Minutes of the December 11, 2017, 11:00am – 12:00pm

URISA – AL Board Meeting

Prattville, AL

IN ATTENDANCE: Dan Mellott, Kelly Tompkins, Bryan Price, Jeannette Byrd, Marti Byrnes, Michael Hughes, Shonna Dunn, Matt Brown, Nancy Lawrence; Hunter Simmons

Agenda item / Discussion / Action / Responsible / Date By
  1. Welcome, initial items for discussion
/ - Dan: Recognize the outgoing and incoming board members; 2017 was a successful year; plan to carry momentum to 2018
- Number of women noted on the URISA-AL board. Dan was contacted by the Women in GIS organization / - Certificates for 2017 and previous Board members were handed out
- Dan will pass to Matt (incoming President) the task of contacting the Women in GIS organization / Matt / Jan 2018
II. Activities for Board members for 2018 / - Regional board members: Set up one workshop/general meeting for each region; the first one will be at the GISA Conference in April at Orange Beach, AL; 2017 workshops were successful, even with unexpected events like the hurricane; regional workshops require a speaker or presenters, and a one hour general meeting; ArcOnline workshops were well received; a lunch is required for each regional event
- Vice President: spends the year learning about the Board, URISA, website, and supports the President’s efforts (see below)
- President: Matt with organize the 2018 Board calls; will look after the website, with assistance from the VP; participate in the CAB (Chapter Advisory Calls) with the VP / - Board members will carry out their responsibilities. / All / 2018
IV. Payment is needed for the website hosting / - 2-year agreement
- Jeannette: Based on what was said at the GIS Pro conference, One URISA will likely not be in place in time to affect the current hosting setup; URISA is not interested in getting very involved in the workings of local chapters. / - Payment was approved by all / Matt / ASAP
V. Idea to host URISA Leadership Academy in the future / - Will consider this; Birmingham would likely be the best location because of the airport. / - Will be in future discussions / All / Ongoing
VI. Local planning / - Board members should try to set up informal lunch/after work meetups to get GIS users together / - Board members to work locally
-Gather a list of local user groups / All / Ongoing
V. Institutional memberships / - For higher ed and local governments; North Alabama group an example of cooperative group / - Board members to contact higher ed institutions and groups, or private companies that would like the exposure via corporate memberships / All / Ongoing
VI. Memberships, general / -Need to move to some type of database of members / - Matt and Hunter to explore this idea / Matt, Hunter / Ongoing
VII. Promote Board membership / -There is a need to promote serving on the URISA-AL Board to ensure fewer uncontested candidates and bring in new people and ideas / -Should be on the agenda early in 2018; start promoting early in the year in the emailed newsletters / Matt, Hunter, Jeannette / Early 2018
VII. URISA-AL to cover cost of meeting / -URISA-AL should help cover some costs of Board members traveling and attending today’s meeting / -Approved by all
Meeting Adjourned – 12:30pm

Minutes of the 12/11/2017 URISA-AL Board Meeting