Forest Ridge Forerunner

For the Week of June 1-5, 2015

Our phones are answered M-Th 8:30-4:15, F 8:30-4:00
School Hours 9:15-3:45 p.m.
Students may enter the building at 9:00 a.m.
Lunch price: $2.75, Milk: $.50

Dates to Remember​


1 6:00 Schoolhouse Theater Dress Rehearsal

2 Field Day(Rescheduled from May 21)

3:45 Girls on the Run

6:00 Schoolhouse Theater Dress Rehearsal

3:45Smashing ANTs

3 3:45 Last KidzArt

4 5th Grade Trip to Philadelphia

3:45 Girls on the Run

3:45 Last SpanishClass

7:00 Schoolhouse Theater Show(actors report at 6:00)

5 6:00 Schoolhouse Theater Show(actors report at 6:00)

2nd Grade Picnic

9 10:00 Kindergarten End of Year Show (Tickets Required - these have been send home)

11:00 Kindergarten Picnic

6:30 Popsicles on the Playground (for incoming 2015-16 Kindergarten students and parents)

11 Volunteer Luncheon

12 2:00 5th Grade Closing (Tickets Required - more information to come)

13 5th Grade Dance (corrected date)

16 1st Grade Author's Celebration & Picnic

17 Full School Day (Please note)

Club Day

Grade 3 & 4 Picnics

18 School Dismiss2hours early (Please note)

19 Last Day of School - School Dismiss3hours early (Please note)

5th Grade Picnic (date change)

From the Principal's Desk...

Greetings FRES Community!

We are certainly racing toward the last day of school, yet intentionally making each and every moment count! Yes,we are assessing students, planning picnics, participating in field trips, looking forward to field day, while teaching and also planning toward the 2015-2016 school year. It is a busy, yet exciting time of year.

Yesterday, your child(ren) should have brought home a special form in their Thursday Folders. This form invites you to share information/considerations you would like FRES Administrators to keep in mind as we create homeroom classes for the 2015-2016 School Year. As the parent and your child’s first educator, we appreciate and respect your input about your child’s learning needs. (Please understand that the consideration form is NOT a teacher request form and we will not be able to honor teacher requests.) Homeroom classes will be created very intentionally according to students’ academic needs in reading and writing, and even mathematics. We will also look at all submitted parent consideration forms with the goal of making placement decisions that create an optimal learning environment for your child next year. Thank you for your partnership in this process!

Way to go 3rd, 4th & 5th Grade Strings Students! You performed beautifully for the whole school on Wednesday afternoon, and then again in the evening for our parent community! This was a very special concert. Our beloved band and orchestra teacher, Mrs. Curry, is retiring from teaching at the end of the school year, after many wonderful years at FRES. Our fifth grade strings students, who have worked with Mrs. Curry since third grade, made the night even more memorable by presenting her with special gifts and performing her favorite song. You will be missed, Mrs. Curry!

Anne Swartz, Danielle Shanks, Jason Ortega

Forest Ridge News...

Parents -- Please Read Regarding Lunch Money

Beginning on Monday, through the last day of school, students who forget their lunch or lunch money will be offered a small snack for $1.00 and it will be charged to their account.

Last Day to Check Out Books is May 29
All books are due back to the media center.

Students who have lost books should send a check payable to FRES. If the book is found and returned in good condition a reimbursement will be given. Please do NOT replace books/materials instead of paying for lost materials. We order books with special bindings and processing at a discounted price. If you have any questions about missing books or the replacement cost of materials please contact Mrs. Tordella or Mrs. Gray.

Popsicles on the Playground Playdate

June 9, 6:30-7:30 pm

Come and meet some of the Forest Ridge Kindergarten Team and other Kindergarten families for the school year 2015-16! An informal tour of the Kindergarten classrooms will also be available. Freeze Pops for all!

*This event is only for incoming Kindergarten students & their families.

Last Day of School

The Maryland State Board of Education has approved the HCPSS 2014–2015 Calendar Waiver request to waive one instructional day that was lost due to inclement weather. The last student day will now be on Friday, June 19, 2015.
All schools will be open for afull dayon Wednesday, June 17. All schools will closetwohours early for students on Thursday, June 18, and will closethreehours early for students on Friday, June 19.
High school exams will be held on Tuesday, June 16; Wednesday, June 17; Thursday, June 18; and Friday, June 19.

If your student has medication in the Health Room:

Medication remaining at the end of the school year needs to be picked up and signed out by the parent/ guardian by the end of staff hours on the last day of school (June 19th, 2015). Any medication not picked up will need to be destroyed. Any questions, please contact the Health Room staff.

Thank You,

The Health Room

PTA News...

Hello Parents!
Well, the school year is winding down and we only have a few weeks to go. I know my girls are looking forward to Field Day next week and I'm looking forward to the kindergarten and fifth grade closing ceremonies that are happening in a couple weeks. My husband and I attended the band and strings concerts this last week and we were so impressed at the kids and how much they have learned under the direction of Mrs.Curry. I am so very sad she is retiring, but happy for her and her family. I hope to see many of you all at our Rita's Celebrity Scoop night next week and I wish our 5th graders a great field trip next week as well.
Amanda Fields
FRES PTA President

Labels for Education Contest (By June 5 - Fast!)
Last chance to turn in Labels for Education! For every LFE point submitted, you will receive one entry into a school-wide contest to win a $10 gift card to Five Below. Submissions must be received by Friday, June 5. Please send in a baggie or envelope clearly labeled with student’s name and teacher’s name. Any LFE points submitted since February will count toward this contest.

Rita's Celebrity Scoop-June 3rd

Come on out toone final fundraiser of the year at Rita's in the Corridor Marketplace in Laurel on June 3rd from 5-9pm. Come on out and see your favorite "Celebrity" serve you a cool treat."Celebrities" scheduled to appear: 5:00-5:30--Mr. Ortega & Mrs. Tordella, 5:30-6:00---Mrs. Johnston & Mrs. Clawson 6:00-6:30--Ms. Cooley 7:00-7:30--Mrs. Lindenmann. More celebs may be there so you don't want to miss it!! PLUS the grade who purchases the most items will recieve a FREE ice coupon for a future visit!! Its going to be a BLAST!!!!!

School Supplies--Order today
Its that time again. Get ahead for next school year and order the supplies today!! Paper fliers will be going home next week for those that wish to pay by check or cash. Order securely online now until June 12th. Go towww.epipacks.comand enter the school ID, FOR153. Follow the directions to complete your order, print your online confirmation as your receipt. Its that easy. Email Lisa at if you have any questions or check our website

Community News...

Hello parents of fifth graders!

If you are interested in finding out about a PTA position or nominating yourself and/or someone else for a position in the 2015-2016 school year, please contact Cherie Newell,. We will be hosting an informational meeting before the end of the school year, giving you an opportunity to meet current board members and see what roles are available and discuss responsibilities for each.

Future Golden Bears
Time to Register for Hammond High School Booster Camps!
Hammond Boosters offers ten week-long summer camps to rising 6th through 9th graders who will be Hammond High School Golden Bears.
Camps offered: Band, Baseball, Boys Basketball, Girls Basketball, Cheerleading, Cross Country, Football, Boys Soccer, Girls Soccer, Volleyball. All camps are held at Hammond High School and are one week long.
$135 Early Bird registration fees for those who register by May 31st; $155 registration fee beginning June 1st. Fee includes a Hammond HS Booster Camps t-shirt.
For more information and to register online, please visit:

Special Needs Child Care

Are you searching for child care for a child with a special need?

Locate: Child Care can provide information. Call 1-800-999-0120 or email