
Dear Applicant

Very many thanks for your interest in the role of Trustee with Glasgow Film Theatre Ltd. This is a very exciting time for the organisation; we’ve recently completed the refurbishment of the GFT foyer areas, have a wealth of fascinating programmes in train and it’s a great moment to be joining us. If you have reviewed the material relating to the post and you think this is the role for you, then we’d love to hear from you.

Please send a CV and a brief supporting statement outlining your interest in, and suitability for this role. We would also request that you complete the Diversity Monitoring Survey. In addition, if you consider yourself Deaf or disabled, please provide us with more details of any access requirements you may have to allow us to make the recruitment process as accessible as possible.

For younger people, interested in joining the Board of Trustees, we’d also like to hear what you want from your time on the Board.

The closing date for applications is 12 noon on Tuesday 26 September 2017. Interviews will be held in Glasgow during w/c 9 October 2017.

Please send your application to: Email:

Please do not hesitate to contact me at if you have any questions, or would like to talk over any aspect of board membership of Glasgow Film.

I look forward to hearing from you and send thanks for your interest in Glasgow Film

Best wishes

Jaki McDougall

Chief Executive


1. Opportunity / How to apply 3

2. About Glasgow Film 4

3. Our Mission 5

4. Our Vision 5

5. Our Priorities 6

5. Governance Context 7

7. Role and Composition of the Board 7

8. The Role of Trustee 8

1. Opportunity

We have a great opportunity to refresh the volunteer Board of Trustees at Glasgow Film Theatre Ltd. We believe that diverse boards make better decisions. Our ideal board reflects our programme and the audience we seek to serve and is diverse, intergenerational and importantly mixed socio-economically – do you want to be part of it?

We are also looking for younger people to join the Board. You don’t need to have experience of being on a charitable Board of Trustees as we can provide you with training, what we’re interested in is your passion for our work and your commitment to working with us to achieve our goals.

We are looking for new expertise and energy and in particular, people with skills and experience in finance, fundraising, audience development and marketing, working with young people, film, tv and broadcasting, and someone with experience of governance either in the commercial or charity sector.Or do you have skills that we haven’t thought of that would add unexpected value to our Board? Importantly, you must share our ethos in equalities, diversity and inclusion.

This is an amazing opportunity to get behind the scene of our ambitious and dynamic charity and help us with our mission. As a charity serving both locally and nationally we have reach, but are also small enough to be very agile with decision making. Your input will make a huge difference to our development. We have a lively and friendly board of Trustees and we are keen to welcome new people help us in our journey.

Time commitment: Five Board meetings per year, held in Glasgow on Tuesday early evenings. You will also be expected to serve on one of the sub committees of the Board and/or make time to offer support to staff. The term of office is initially until August 2020, and subject to the Board rotation policy to August 2023.

Remuneration: This role of Trustee is voluntary.

How to Apply: Applications are encouraged by 26 September 2017. Please complete the attached Diversity Monitoring Survey and send with a written statement and a copy of your CV to:

Your application will be treated in strict confidence.

For informal discussions, please contact: Jaki McDougall, Chief Executive Officer,

2. About Glasgow Film

The Trust is a thriving and popular local charity whose staff and volunteers are amazingly dedicated to making the broadest range of cinema accessible for all, no matter what their background, ability or age. It continually seeks to improve and grow the services it provides, and is active in its response to commissions for such services.

The UK’s first purpose built art-house cinema outside London, the Cosmo in Glasgow’s Rose Street, opened in 1939, with an introduction by pioneering documentary filmmaker John Grierson. Grierson said he believed it would contribute not just to cultural vigour, but also the city’s democratic and social life, presenting cinema as an instrument of observation and enlightenment as well as a form of art and entertainment. By the early 1970’s due to a fall in cinema admissions in the UK, its future was uncertain. At this point the Scottish Film Council (predecessor body of Scottish Screen and then Creative Scotland) was looking for a home for Scotland’s first ‘Regional Film Theatre’ and on 2 May 1974 the Glasgow Film Theatre (GFT) opened its doors. Grierson was right, this cinema has remained a treasured institution.

Since those early days the organisation has changed and evolved but the original sense of being at the cutting edge has remained central to our DNA. What began as a single screen cinema has grown to a three-screen complex offering screenings, lectures, discussions, festivals, workshops, industry support and the chance to see films and meet filmmakers from Scotland and around the world.

Glasgow Film now incorporates one of the UK’s leading independent cinemas, the GFT, and the Glasgow Film Festival (now established as one of the top three film festivals in the UK), the Glasgow Short Film Festival and Glasgow Youth Film Festival. As well as being responsible for nurturing and developing these existing businesses, Glasgow Film plays an influential and growing role in influencing policy on the development of the moving image within Scotland.

Glasgow Film is...

• The GFT, Glasgow’s centre for film-lovers. Glasgow Film Theatre has been leading the way in specialised cinema for over 40 years. Its three screens show 100% specialised titles, 1st run world and independent cinema, artists’ experimental work, issue based programmes, thematic seasons, repertory programmes, Scottish produced work, festivals, and a programme of event cinema and live broadcast.

• Glasgow Film Festival (GFF) established in 2005, is recognised as one of the top film festivals in the UK. GFF presents a unique programme including feature films, special events and work for children and families, and the Industry Focus. Our approach is 'up close and personal' where audiences and creative industry practitioners get the opportunity to meet filmmakers from around the world. GFF also presents a week-long GFF Schools Week and produces the

• Glasgow Short Film Festival, Scotland’s leading short film event, champions new film talent by providing an annual showcase and meeting point for new and established Scottish and international filmmakers, industry delegates and the local audience. An intense five days of competition screenings, unique special programmes, workshops and live events showcasing the most exciting short form moving image content.

• Glasgow Youth Film Festival (GYFF), programmed by and for young people aged 15-19.

• Glasgow Film’s Engagement and Learning programme works across all of Glasgow Film, both physically and virtually, and working with schools, colleges, universities and the community, aims to provide and nurture creative, inspiring, informative and participative public engagement and lifelong learning opportunities around cinema and the moving image.

3. Our Vision

Be a national centre for film culture – for all.

4. Our Purpose

Glasgow Film is a national centre for film and moving image media where audiences and filmmakers experience and debate cultural practice and ideas through diverse, unique and quality programmes that transform the way people see the world, through film.

5. Our Priorities

GF strives to excel in each of the following areas. These four strategic priorities reinforce one another and each is required for the success of the whole:

Artistic Excellence - Be a leader in audience enrichment and engagement through curated film programmes. This includes the way we develop and deliver our programmes and services:

· Presenting films, workshops, events, and speakers

· Providing excellence and experimentation in curation, development, film exhibition, engagement and learning

· Developing programmes that are desirable for audiences of various ages, origins and abilities

Visitor Experience - Exceed expectations of all constituents and build loyalty through superior service at every point. This includes the way we interact with all external constituents:

· Film-lovers, filmmakers, film artists, industry participants, the government and local authorities, sponsors, donors, audiences, media, partners, educators, students, communities and each other

· Through a variety of channels and platforms

· Providing excellence in environment, service, responsiveness, and relationship management

People and Culture - Develop and maintain a high-performing culture that attracts, motivates and retains the best people. This includes the way we attract, support, and motivate our employees and volunteers:

· Through clarity of organisational purpose, values and expectations

· With an effective organisational structure

· Providing excellence in all aspects of human resource management

Sustainability - Generate sufficient funds and operate in an efficient and environmentally sustainable way. This includes the way GF manages its assets and resources over time:

· With clear and efficient operational processes

· Supported by an effective infrastructure

· Providing excellence in all aspects of financial and resource management

In addition, our priorities include:

 Influencing and retaining the strategic support of our stakeholders at a time of significant pressure on public sector finances

 Continuing to improve governance and Board administration

 Supporting management to sustain the growth in cinema, festivals, bars and fundraising income

6. Governance Context

The Board is the governing and legally responsible body of Glasgow Film Theatre Ltd (which trades as Glasgow Film, GFT, Glasgow Film Festival, Glasgow Short Film Festival, Glasgow Youth Film Festival). Glasgow Film Theatre Ltd., is a company limited by guarantee, registered in Scotland, No SC097369 and a charity registered in Scotland, No SC005932, and is governed by a memorandum and articles of association. The Trustees of the charity are also Non-Executive Directors of the company. Glasgow Film operates within the regulatory frameworks for companies and charities. New Trustees are offered a structured introduction to Glasgow Film and its governance.

Glasgow Film aims for excellence standards of governance that are appropriate to its operating context and resources.

7. Role and Composition of the Board

The Board provides strategic direction and sets overall policy, goals and evaluates performance against agreed targets.

The Board is responsible for ensuring the charity’s objectives are adhered to and that appropriate mechanisms are in place to protect its assets. Day-to-day operation of charity is delegated to the CEO and Executive team.

The Board provides support through expertise and guidance whilst ensuing effective management controls are in place and developed. The Board typically comprises:

 2 nominees from Glasgow City Council

 13 independent Trustees

 2 stakeholder observers (Creative Scotland and Glasgow Life for Glasgow City Council)

Sub committees:

 Finance and Audit, Committee (4 independent directors, CEO and 2 Executive Directors)

 Development Committee (3 independent directors, CEO)

 Board Search Committee (Chair, 2 independent directors, CEO)

8.The Role of Trustee

 To ensure the organisation pursues its objectives as defined within its governing document, mission, vision and business plans.

 To ensure the organisation complies with its governing document, company and charity law, and any other relevant legislation or regulations, including health and safety.

 To protect and manage the assets of the organisation, ensure the financial stability of the charity and the proper investment of its funds.

 To contribute actively to the Board’s role in giving strategic direction to the organisation setting overall policy, defining goals, and evaluating performance against agreed targets.

 To be an advocate for Glasgow Film, representing the charity at functions and meetings as appropriate, and to act as an ambassador including identifying opportunities for fund-raising and income generation.

 To ensure the effective and efficient administration of the organisation.

 To promote the equal opportunities policy.

 To promote our environment and sustainability policies.

 To ensure the organisation is properly insured against all reasonable liabilities.

 To appoint the CEO and support the employees.

 In addition to the above duties, each Trustee should use any specific knowledge or experience they have to help the Board reach sound decisions. This will involve scrutinising Board papers, leading discussions, focusing on key issues, and providing advice and guidance requested by the Board and its staff on new initiatives, or other issues relevant to the area of the charity’s work in which the Trustee has special expertise.

 To attend and contribute to meetings, and to read papers in advance of meetings.

 To contribute to sub-committee meetings as appropriate.

 To participate in other tasks as arise from time to time, such as interviewing new staff, helping with fundraising etc.

 To learn about the activities of Glasgow Film and research external issues that may affect its future.

As Charity Trustees each member will:

 Safeguard the good name of the organisation.

 Ensure the organisation applies its resources exclusively in pursuance of its objectives.

 Declare any conflict of interest or duty whilst carrying out the duties of a trustee.

 Be collectively responsible for the actions of the organisation and other trustees.

Each Board Member must have:

 Integrity, skill and diligence.

 A commitment to the organisation and its objectives.

 An understanding and acceptance of the legal duties, responsibilities and liabilities of trusteeship. If this is not the case, you should be willing to undertake training in this and other relevant areas that the role demands.

 A willingness to devote the necessary time and effort to their duties as a Trustee.

 An ability to think creatively, and considered independent judgement.

 A willingness to speak their mind and share expertise for the good of the organisation.

 An ability to work effectively as a member of a team.

Further Information:

OSCR (Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator) provides comprehensive guidance about the role, expectations and regulatory framework for best practice for charities and Trustees:

Our website provides more information about our activities:


Glasgow Film / Trustee Pack