School Performance Priorities and Actions to be Taken

to Address Student Achievement

School Name: Kenmore School Principal: Dr. John A. Word, Sr.

(Align Action Steps with Timeline, Responsible Parties and Anticipated Evidence) / TIMELINE FOR ACTIONS / RESPONSIBLE PARTIES
(Progress Monitoring at 30, 60, 90 and 120 Days)
The data below show the % increases necessary to achieve State accreditation and meet the subgroup AMO in English. These data come from the VDOE State AMO Detail Report.
All Students 75
Eng. 6
LEP 17 - 52-69
Eng 7
LEP 16 – 53-69
Eng 8
LEP 37 -- 32-69 / During the 2015-16 school year, students in Gap Groups 1 and 3 will increase their performance in reading (as indicated by their SOL reading scores) sufficient to meet/exceed the State accreditation and the Annual Measurable Objectives (AMO). / Ensure that every child is challenged and engaged
Eliminate achievement gaps
Recruit, retain and develop high quality staff
Provide optimal learning environments
Meet the needs of the whole child / 1. Compile a spreadsheet with each student’s name, Ethnicity, ESOL/HILT level, Sped identification, and support they are receiving. / List completed by Oct. 15, 2015 / Grade level counselors in consultation with grade level administrators and teachers / Number of students identified by grade, team, subject, subgroup and the number and type of intervention being provided. Interventions include ACT II, Strategies class, and intensive, targeted instruction within their regular classroom.
Performance data from benchmark
2. Conduct an analysis of IA Benchmark by strand and item to understand where student strengths and weaknesses are / Immediately following the administration of the benchmark / English and reading teachers monitored by Reading Skills Teacher. / SOL Data watch list
3. Each English and reading teacher will identify LEP students who have not passed the reading SOL and plan appropriate Interventions based on identified areas of weakness. / Plan developed by October 30, 2015 continues through June 2016 / Administrative Team, Reading skills teacher English and reading teachers and HILT/ELA supervisors / IA reports, watch list data including grades
4. Share names of students with all of the students’ teachers along with where the needs are. / Reviewed quarterly / Grade level administrator and Counselor / Watch lists
5. Use SRI data from Scholastic and grades in reading to further identify student needs and to inform instruction. / Reviewed quarterly / ELA teachers with the support of the reading skills teacher / IA data, performance on formative assessments, grades and watch list
6. School-wide collaborative
Teams in all disciplines will teach word analysis strategies, as well as comprehension strategies.
7. Teachers will receive instructional support from Kenmore Reading Skills Teacher and administrative team (weekly), and DOI ELA supervisor, ESOL/HILT and Special Education supervisor and specialists (Monthly) in the form of frequent observations and feedback. / September 2015 through June 2016
September 2015 through June 2016 / Administrative Team, Lead Teachers, Team Leaders and Core Teachers.
Reading Skills Teacher
ELA Teachers / IA data, performance on formative assessments, grades and watchlist
IA data, performance on formative assessments, grades and watch list
8. The professional development plan will include a focus on teaching literacy to help teachers develop skills and strategies to accelerate progress. The Reading Skills Teacher, along with the other Instructional Lead Teachers, will help teachers focus on SIOP strategies. / October 2015 through June 2016 / Reading Skills Teacher, Read 180 Teachers across all disciplines / Watch list including Grades
CLT Smart goals
Teacher surveys showing degree of participation and satisfaction
Classroom walkthroughs, observations and samples of lesson plans
9. Provide reading strategies classes (2) at grade 7 and (2) at Grade 8, Read 180 2 blocks at grades 6 and 7, 1 block at grade 8. / October 2015 through June 2016 / Reading strategies, Read 180, HILT Resource Teachers for dually Identified / IA Data
10. HILT Resource Teachers for dually identified students will push-in to content classes at each grade level. These teachers will use SIOP strategies to support dually identified. / All Year / HILT Resource Teachers / SOL scores, IA and SRI data, grades and student performance on classroom assessments.
11. Provide small group pull out sessions during TA/Excel focused on strengthening reading skills. / September 2015 through June 2016 / Grade Level Administrators, English/reading teachers / Grades and scores on formative and summative assessments
12. Develop structures for teachers to reflect on how their implementation and demonstration of professional development strategies will impact student achievement.
Provide written feedback to teachers on the connections between student learning and professional development strategies/approaches used in the classroom / Began: Feb. 1, 2015
Complete: June 30, 2016 / Principal/Administrative Team’ELA teachers supported by reading skills teacher
All staff will be supported by School based Administrators, Division of Instruction supervisors and teacher specialist tors, Coaches and skills teachers / Administrator, supervisors, coaches and specialist will conduct walkthroughs with specific focus on PD strategies.
Samples of lesson activities, language objectives and content objectives
Sample lessons showing elements of a Lesson Plan
Meeting agendas and notes
Provide schedule of PD activities, team and CLT meetings
Meet weekly with teams and CLT’s
Administer surveys twice a year to ascertain the degree to which teachers report the benefits of PD.
13. To develop effective critical thinking and expression in both written and oral communication as measured by lesson activities, language objectives and content objectives. / September 2015 through June 2016 / All staff will be supported by School based Administrators, Division of Instruction supervisors and teacher specialist tors, Coaches and skills teachers / Samples of lesson activities, language objectives and content objectives
The data below show the % increases necessary to achieve State accreditation and meet the subgroup AMO in Math. These data come from the VDOE State AMO Detail Report.
All Students 70
2015-16 Math AMO
Math 7
Black students + 10 57-67
SWD +23 42-65
Math 8
LEP +9 57-66
SWD +10 55-65 / During the 2015-16 school year, Asian students, and students in gap groups 1 and 2 and will increase their performance in math (as indicated by their SOL math scores) sufficient to meet/exceed state accreditation and the Annual Measurable Objectives (AMO’s). / Ensure that every child is challenged and engaged
Eliminate achievement gaps
Recruit, retain and develop high quality staff
Provide optimal learning environments
Meet the needs of the whole child / 1. Compile a spreadsheet with each student’s name, Ethnicity, ESOL/HILT level, SPED identification, and support they are receiving. / List completed by Oct. 15, 2015 / Grade level counselors in consultation with grade level administrators and teachers / Number of students identified by grade, team, subject, subgroup and the number and type of intervention being provided. Interventions include ACT II, Strategies class, and intensive, targeted instruction within their regular classroom
2. Conduct an analysis of IA Benchmark by strand and item to understand where student strengths and weaknesses are / Immediately following the administration of the benchmark / Math teachers monitored by math coach / Performance data from benchmark
3. Each math teacher will identify students based on SOL Performance and SMI quantile to plan appropriate interventions based on identified areas of weakness. / Plan developed by October 30, 2015 continues through June 2016 / Administrative Team, math coach, math teachers and math supervisor / IA reports, watch lists data including grades
4. Share names of students with all of the students’ teachers along with where the needs are. / Reviewed quarterly / Grade level administrator and Counselor / Watch lists
5. Use benchmark and common formative assessment data and grades in math to further identify student needs and to inform instruction. / Reviewed every two- four weeks / Administrative Team, Lead Teachers, Team Leaders and Core Teachers. / Results as shown in performance reports from IA and grades
6. Teachers assess students using teacher made assessments and IA assessments. Based on unit test data teachers are writing short term SMART goals to measure the effectiveness of re-teaching. Math teachers will work in CLT’s to review student progress twice a week. Progress will be reported to administrative team by maintaining and updating a CLT Task List and meeting agendas on Google Docs. / Weekly / Math Coach , Math Teachers, Grade level administrator and math related members of the ELC / Results as shown in performance reports from IA and grades
7. Teachers will receive instructional support from Kenmore math coach (weekly), Administrative team and DOI math supervisor, ESOL/HILT and Special Education supervisor and specialists (Monthly) in the form of frequent observations and feedback / Weekly/Monthly / Math Coach, Administrative team, DOI math supervisor, ESOL/HILT and Special Education supervisor and specialists. / Results as shown in performance reports from IA and grades
8. The professional development plan will include a focus on teaching proportional reasoning, concept development through the use of manipulatives, real world applications of mathematics and literacy development to help teachers develop skills and strategies to accelerate progress. The Math Coach, along with the other Instructional lead teachers, will use best practices and SIOP strategies. / Monthly department meetings, faculty meetings, and early release days / Administrative Team, Math Coach, Instructional Lead teacher / Improved performance of Asian, Black SWD and students with LEP
9. Provide math strategies classes, (2) at Grade 6, (3) at grade 7 and (3) at Grade 8. / September 2015 through June 2016 / Principal, Director of counseling, strategies teachers and math coach / Monitor interim and quarterly grades in strategies classes as compared to performance in regular math classes.
10. Provide Algebra support class for selected students enrolled in
Algebra taught in a block (1). / September 2015 through June 2016 / Math Coach, Algebra Support Teachers / IA reports, interim and quarterly grades
11. Provide small group pull out sessions during TA/Excel. / End of the 1st marking period / 1 TA/Excel per team (7) 15 students each / IA reports, interim and quarterly grades
12. Principal (monthly), grade level administrator, and counselors (Weekly) monitor student performance using a case manager process. We review each student on the watch list with grade level teams focusing on performance and interventions. / October 2015 through June 2016 / Math Coach, Math Strategies and Algebra Support Teachers and the Principal / The number of students on watch list compared to the number in interventions.
13. Provide Extended Learning Opportunities for students based on benchmark and SMI data. / October 2015 through June 2016 / Math Teachers supported by math coach / Improved report card grades and scores on formative and summative assessments
14. To develop effective critical thinking and expression in both written and oral communication as measured by lesson activities, language objectives and content objectives. / September 2015 through June 2016 / All staff will be supported by School based Administrators, Division of Instruction supervisors and teacher specialist tors, Coaches and skills teachers / Samples of lesson activities, language objectives and content objectives
The data below show the Baseline from the Developmental Assets: A Profile for Youth Executive Summary focused on Internal Assets of 6th grade students.
Learning engagement 37 / During the 2015-16 school year 7th grade students will report a 10% increase of the asset listed below:
Learning engagement / Ensure that every child is challenged and /engaged
Eliminate achievement gaps
Recruit, retain and develop high quality staff
Provide optimal learning environments
Meet the needs of the whole child / 1. Expand the digital learning initative to 7th grade
2. Provide professional development on the SAMR Model
3 Incorporate arts integration across all disciplines
4. Teachers will use authentic tasks that have natural connections to the content and student lives
5. Continue development and implementation of Positve Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS) into the 4th year
6. Expand the 40 books challenge
7. Library will target students in subgroup 2 to increase the # of books they read
8. Continue to support the Teen Advisory Board, Boys and Girls Book Clubs, host author visitis, highlihght books being read across the school community and encourage the use of classroom libraries and choice
9. Student Led Conferences
Students share their learner profile with parents Student Led Conferences during Parent Teacher Confereces (schedules, report card, academic and behavioral strengths and weaknesses, learning styles and achievement goals) / Ongoing
September 2015 through June 2016
September 2015 through June 2016
September 2015 through June 2016
September 2015 through June 2016
September 2015 through June 2016
September 2015 through June 2016
September 2015 through June 2016
September 2015 through June 2016
September 2015 through June 2015
And during parent teacher conferences in October and March. / Principal/Administrative Team, ITC and Teachers
Principal/Administrative Team, ITC, Instructional Lead Teacher and Teachers
Instructiona Lead teacher/Focus program coordinator, all teachers
Instructional Lead teacher/Focus program coordinator, all teachers
Administrators and Faculty,PBIS committee,
All Staff
Reading skills teacher and all ELA Teachers
Student Led Conferences Committee, Administrators and
Faculty / Developmental Assets Survey
Classroom observations, Lesson Plans
Agenda from professional development session(s)
CLT Notes Classroom observations, Lesson Plan
Classroom observations, Lesson Plans, assessments in google docs folder
Minutes from PBIS committee, SWIS data reports
Classroom observations, Lesson Plans
Documented through school displays, teacher records including book logs maintained by students.
School calendar, Meeting notes and displays
Naviance profiles, report card and interim grades, parent vue, student vue, SLC preparation videos and powerpoints
