CBS MG-5/Doc. 3.1(1), p. 1
GENEVA, SWITZERLAND, 26-29 APRIL 2005 / CBS-MG-V/Doc. 3.1(1)
ITEM 3.1
Original: ENGLISH
OPAG on Integrated Observing Systems-Teams structure
(Submitted by the Secretariat)
Summary and Purpose of DocumentThe document presents proposals for composition of each Expert Team established within OPAG-IOS, namely ET-EGOS, ET-SSUP, ET-SAT and ET-AWS. The proposed membership based upon formal Member’s proposals in replying to the WMO circular letter 13067-04/W/CBS-XIII of 3 November 2004. The level of expertise, input and effectiveness provided by each candidate during the previous work of the ETs were taken into account.
The Management Group is invited to review and endorse the composition of ETs established by CBS-XIII under OPAG-IOS.
Reference:1.The final report of CBS-XIII (St.- Petersburg, 23 February-3 March 2005), PINK5.1 and PINK 9.
Appendices:A.Membership of the ICT on Integrated Observing System (ICT- IOS)
B.Proposed membership of the ET on Evolution of the Global Observing System (ET- EGOS)
- Proposed membership of the ET on Evolution of Satellite System Utilization and Products (ET-SSUP)
- Proposed membership of the ET on Satellite Systems
- Proposed membership of the ET on Requirements for Data from Automatic Weather Stations (ET-AWS)
1.CBS-XIII decided to re-establish the four Open Programme Area Groups including OPAG on Integrated Observing Systems. With a view to making the necessary arrangements for efficiently carrying out the various tasks under the agreed work programme and the corresponding activities, the Commission agreed to establish teams as well as rapporteurs within each of the OPAGs. The overall structure of the OPAG-IOS as approved by the Commission comprises the following:
- Implementation/Coordination Team on Integrated Observing System (ICT- IOS)
- Expert Team on Evolution of the Global Observing System (ET- EGOS)
- Expert Team on Evolution of Satellite System Utilization and Products (ETSSUP)
- Expert Team on Satellite Systems (ET-SAT)
- Expert Team on Requirements for Data from Automatic Weather Stations (ETAWS)
- Rapporteur on AMDAR activities
- Rapporteur on GCOS matters
- Rapporteur on Regulatory Material
- Co-rapporteurs on scientific evaluation of OSEs and OSSEs
- Co-rapporteurs on impacts of new instrumentation on the GOS
2.The Commission designated the chairs, co-chairs and rapporteurs of the above working structure that, therefore, constituted a membership of the Implementation/Coordination Team on Integrated Observing System (ICT- IOS), given in Appendix A.
3.The Commission further requested the CBS Management Group to establish the membership of the ETs of each OPAG. Chairperson of the OPAG-IOS and chairs of respective teams, in co-operation with the Secretariat had proposed the membership of each ET based upon formal Member’s replies to the WMO circular letter (Ref.13067-04/W/CBS-XIII of 3 November 2004). The level of expertise, input and effectiveness provided by each candidate during the previous work of the ETs were taken into account. The proposed composition of ET-EGOS, ET-SSUP, ET-SAT and ET-AWS is given in Appendices B, C, D and E respectively. The Management Group is invited to review and endorse the composition of ETs.
Appendix A
implementation/coordination team on integrated observing system (ict- ios)
- James Purdom (USA), chair
- Susanne Barrel (Australia), co-chair
- Paul Menzel (USA), ET-EGOS chair
- Jérome Lafeuille (France), ET-SSUP chair
- Wenjian Zhang (China), ET-SAT chair
- Rainer Dombrowski (USA), ET-AWS chair
- Jochen Dibbern (Germany), rapporteur on AMDAR activities
- Matthew Menne (USA), rapporteur on GCOS matters
- Alexander Vasiliev (Russian Federation), rapporteur on GOS regulatory material
- Jean Pailleux (France), co-rapporteur on scientific evaluation of OSEs and OSSEs
- Ko Koizumi (Japan), co-rapporteur on scientific evaluation of OSEs and OSSEs
- Co-rapporteur on impacts of new instrumentation on the GOS (RA VI, TBD)
- Co-rapporteur on impacts of new instrumentation on the GOS (RA I, TBD)
Appendix B
Expert team on evolution of the global observing system (et- egos)
- Dr Paul Menzel (USA), chair
- Dr Thomas Schlatter (USA)
- Mr Dean Lockett (Australia)
- Dr Florence Rabier (France)
5.Dr Horst Boettger (representing ECMWF)
6.Mr Herbert Pümpel (representing CAeM)
7.Dr Johannes Schmetz (representing EUMETSAT)
8.Dr John R. Eyre (representing CAS)
9.Dr Raino Heino (representing CCl)
10.Mr Jeff Stickland (representing AMDAR Panel)
11.Dr Jim Caughey (representing EUMETNET)
Appendix C
Expert team on saTellite systems utilization and products (et- SSUP)
- Mr Jérome Lafeuille (France), chair
- Dr David GRIERSMITH (Australia)
3.Mr Jeffrey WILSON (Australia)
4.Dr Luis Augusto Toledo MACHADO (Brazil)
5.Mr Xiaoxiang ZHU (China)
6.Mr Wolfgang BENESCH (Germany)
7.Dr Paolo PAGANO (Italy)
8.Mr Ryoji KUMABE (Japan)
9.Dr Alexander NERUSHEV (Russian Federation)
10.Mr Sory DIALLO (Senegal)
11.Dr Volker GAERTNER (representing EUMETSAT)
Appendix D
Expert team on saTellite systems (et- Sat)
- Wenjian Zhang, chair
2.Dr E. Oriol-Pibernat, (ESA)
3.Mr Lorenzo Sarlo, (EUMETSAT)
4.Mr Yoshiaki Takeuchi, (JMA)
5.Dr James Gurka, , (NOAA)
6.Ms Anna KHOKLOVA, (Russian Federation)
7.Dr P.C. Joshi (ISRO, SAC India)
8.Dr Tsuguhiko Katagi, (Japan (JAXA))
9.Dr Michael King (NASA)
Appendix E
Expert team on requirements for data from automatic weather stations (et- aWS)
1.Rainer Dombrowski (USA), chair
2.Mr Jorge Emilio Rodríguez (Brazil)
3.Mr Russell Stringer (Australia)
4.Mr Igor Zahumensky (Slovakia)
5.Mr Michel Leroy (Representing EUMETNET)
6.Dr Jitze P. van der Meulen (Representing CIMO)
7.Expert representing CAgM (TBD)
8.Expert representing CAeM (TBD)