European country
·  Using geographical vocabulary for key human and physical features
·  Comparing past and present using a range of sources / ·  Using geographical vocabulary for physical and human features and using compass points
·  Using maps and other sources to find information
·  Naming and locating the seven continents and five oceans
·  Understanding how climate and the weather affects different locations / ·  Asking and answering questions about the past using a range of sources from different viewpoints
·  Communicating historical knowledge and understanding in different ways
·  Knowing about a range of events and stories about people from a variety of cultures in the past
Physical Health and Wellbeing / ·  Talking about talents and areas for development
·  Showing consideration, empathy and respect to all different kinds of people
·  Managing feelings
·  Understanding friendships / ·  Managing money
·  Understanding the concept of ‘value’
·  Knowing about different cultures and religions / ·  Understanding responsibilities, rules and laws
·  Knowing about bullying and what to do if they are being bullied
·  Understanding how diet and exercise affects health
·  Knowing how the human body works, including the life cycle
Primary Languages / ·  Knowing about different languages spoken in school
·  Finding out where Arabic and Spanish are spoken
·  Counting and greeting in Arabic and Spanish / ·  Describing colours in Arabic and Spanish / ·  Performing songs and stories in Arabic and Spanish
·  Understanding that lives and traditions are different in different Arabic and Spanish speaking countries
(Taught across the year) / ·  Playing mixed pitched percussion and in mixed ensemble
·  Handling and playing instruments with control / ·  Reading 2 chords from a tab
·  Reading simple notation on 5 lines / ·  Singing, including to accompany themselves and others
·  Knowing about rhythm and pitch
(Taught across the year) / ·  Exploring a range of actions with coordination, control and expression
·  Copying actions and ideas and recognising good quality in performance / ·  Warming up and cooling down
·  Choosing and varying tactics
·  Understanding how exercise affects their heart and breathing / ·  Understanding how to improve their own work
·  Knowing how to use equipment safely

July 2017