Heriot-Watt University
In the Chair: / Professor Richard A Williams, Principal and Vice-Chancellor
Present Also: / Professor Julian Jones, Vice-Principal
Professor Robert Craik, Vice-Principal (Malaysia)*
Professor Ammar Kaka, Vice-Principal (Dubai)*
Professor Gill Hogg, Deputy Principal (Engagement and Staff Development)
Dr Gillian Murray, Deputy Principal (Enterprise and Business)
Professor Gareth Pender, Deputy Principal (Research and Innovation)
Professor John Sawkins, Deputy Principal (Learning and Teaching)
Professor Malcolm Chrisp, Head (Energy, Geoscience, Infrastructure, and Society)
Professor Robert MacIntosh, Head (Social Sciences)
Professor Stephen McLaughlin, Head (Engineering and Physical Sciences)
Professor Beatrice Pelloni, Head (Mathematical and Computer Science)
Professor Fiona Waldron, Head (Textiles and Design)
Professor Mushtak Al-Atabi, Senior Deputy Vice-Principal (Malaysia)*
Ms Ann Marie Dalton-Pillay, Secretary of the University
Mr Andrew Menzies, Director of Finance
In Attendance: / Mr Richard McGookin, Director of Planning
Mr Mark Adderley, Director of Human Resource Development
Ms Nuala Boyle, Assistant Principal (Development)
Ms Ruth Moir, Assistant Principal (International Development)
Mr Joe Pacitti, Assistant Principal (Strategic Projects and Policy)
Professor Mercedes Maroto-Valer, Assistant Deputy Principal (Research and Innovation)
Mr Brett Dodgson, Clerk
Apologies: / Professor Heather McGregor, Executive Dean (Edinburgh Business School)

* Indicates member participating remotely

The Chair welcomed to the meeting the members of the UE and those colleagues who were in attendance.
In a verbal report the Principal noted that he had attended the end of year concert given by the University Choir and Orchestra. The concert had been given in Greyfriar’s Kirk in Edinburgh and had attracted a large and appreciative audience. It was noted that future concerts could provide an opportunity for engagement with alumni, external stakeholders, and other supporters.
The Principal had also led a visit to the Falkirk campus of Forth Valley College. During the visit there had been an opportunity to see plans for new laboratory spaces and facilities, part of a major £80 million investment by the College in its science and engineering provision. It was noted that the Assistant Principal (Strategic Projects and Policy) had prepared a diagram illustrating the place of the University in the the learner journey of 15 to 24 year olds from the senior phase of secondary education through to employment. It was agreed that the diagram should be circulated to members of the UE.
The Principal thanked members of the UE who had attended the Learning and Teaching Oscars hosted by the Student Union at the Edinburgh campus 3 May 2017. This had followed an equivalent event at the Dubai campus in April 2017. The Principal congratulated all those who had received awards and noted how successful these events continued to be in recognising individual contributions to learning and teaching.
It was noted that Universities UK had produced materials relating to the forthcoming UK general election and that these had been forwarded by the Clerk to members of the UE. The materials included a note on election and charity law issues for university communications and campaigns teams as well as a statement of Universities UK’s five priorities for the next UK government. The Principal encouraged members of the UE to familiarise themselves with these materials and use them as needed to inform discussions with external partners and other stakeholders.
The Principal drew attention to recent media coverage regarding plans by Guardhouse Studios to develop a new film studio on the Research Park at the Edinburgh campus. It was noted that, although the University was not directly a party to the plans, there had been discusisons regarding opportunities for integration with the University’s academic activities. It was understood that Guardhouse Studios intended in the near future to submit an application for planning permission.
Finally, the Principal noted that the series of Vice-Chancellor’s Distinguished Lectures would continue in 2017-18 following a successful first year. Lecturers were being confirmed and details would follow in due course; those flagged were Lord Browne, Dame Jane Francis, and Professor Ian Goldin.
The UE received a report on the development of the 2017 Five Year Financial Plan.
It was noted that individual Plans had been agreed for the main cost centres and work was now underway to prepare the collated institutional Plan. The cost centre plans were consistent with the planning envelopes approved by the Court.
It was noted that an initial version of the Plan would be presented to the UE at its strategy day to be held 16 May 2017. The UE would be invited to endorse the final version of the Plan at its meeting to be held 30 May 2017.
The UE received a report on the agendas for the forthcoming UE strategy day (16 May 2017) and University Leadership Forum (18 May 2017).
It was noted that at each event there would be an open discussion on the continued development of the University as an integrated global institution. The Principal invited members of the UE, in advance of the strategy day, to consider the role they had in developing the University as an integrated global institution. Members were also invited to consider topics which they or another University leader might wish to raise for discussion at the University Leadership Forum.
It was noted that Organisational Development offered a number of training and coaching events to help University leaders develop their change management capacity and skills. Members of the UE were invited to encourage attendance by colleagues who might benefit from these events.
The UE noted that Professor Lynne Jack had been appointed to the position of Director of Research for the Malaysia campus. In that role Professor Jack would support the development of research capacity at the Malaysia campus and the establishment of new local research and business engagement partnerships.
The UE considered a presentation on the University’s vision for the future development of the Dubai campus. It was noted that the presentation would be presented to the Court in May 2017.
It was noted that, building on a successful track record in Dubai, the University would seek to secure its place as a top higher education institution in the region – representing a centre of excellence for both teaching and research, renowned for high quality, and for the value and impact of its contribution to the local economy and society.
It was agreed that any comments/suggestions regarding the content or structure of the presentation should be given directly to the Assistant Principal (International Development).
The UE considered a presentation on the Scottish Government’s 15-24 Learner Journey Review [minute 17/109]. It was noted that the presentation would be presented to the Court in May 2017.
It was noted that the Review would present Scottish universities with a number of challenges – in particular, the expectation that there should be greater system efficiency, further support to widen participation to historically under-represented socio-economic groups, and innovation in learner journey models and pedagogy.
It was agreed that any comments/suggestions regarding the content or structure of the presentation should be given directly to the Deputy Principal (Learning and Teaching).
M17/135 / RESEARCH CHALLENGE THEMES [Paper: UE/17/050]
The UE considered a proposal to articulate the University’s research capability to address external challenges and opportunities.
It was noted that the proposed model would help to clearly communicate the University’s research strengths and those areas in which it offered business engagement opportunities. It was proposed that there should be three themes (Sustainable Energy, Digital Transition, and Resilient Communities) and that each theme would comprise three sub-themes.
The UE agreed that the Deputy Principal (Research and Innovation) and the Deputy Principal (Enterprise and Business) should continue to develop the proposed model and present a final version to the UE for approval. It was agreed that the final version should (i) include a clearer statement of the context for developing the model and the reasons for articulating the University’s research portfolio in this way; and (ii) use titles for each theme and sub-theme that were as inclusive as possible.
The UE agreed that this report should be deferred to a later meeting. It was agreed that, before then, the Deputy Principal (Enterprise and Business) should circulate a brief summary of recent activities to support the development of the Orkney campus.
The UE noted that its next meeting would be a performance meeting and would be held 23 May 2017. The UE strategy day would be held 16 May 2017.

Signed by Chair ………………………………………..

Date ……………………………………………………..


Approved by correspondence 26 May 2017.
