Daily Checklist

Run Daily Processing in StorMan

Follow-up Sales Enquiries

Print a Vacant Unit listing

Check Access Control Log for any unusual activity

Check the Calendar Notes section for any important reminders

Print a list of Overdues and follow them up

Run a StorMan Backup to your USB key / USB drive & take it off-site with you

Do the Banking in StorMan

Weekly Checklist

Ensure any empty units have a facility lock on them

Do a general walk of the facility to ensure everything looks OK, safe, etc

Add a few more interesting “Self Storage” things to your pinterest.com board

Monthly Checklist

Check fire extinguishers to make sure they’re all still there

Check fire hose reel to ensure everything is still in working order

Ensure “Exit” and other safety signs are all still there / working

Check StorMan website for any upcoming training sessions / free PowerSessions

Check myStorMan Knowledgebase for any help articles of interest

Run the Anticipated MoveOuts Reportin StorMan

Order office supplies / stationary / merchandise (boxes, locks, etc) as required

Write a blog for the facility website

Contact a few past-storers for short testimonials… add them to the facility website & add them to the ‘Sales Enquiry notice’that is sent with any quotes for potential clients.

Quarterly Checklist

Do a PIN audit

Do a security camera audit (Do they all work? Are they pointing in the right direction?)

Check gate motor and track for debris / build-up of dust, small stones, etc

Check to ensure we have the latest SSAA Agreements in StorMan

Clean the gutters

Check the promo-code success rate in StorMan

Create some new promo-codes in StorMan for the next few months + update any move-out Notices, etc where these promo-codes are mentioned

Check / change computer passwords

Check / change StorMan passwords

Run StorMan marketing reports (eg. reason for move out, reason for move in, how customers found you, etc)

Christmas Checklist

Write a Christmas Newsletter (include opening hours / days, a promo code for Refer-a-Friend) & send it out using StorMan’s Bulk Communication Wizard.

This document created by Andy Pudmenzky of StorMan Software.
Originally downloaded from