Scholarships - Application Guidelines

Scholarships - Application Guidelines


1.1 Food Source Victoria

The Victorian Government’s $20 million Food Source Victoria program is designed to support activities that add value to agricultural produce sourced from regional Victoria.

The objectiveis to build stronger agri-food businesses and regional communities through value adding to agricultural production in Victoria that will result in:

  • new, ongoing jobs, particularly in
    regional Victoria
  • growthin Victoria’s agricultural, food
    and related industries
  • farmers, growers, processors and manufacturers working together and
    supply chain partners driving innovation
    and efficiencies
  • greater skills, knowledge and confidence of workers to respond to growing global demand for premium products
  • increased Victorian agri-food exports.

There are three grant programs:

  • Scholarships for individuals
  • Planning Grants
  • Growth Grants.

1.2Purpose of this document

This document sets out the application guidelines for Food Source Victoria Scholarships. It is designed to help prospective applicants determine their eligibility.

2.Program description

2.1 Program objective

The program aims to support workers in agriculture, processing and manufacturing in regional Victoriato build skills toexpand their business into a new market, launch a new product, create step-change within their business, or respond to consumer needs.

Scholarships can include study or training programs, either part or full time.Professional development opportunities are eligible and include conference attendance, study tours, peer-to-peer learning and mentoring.

2.2 Examples of scholarships

Previously, scholarships have been granted to applicants who wanted to:

  • take a study tour to Japan to gain knowledge of production, export packaging and value-add opportunities for the citrus Yuzu
  • attend an advanced program covering the science of cheese aging for specific cheese styles with the aim of making these cheeses locally to replace imported product
  • complete an executive program to examine a range of management and industry issues throughout the fruit supply chain to assist with accessing new markets.

3.Eligible applicants


  • must be over the age of 18 years at the time
    of applying
  • need at least three years of experience in the agri-food sector
  • must be an Australian citizen or permanent resident currently residing in regional Victoria
  • cannot have previously received any other grant, funding or scholarship for the activities outlined in their application
  • must be willing to participate in media, promotions and other related events, and to assist with program evaluation.

4.Selection process

4.1 Assessment committee

The Food Source Victoria Assessment Committee will monthly review all applications. The committee is made up of departmental representatives from across the Victorian Government. The assessment and approval process can take up to 12 weeks.

4.2 Selection criteria

Applications will be judged on:

  • the applicant’s demonstrated interest in building skills that will support business growth
  • expected learning outcomes from
    scholarship activities
  • how knowledge and skills obtained during the scholarship will supportbusiness growth, expansion into new markets or introduce a step change in technology or practice
  • engagement with the agri-food sector while undertaking scholarship
  • ongoing commitment to the agri-food sector.

5.What’s next?

Talk to the Program Manager to ensure you are on the right track with your ideas.

Go onto the website and lodge your application.

6.More information

Call the Program Manager on 136 186 or email

Further information on Food Source Victoria can be found on: