Let’s Play!

Description: Various suggestions for games to take up one or more lessons.

Curriculum links:

·  Related to the key competencies “thinking” and “relating to others”

·  Different games will develop different skills related to the curriculum, for example Level 5 of the English curriculum requires students to “select, develop and communicate purposeful ideas on a range of subjects”

·  Skills may assist students with preparation for Level 1 Achievement Standard 90059 (1.8), “Produce a media or dramatic presentation” or 90058 (1.7), “Deliver an oral presentation in a formal situation”

Survival (idea by Robyn Jamieson)

Give the students a list of items. They must decide which items would be most important for survival. Mark them on the criteria provided to see who lives and who dies! (Will take about one period).

Fashion show (idea by Lee Stratford)

In groups, students choose a mythical deity then create an appropriate costume for that deity out of newspaper and tape. Hold a fashion parade at the end of the lesson.

Theatresports (ask Lee Stratford, Paula Allen, or the drama department for ideas)

There are a variety of games available to improve students’ thinking, speaking and performing skills.

Budding Builders (idea by Lloyd Smith)

Students work in groups to create structures using materials provided for a specific purpose, e.g.:

·  Use straws and pins to see who can build the highest structure

·  Use straws and masking tape to see who can provide the best protection for dropping an egg from a height

Parlour games

Try those good old-fashioned games like Charades or Hangman.


Activities such as crosswords, sudoku, or finding words in random letters will help students to develop their thinking skills.

Game show!

Make up quizzes based on material studied this year, or use Trivial Pursuit questions. Organise students into teams and have a class competition.