Disease / Winter/Fall Off Season / Planting / Early Vine Growth / Bush Stage/Soft-Ball Size Fruit / Fruit Maturity / Harvest
Bacterial Fruit Spot / Rotate crops 3 years and practice fall tillage. May be seedborne. Avoid problem fields. / Start scouting for bacterial spot. If present treat with fixed copper sprays. / Apply fixed copper if disease threatens. Use 7-14 day interval. / Fixed copper applications may be stopped when fruit set complete. / Do not save seed from affected fields. Identify fruit problems.
Black rot / Rotate crops 3 years and practice fall tillage. May be seedborne. Avoid problem fields. / Begin fungicide applications if disease threatens. / Fungicide applications should start here and continue on 7 day interval if disease pressure is high. / Apply fungicides through early to mid fruit maturity depending on disease pressure. / Do not save seed from affected fields. Identify fruit problems.
Downy mildew / Crop rotation and fall tillage will not impact disease, since the downy mildew fungus will not overwinter in Indiana. / Begin scouting fields for downy mildew in July. Follow epidemic through newsletters and Internet. Apply fungicide at least weekly if disease threatens.
Fusarium fruit rot / Crop rotations of at least 4 years. Practice fall tillage. May be seedborne. / Manage foliar diseases for better fruit health. Avoid other fruit diseases e.g., bacterial spot or Phytophthora blight. / Don’t save seed. Identify fruit problems.
Plectosporium blight / Rotate crops 3-4 years and practice fall tillage. / Management options designed to control black rot will help control Plectosporium blight. / Identify fruit problems.
Phytophthora blight / Use crop rotations, of at least 4 years, that do not include solanaceous crops. Practice fall tillage. Avoid problem fields and waterlogged areas. / Apply fungicides when disease threatens and before disease appears. / Identify fruit problems.
Powdery mildew / Crop rotation and fall tillage are of moderate importance. Several cultivars have partial resistance. / Begin fungicide applications. Use weekly intervals depending on cultivar and disease pressure. Protect vines through September.
Virus diseases / Crop rotation and fall tillage will not impact disease. / Earlier planted or maturing cultivars will help avoid severe disease problems. / Control weeds in and around production areas. / Identify fruit problems.
Information compiled by: Dan Egel, Extension Plant Pathologist – Southwest Purdue Agricultural Center
4369 N. Purdue Road – Vincennes, IN 47591 – Phone (812) 886-0198 – Email: