NCPEN Listserv: Frequently Asked Questions
What is NCPEN?
The North Carolina Preschool Electronic Network or NCPEN is a listserv for North Carolina’s Preschool Coordinators.
Who is a member of NCPEN?
All designated school system Exceptional ChildrenPreschool Coordinators, Vivian James and other staff from the Office of Early Learning at the Department of Public Instruction, Early Learning Network staff, and interested Exceptional Children Directors are on the list. In some LEAs, where the responsibilities of the Coordinator are shared by another staff member, this person may also be on NCPEN, but only if the Coordinator or Director requests that they be included.
How does the listserv work?
Any member of the listserv may post a message. Messages are ‘moderated,’ in that Vivian James will approve the message before it is sent. Once it is approved, ALL members will receive a copy of the message. The purpose of moderating listserv messages is to give Vivian an opportunity to answer questions individually when appropriate.
How do I send a message?
Write an email message and send it to .
How do I respond to a message?
There are two ways to respond. If you click on “Respond” or “Reply”, only the person who sent the original message will get your response. If you click on ‘reply all,’ it will go to the entire listserv.
Doesn’t this method of response limit the usefulness of the listserv?
Yes. It makes it more difficult to have a conversation across the state about a topic of interest. On the other hand, it does keep everyone from being inundated with “Out of Office” messages. Only the sender will receive such automated replies.
What is the listserv used for?
NCPEN is the major way for people working in key roles in the state’s Exceptional Children Preschool Program to communicate. It provides Vivian with access to all 115 programs in the state when they have important information to share. It is also a way to let programs know about new resources and professional development opportunities. It provides a mechanism for sharing information and posing questions among Preschool Coordinators.
I found out that I didn’t get a message that was posted on NCPEN. Why?
There are several reasons why this might happen. Your email Inbox may be over quota. Your spam filters may “think” the message is spam. There may be firewalls that don’t recognize email from . Work with your IT support person to identify and correct the problem and/or contact to check to make sure we have your current email address.
How does a new Preschool Coordinator get on NCPEN?
As soon as he is notified of a change in staff or email addresses, Matt Coy, the list administrator, updatesthe listserv. Matt’s goal is to make changes within 48 hours of notification.
Early Learning Network –NC Department of Public Instruction