Ordinary meeting held on Wednesday 25th November 2015
1 / Welcome and
Apologies / Ken in the Chair
He welcomed Liz Mackenzie who was to speak later in the evening
Apologies from Colin B and Mike R.
2 / Minutes / The minutes of the Ordinary meeting held on 28th October were circulated and agreed.
3 / Hallowe'en Disco / This had gone very well with a balance of £57 after expenses paid.
4 / Remembrance / Ken had laid a wreath at the service at the War Memorial on behalf of the Association, cost £17. He thanked Ruth for taking part in the service. Margaret asked if there could be any means for securing the wreaths, as in the high winds many had been blown away.
5 / Buxton Crescent and Spa Update / Liz Mackenzie, who is working for both Buxton Opera and Literary Festival and for the Crescent Project, gave a presentation on the progress of the Crescent Project. The intention is to create an 80 bed 5 star hotel, which will be only the second spa hotel to be opened in the UK for over a century. There will also be a Spa Heritage Centre, tours of the ballroom, 7 boutique shops and a restored pump room with concerts on the roof. Preliminary works should start in March 2016 and the main contract in the summer of 2016. Anticipated opening is summer 2018 in time for the Festival.
Currently a light and sound project was taking place after dark.
A collaborative project to create an oral and visual archive exploring Buxton and past lives will launch at the Old Hall Hotel on 10th December 10.30 am. Friends of the Crescent will launch in the spring of 2016. Tours are taking place with groups, and links are being developed with the Community School, Civic Association, Chatsworth etc.
A question was asked about parking.
Ken thanked Liz for her presentation, and Linda who had made arrangements.
6 / Quiz Night / This is on 29th December at The Parks at 7.30 pm
Arrangements were finalised – Quiz and Hot Pot Supper - £5; with bingo 50p a ticket. Hot Pot for 30 - £90 to be ordered in advance. Teams - max. 6 persons. Linda to set questions and produce quiz sheets, and Elaine to be question master. Elaine and Linda to sort out raffle prizes. £30 prize for quiz winners.
3 bingo prizes. Posters – Linda; Press – Colin.
7 / Defibrillator / This is now fixed on the wall and connected up for electricity. Linda will arrange training to follow the January meeting in the Hoffman Bar. Provisionally, public training to be offered at The Parks on 13th January 7 – 8 pm. Ken thanked Linda for all the work she had put into getting the defibrillator installed.
Photo call – provisional dates 5th or 12th December at noon. Caitlin B and Lynne S to be invited. Peter Weston to be invited to take photos.
Agreed that £20 per year be given to The Parks to cover electricity.
Insurance – enquiries to be made.
8 / S106 monies / This project is still in the queue. Hopefully a formal letter will be received from HPBC in the New Year.
9 / Constitution / To be discussed at next meeting.
10 / Next Meeting / Wednesday 27th January 7.30 pm Hoffman Bar.