EDLD 5397 Internship in Supervision
Week 3 Assignment (100Points)
The purpose of this week’s assignment is to become familiar with the APA and IRB guidelines while beginning to write a draft Action Research Project Report.
During this week’s activities, you will:
- Participate in the optional web conference.
- Review and reflect on learning from APA, Lamar IRB guidelines, and your district’s IRB policies. In the course ware Discussion Board, share your reflections on APA and IRB guidelines: a) What did you learn about APA? b) What is the most confusing or least clear aspect of APA for you? c) Compare and contrast the IRB guidelines for Lamar University and for your local school district.
- Review with school principal and report progress of Action Research Project in your Discussion Board.
- Create draft of first 8 parts of your Action Research Project template after reviewing with your principal.
- Create and draft the Dissemination Plan for Action Research Project.
Learning Outcomes
Candidates will:
- Be familiar with strategies for the dissemination of their research findings and know appropriate audiences
- Know accepted format(s) for publishing research findings
Performance Outcomes
Candidates will be able to:
- Review with school principal and draft progress on Action Research Project.
- Create and draft the Dissemination Plan for Action Research Project.
Assignment Due Date: All weekly assignment components are due by 11:59 p.m. on the seventh day of Week 3 unless the activity directions specify different instructions.
Use the following Rubric to guide your work on the Week 3 Assignments.
EDLD 5397Week 3
Tasks / Accomplished/
Exceeds Standards
/ Proficient/
Standards / Needs Improvement/
Approaches Standards / Unacceptable/
Does Not Meet Standards
Part 1
Web Conference / The candidate participated in a Web conference or watched the recording of the conference and documented experience in the student e-Portfolio wiki/blog/Google site, and submitted the link to the instructional associate.
(1 Point) / The candidate did not participate in a web conference, did not document experience in the student wiki or blog, and did not submit the link to the instructional associate.
(0 Points)
Part 2A
Discussion Board
Prompt A / The candidate clearly addresses each discussion prompt with a minimum of one paragraph for both parts.
(9 points) / The candidate addresses each discussion prompt with one or two sentences for both parts.
(7 points) / The candidate addresses only one discussion prompt with one or two sentences for only one part.
(5 points) / The candidate does not address either discussion prompt.
(0 points)
Part 2B
Discussion Board
Prompt B / The candidate clearly addresses each discussion prompt with a minimum of one paragraph for both parts.
(10 points) / The candidate addresses each discussion prompt with one or two sentences for both parts.
(8 points) / The candidate addresses only one discussion prompt with one or two sentences for only one part.(5 points) / The candidate does not address either discussion prompt .
(0 points)
EDLD 5397
Week 3
Tasks / Accomplished/
Exceeds Standards
/ Proficient/
Standards / Needs Improvement/
Approaches Standards / Unacceptable/
Does Not Meet Standards
Part 3
Draft Action Research Project Progress Report / The candidate provides all 8 sections of the Draft Action Research Project template provided in the assignments for Week 3.
(50 points) / The candidate provides at least 6 sections of the Action Research Project template provided in the assignments for Week 3.
(40 points) / The candidate provides at least 4 sections of the Action Research Project template provided in the assignments for Week 3.
(35 points) / The candidate does not provide sections of the Action Research Project template provided in the assignments for Week 3.
(0 Points)
Part 4
Draft Dissemination Plan for Action Research Project Using Dana text
p. 135-169. / The candidate provides (1) the identification of the target audience, specific persons or groups, and explains why research will be shared with them; (2) how you plan to share your research, how you can use technological tools to disseminate, and what impact those distribution tools will make; (3) explain why each of the four critical tasks should be covered in your sharing.
(30 points) / The candidate provides 2 of the 3 sections covered in the Accomplished column.
(20 points) / The candidate provides 1 of the 3 sections covered in the Accomplished column.
(10 points) / The candidate does not provide information in the Accomplished column.
(0 points)
Week 3 Assignment, Part 1: Web Conference
Due Week 3
During this class, you have the opportunity to participate in weekly web conferences. At the beginning of your course, the professor(s) will provide a list of scheduled web conferences and the URL to access the sessions.
You do not need to download or purchase additional software to participate in the conferences. However, a headset with microphone and web camera is preferred equipment. For further details, see the information sent to you by the professor(s) and/or Instructional Associate via email, discussion board, Virtual Office Hours, and/or announcements.
Directions: After reflecting on the attended web conference or listening to the recording of the conference, post insights gained from the discussion.
Watching and listening to the web conference this week, it was exciting to hear about the different action research projects that were being done. Dr. Martin answered questions that I had wondered about regarding our action research reports. The idea of descriptive research could be used by myself as I tried to implement my plan. The problems and barriers we had to overcome would be important to include in the report. The other item he discussed was the way to describe the data that was used for the needs assessment and results of the research. There are several different ways the data can be represented in the report: charts, tables or text. All formats are acceptable for the written report.One item of interest was the lack of visable IRB policies within the different districts. It seems that many districts are not requiring IRBs for their teachers doing research; or, the IRB policies are clearly stated so teachers are aware that they must have approval before they begin any research involving humans. In my case, I finally found out who I should contact in our district; however, the guidelines are not available print. The district contact person will provide a verbal explanation of what is required.
Week 3 Assignment, Part 2A and 2B: Discussion Board
Due Week 3
Directions: In the Discussion Board, address each discussion prompt by writing one paragraph in response to part A, and one paragraph in response to part B.
Initial response is due 4th day by 11:59 p.m. Respond to at least one colleague by 7th day @ 11:59 p.m.
Part 2A)
1. Access the website for the American Psychological Association (APA) style guidelines at
2. View the APA Style tutorial located at the link: called, The Basics of APA Style. This tutorial is designed for those who have no previous knowledge of APA Style. It shows users how to structure and format their work, recommends ways to reduce bias in language, identifies how to avoid charges of plagiarism, shows how to cite references in text, and provides selected reference examples (American Psychological Association, 2011). The basics of APA style. Retrieved June 20, 2011, from
3. Investigate the Institutional Review Board (IRB) Policies
Review the Lamar University Policy and Procedures on Use of Human Subjects in Research at Go to the section entitled:Human Subjects InformationHumanSubjects Review Board Formsand Human SubjectsPolicy. The Lamar University policy statement will help you learn about the Institutional Review Board and requirements for research which may include human subjects.
4. Investigate your local district’s IRB policies.
5. In the Discussion Board, respond to the following prompts:
a. What did you learn about APA?
b. Compare and contrast the IRB guidelines for Lamar University and for your local school district.
c. Share your understanding of APA style, why it is used, and share any information about what is the most confusing or least clear aspect of APA.
d. Share your understanding of the IRB policy.
e. Does your district have an IRB policy? If so, in what ways is it similar to the Lamar University policy? What ways is it different?”
Part 2B)
1. Make an appointment with your principal, meet with him or her, and review together the progress you have made on your Action Research Project. Modify plans if necessary and make plans to move toward completion.
2. In the Discussion Board, respond to the following prompts:
a. Reflect upon the successes you have achieved with your Action Research Project.
b. After a visit with your school principal, share your plans for updating your Action Research Project.
Week 3 Assignment,Part 3:Draft Action Research Project Progress Report
Due Week 3
- Using the following eight outline elements, write your paper at the end of this assignment document in the space entitled Draft Action Research Project Report.
- Title – Provide a clear, brief title that describes your Action Research Project. This title should describe what you are trying to find out, not what you think you will find. (5 points)
- Needs Assessment – Indicate how the need for an improvement was determined. Note the data collected to support the need. Present the data in a disaggregated manner in terms of ethnicity, and gender. (5 points)
- Objectives and Vision of the action research project. (ELCC 1.1) – After completing the needs assessment, develop a vision relating to the improvement needed and develop an action research project that includes measureable objectives in terms of expected results. (5 points)
- Review of the Literature and Action Research Strategy – Apply Best Practice to Student Learning (LCC 2.3) – Review recent literature related to the topic of your research project. The research should support why your action research plan would be described as a best practice or possible solution to improving achievement or culture. The review of the literature should be written in APA style with a reference page listing the sources. Explain the decision making process for implementing the action research project. Who was involved? What was considered? What decisions were made? (5 points)
- Articulate the Vision (ELCC 1.2) – Describe how you communicated the vision of the action research project to staff, parents, students, and community members. (5 points)
- Manage the organization (ELCC 3.1) – Describe the strategy used for organizing the implementation of the project noting responsibilities given to self and others and how you managed any monies, time, materials, and people. Give examples of how you put a priority on student learning and safety. (5 points)
- Manage Operations (ELCC 3.2) – Describe the strategy used to lead the operations of the project and set priorities. Include a brief description of how you used the needs assessment, data, group process skills, built consensus, communicated, and resolved conflict. (5 points)
- Respond to Community Interest and Needs (ELCC 4.2) – Describe how the action research project will serve the needs of students with special and exceptional needs and students with diverse backgrounds (cultural, ethnic, economic, or special interest groups) Elaborate on methods used to address any specific needs of the school or community. (5 points)
Provide the e-Portfolio wiki/blog/Google sitelink for your Action Research Project. Include a Word document format of your Draft Action Research Project Report on your e-Portfolio wiki/blog/Google site (provided you have a site) in addition to including the content at the end of this assignment document.
Week 3 Assignment, Part 4: Draft Dissemination Plan for Action Research Project
Due Week 3
Sharing Your Action Research Plan, Progress, Findings, and Recommendations
Read chapter 5 from the Dana text,The Travelogue: Sharing your work with others,pp. 135 – 169,and write a description of how you will share the progress and process of your action research project, as well as discussing ways to disseminate your action research project findings and recommendations. Be sure to include information on the four critical tasks you must include in effectively sharing your action research project, see the Dana text, pp. 163 – 169:
1) Provide background information.
2) Share the design of the inquiry (procedures, data collection, and data analysis).
3) State the learning and supporting statements with data.
4) Provide concluding thoughts.
As you describe your dissemination plan, identify who might be your target audience. Identify any specific persons or groups, and explain why you want to share your research with them.
Use this workspace to tell about the target audience to share your Action Research Project Results.
My target audience would be the Pre-AP and AP teachers for all grades 9-12. Another group that might benefit would be the Resource and Inclusion classes. Many times the Special Education students cannot see that they are making progress in their learning. Using ePortfolios in these classes may change the students’ attitudes about school and their learning. Our administrative staff would be one of the presentations so they can understand what an impact that ePortfolios and Web 2.0 tools can have on the engagement and academic success of our students. The final group would be the students and parents to celebrate their academic successes.Based on your reading from Chapter5 of the Dana text, describe how you plan to share your research. Be as creative as possible and remember to think out of the box - be sure to include technology and how that can impact your dissemination plans.
Use this workspace for writing about how you plan to share your Action Research Project Results.
My presenation to the teachers and administrative staff will probably be a video explaining the action research project. When speaking about the results, I would include students talking about their experiences with the variety of strategies used and the results. The conclusion will include an encouragement for the teachers to implement the ePortfolio in their classes.For the students and parents there would be an overview of the project and the results. I would probably set up computers in the cafeteria for students to share their work with their parents.
After reviewing the four critical tasks you must include in effectively sharing your action research project, briefly explain why each of these tasks must be covered in your sharing. You will review this in more detail in Week 4 as you draft your action research report format.
Use this workspace to explain the importance of these four critical tasks.
The first step in presenting your action research with the audience is to provide background information about it. The background information explains the environment and culture of the campus where the reseach was completed. This is helpful to those in the audience that are not familiar with your situation. Background information can include not just the environment and culture of your campus but gives a reason for why the action research was done.Once you have set the stage of your research, the next step is to explain how the inquiry was designed. The audience needs to understand what steps you took to implement the plan and the processes you used to collect and analyze the data from the research. This explanation demonstrates the logic and sequence of events that contributed to your inquiry.
Whether the results were what you expected or not, you will have acquired knowledge as a result of your inquiry. Reporting what you learned is the third step when sharing your research. When you present your findings, be sure to include data to support your statements/findings. Sometimes there may be an anomaly in the results; be sure to include these and a possible explanation as to why it happened.
The final step in the process is to provide your final thoughts. Most reseach results in more questions about the topic. In this step you may want to include those questions that have arisen as a result of your action research.
Week 3 Assignment, Part 3
Draft Action Research Project Progress Report
Action Research Progress Report is posted on next page.
2011 Lamar UniversityJoyce Howard—ET8026 -- 10/2/18Page 1 of 16
Impact of ePortfolios on Students’ Life Long Learning Skills and Academic Success
Joyce P. Howard and Sharon “Denny” Sexton
Shoemaker High School
Killeen Independent School District
Author Note
Joyce P. Howard, Campus Technology Support Specialist, and Sharon “Denny” Sexton, English Department, Shoemaker High School.