Steal Sheet - February 2015
NOSORH offers Steal Sheet articles for SORHs to distribute in emails, in your (or your partners’) newsletter, on web sites, Facebook pages, etc. The February Steal Sheet includes:
New Resources:
1)Registration Open for Next NOSORH Grant Writing Institute
Funding Roundup:
1)HRSA Announces $6 Million Telehealth Grant Program
2)Center for Sharing Public Health Services Launches Grant Program
3)National Safety Net Advancement Center “First-of-its-Kind” Call for Proposals
New Resources:
1) Registration Open for Next NOSORH Grant Writing Institute
The next NOSORH Grant Writing Institute will begin on April 14th. The 9-part webinar series covers every aspect of grant writing with a unique rural health focus. This series is perfect for beginners seeking to gain the skills to research and draft winning proposals from various agencies and foundations.
Register now for this opportunity to expand your rural health grant writing skills. The registration fee is $500. Click here for more information or contact Kassie Clarke.
Funding Roundup:
1) HRSA Announces $6 Million Telehealth Grant Program
The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) released an announcement soliciting applications for the Telehealth Network Grant Program (TNGP). The program will support telehealth services for school-based health centers in underserved, rural and frontier communities. TGNP networks are used to expand and improve access to health care services, training opportunities for health practitioners, and the quality of health information available to providers, patients and their families.
HRSA will accept applications through April 8 for fiscal year 2016 awards. The agency anticipates providing up to 20 grants of $300,000 a year for four years. Eligible applicants include rural or urban non-profit entities that will provide services through a telehealth network. Applications are especially encouraged from networks that can demonstrate how telehealth can expand access to, coordinate and improve the quality of health care services through school-based health centers, particularly those which may also provide care to the broader community beyond normal school hours.
2) Center for Sharing Public Health Services Launches Grant Program
The Center for Sharing Public Health Services (“Center”) has just launched a new mini-grant programthat builds on its work to date. The Center will select up to five public health agencies, or their designated agents, that wish to explore, plan, implement or improve some aspects of a cross-jurisdictional sharing (CJS) arrangement. Eligible CJS arrangements must include a minimum of three jurisdictions of any size, or, two jurisdictions if the combined population is 50,000 or greater.
Applications in this first round will be considered on a rolling basis, starting on February 15 and until June 10, 2016, or until all five grants are awarded, whichever comes first. The amount of each award will be up to $10,000 for a project period of up to six months. Selected teams are expected to work with Center staff, who will provide technical assistance during the implementation of the projects, and to be available to share the results and lessons learned from their projects with appropriate audiences. Priority for funding will be given to proposals that address specific areas of learning described in theCall for Proposals (CFP).Funding for this initiative is provided by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the National Network of Public Health Institutes (NNPHI) will be the Center’s administrative partner for this effort.
3) National Safety Net Advancement Center “First-of-its-Kind” Call for Proposals
The new National Safety Net Advancement Center is proud to issue this first-of-its-kind call for proposals (CFP) to facilitate safety net organizations in overcoming challenges posed by payment and care delivery reform. The goal of the CFP is to contribute to the growing evidence base on how to successfully implement payment and care delivery reforms in safety net organizations. Up to $500,000 will be available for five to seven grants. This solicitation seeks proposal from safety net organizations seeking to overcome an implementation challenge impeding payment and care delivery progress. Proposal submission deadline is April 1. Click here to view a recording of the Prospective Application Webinar. More information can be found here.