Meeting Report – 8th April 2014
At the PPG’s most recent meeting on the 8th April, Dr Green and Dr Sathananthan advised that the Sharing of Data has been put on hold for the moment. We discussed ideas for future talks such as 'First Responders' and 'Children's Health'.
At our previous meeting the Manager/Pharmacist at Boots in Oxted had attended. We asked about the possibility of taking prescriptions issued at East Surrey Hospital to him for prescribing but he has since told us that these normally have to be taken to Boots at the hospital and they will fax them to the small Boots at Redhill but not to Oxted. We agreed to take this up with him again.
We asked for a bell that rings in both receptions for the side entrance as the door is locked. We discussed the need for bollards on the walkway to the side entrance to stop cars encroaching onto the pavement preventing access. We are still trying to get the entrance ramp cleaned regularly.
Dr Green advised that the CCG will be inspecting the Health Centre to look at the best way to use the Health Centre and its clinics. Dr Green told us of the possible changes to the reception area increasing its size by 50%.
We thanked Sarah Stokes for all her hard work for the PPG over the last 3 years. A new member Amanda Francis has been recruited as her replacement. We are approaching Oxted School for replacements for our 2 members who will be leaving in the summer to go to university.
New wipeable chairs have been installed in the waiting room and the flooring may change to something wipeable too. We discussed the broken toilet holder, cleanliness of the skylight and misuse of the water cooler.
We asked for all the Health Centre notices to be put on the TV screen to eliminate the need for messy/overcrowded noticebards and we asked for more health promotion on the screen.
We discussed the next talk which is being advertised in the County Border News, PPG Newsletter, Streetlink, Twitter, Limpsfield News and local posters.
We discussed the possibility of fund raising. It was agreed that it is hard work and if we fund raised for a specific item like a hearing loop we would then need ongoing funds to maintain the system It was suggested that we could enquire about sponsorship for such equipment from chemists or various companies.
We discussed the possibility of someone going into Oxted School to talk to the students about health and what facilities are available at the Health Centre.
Dr Sathananthan advised that this is her last meeting.
The next meeting is Tuesday 3rd June 2014 at 7:00pm.