City of Gary, South Dakota
Regular Council Meeting
Monday, May 2, 2016 at 7:30 p.m. at Gary City Hall
The Gary City Council met in regular session on Monday, May 2, 2016, at 7:30 p.m. in the City Hall. Aldermen Albert Bekaert, Mary Peterson, John Jenson, Clark Dessler, Cory Borg, and Darwyn Engesser were present. Mayor Jeff Engesser presided. Present also were Marty Grabow, Brent Jeppesen, Leon Kaiser, Jim Norlander, Mike Nosbush and Shirley Pederson.
Motion by Darwyn Engesser, second by Bekaert to approve the agenda. All members voted aye, motion carried.
Motion by Bekaert, second by Jenson to approve the minutes of the April 4th regular meeting. All members voted aye, motion carried.
Finance Office-1,360.64;Librarian-519.36;Streets/Parks-3,069.93;Water-713.00;Sewer-713.00;Rubble-site-139.80;AFLAC-Premium-228.66;American Legion-summer ball program donation-2,000.00;Bjerke Sanitation-garbage collection-1,705.25;Brookings-Deuel Rural Water-447,000 gallons-1,041.65;Business Forms & Acctg-laser utility bill forms-159.73;C & A Auto-April fuel charges-297.01;City of Gary-water/community center-35.65;Clear Lake Courier-proceedings,notices-63.83;Deuel Co.Auditor-Law enforcement- 873.86;Doug’s Service & Marine-repair/sharpen reel gangs-841.85;EFTPS/FWT 941 Tax-FWT Bar-525.74, City-994.52=1,520.26;EFTPS/OASI/SS/MT-OASI-Bar-1,008.82,City-1,131.60=2,140.42; First Ev. Lutheran Church-helped w/clean-up day-100.00;Gary Post Office-stamps-34.00;Gary Ridgers 4-H Club-helped w/clean-up day-100.00;Gate City General-supplies-151.16;HD Electric-cemetery electricity-32.62;ITC-phone,internet,fax,alarm loop-84.43,Library-DSL,Static IP-50.12;John Kleinjan-cemetery fence-1,525.80;Kaiser Welding-reinforce mower deck mount-235.00;Leroy Dessler-mileage-37.80;Mike Nosbush-cell phone reimbursement-25.00;Office Peeps-supplies-77.59;Ottertail Power Co.-Electricity-820.56;Petty Cash-replenish-72.92;SD Dept of Health-coliform test-15.00;Dept of Rev & Reg-garbage/landfill tax-160.64;SD One Call-March message fee-4.20;SD Retirement-Bar-626.00,City-855.60=1,481.60;Star Laundry-Uniforms-68.20;Stee Electric LLC-LED lighting/concession stand & restrooms;The Tree Farm-13 trees-1,323.70;Wellmark BCBS-Insurance-4,685.74.
Municipal Liquor-8,514.75;AFLAC-Premium-308.80;Cash-Wa Dist-monthly invoice-713.05;Chesterman-Pop-404.65;City of Gary-water,sewer,garbage-159.04;Culligan-monthly service-16.00;Dakota Entertainment-4/30/16 DJ-375.00;Ellwein Bros.-Beer-7,156.25;Gate City General-supplies/food-43.33;Harry’s Frozen Foods-pizza-420.50;Hendricks Farmers Lumber-2 doors-1,198.00;Henry’s Foods-cigarettes, food, supplies-2,367.75;ITC-Phone,DSL,TV-237.11;Jim Dandy-beef jerky-172.50;Johnson Bros.-liquor,wine, wine coolers-1,491.10;-Office Peeps-supplies-204.77;Old Dutch Foods-Chips-73.50;Ottertail-Electricity-534.56;Pizza & Burger Shack-pizza-90.00;Porter Dist. Co.-beer, wine coolers-464.95;Republic National Dist.-liquor, wine/wine coolers-1,367.77;SD Dept of Revenue-liquor tax-1,714.40;Star Laundry-towels, rugs-59.40;Unique Entertainment 4/9/16 DJ-350.00.
Motion by Dessler, second by Darwyn Engesser to approve the verified claims and issue warrants in payment thereof. All members voted aye, motion carried.
Comments were heard from utilities manager and finance officer. Committee & Ward reports were also heard.
Mayor declared adjournment of council to reconvene for reorganization at 7:45 p.m.
Oath of Office was read by Jeff Engesser, Mayor, 2 year term, Darwyn Engesser, Alderman Ward I, 2 year term, Cory Borg, Alderman Ward II, 1 year term, and Clark Dessler, Alderman Ward III, 2 year term. There is a vacancy in Ward II. Mayor Engesser appointed Mary Peterson to fill the vacancy in Ward II until the next election. Oath of Office was read by Mary Peterson, Alderman Ward II, until next election. Returning council members are: Albert Bekaert, Ward I, and John Jenson, Ward III.
Election of officers and committee appointments were held: Nominations for President: Dessler nominated Jenson, second by Borg. Motion by Darwyn Engesser, second by Bekaert to cease nominations. All members voted aye, motion carried. President is John Jenson. Nominations for Vice-President: Jenson nominated Dessler, second by Darwyn Engesser. Motion by Borg, second by Bekaert to cease nominations. All members voted aye, motion carried. Vice-President is Clark Dessler. Committees appointed by Mayor: Streets and Alleys: Darwyn Engesser, Cemetery: Albert Bekaert, Liquor: John Jenson and Mayor Jeff Engesser, Parks: Mary Peterson, Golf Course: Cory Borg, Sanitary: Cory Borg, Library: Clark Dessler, Law Enforcement: Darwyn Engesser, Water and Sewer: Clark Dessler.
James Norlander was present to request the mowing assessment against his real estate taxes be removed. Motion by Borg, second by Jenson to have finance officer contact the County Auditor and ask that the assessment be removed. All members voted aye, motion carried.
Leon Kaiser from Four Moons Rising Rendezvous was present. Leon stated they will be holding their annual event from June 30th through July 4th this year and asked if the City would be willing to spray for mosquito control again. Motion by Darwyn Engesser, second by Jenson to spray the site before and at least once during the rendezvous. All members voted aye, motion carried.
Brent Jeppesen and Marty Grabow were present to further discuss the street dance the Dakota Trailblazers are planning for July 2, 2016. The Council advised them they would need to make sure their insurance would be good for this or they would need to get special coverage for the event. Also they would need to provide their own security. They approached the municipal liquor store about providing a beer garden for the dance. Motion by Peterson, second by Jenson to have the liquor store apply for a special temporary permit that would enable them to do this. All members voted aye, motion carried.
Motion by Darwyn Engesser, second by Borg to approve a special temporary liquor license for May 7, 2016 & May 8, 2016(until 1:00 a.m.), May 14, 2016 May 15, 2016(until 1:00 a.m.), and May 21, 2016 & May 22, 2016(until 1:00 a.m.) at the Gary Legion (Jack Weir) at E 23’ of Lot 11 and all of Lots 12, 13, 14 in Block 1 of Original Plat, Gary, SD. On-sale only. All members voted aye, motion carried.
Motion by Peterson, second by Darwyn Engesser to approve the following liquor license renewals:
Malt Beverage License renewal for calendar year 2016-2017: Bruce and Diane Melby (The Alibi) Lots 5 & 6, Block 1 of Original Plat, Gary, South Dakota. On & Off sale beer.
Malt Beverage License renewal for calendar year 2016-2017: American Legion Ballroom
E 23’ of Lot 11 and all of Lots 12, 13, 14 in Block 1, Original Plat, City of Gary, South Dakota. On sale only. All members voted aye, motion carried.
Motion by Borg, second by Bekaert to replace the outfield fence at Legion Field(upper baseball field). All members voted aye, motion carried.
Motion by Bekaert, second by Darwyn Engesser to pass and adopt the following Resolution #2016-03, 2016 Contingency Transfer for cemetery fence:
WHEREAS, the following departments within the General Fund could be over expended for the year 2016;
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of Gary, South Dakota transfers $1,530.00 available in contingency funds in the following manner:
General Fund – 101
437 - Cemeteries - $1,530.00
Total: $1,530.00
Adopted by the Gary City Council this 2nd Day of May, 2016 for immediate passage:
Jeff Engesser, Mayor
Shirley Pederson, Finance Officer
All members voted aye, motion carried.
Building permit #2016-02 was issued to Leroy Dessler to move a new storage shed on his property at 416 1st Ave, Gary, SD.
Motion by Dessler, second by Jenson to have finance officer attend a budget workshop in Sioux Falls on July 14, 2016. All members voted aye, motion carried.
The next regular council meeting will be Monday, June 6, 2016, at 7:30 p.m. at the Gary City Hall.
Motion by Darwyn Engesser, second by Bekaert to adjourn. All members voted aye, motion carried.
City Council, City of Gary
Shirley Pederson, Finance Officer
Published May 11, 2016
Published once at the total approximate cost of $