RIMS ID Immediate Email Alerts
Updated on Oct. 16, 2009
Email alerts will be sent out by RIMS ID immediately after certain actions are performed. The table below illustrates the actions that generate the email alerts, those who can perform the actions, and the groups who will receive the alert.
DC = Division Coordinators. Initiative Owners = Division Coordinators and OPCO. (OPCO can create Initiatives for DEA, DIR, VRC and DCR.)

Action / Who can perform this action? / Who will receive the immediate email alert when this action is performed? / Notes
Bypass RIC Approval / Initiative Owners / RIC Admin, OPCO, MPIB
Cancel Initiative / Initiative Owners / DC, SRP, RIC Admin, MPIB, OID, OPCO, OA, GMP, BFMB, EAMB, Phasing Team Members / OA and EAMB for contracts; GMP for grants
Reinstate (“Uncancel”) Initiative / Initiative Owners / DC, SRP, RIC Admin, MPIB, OID, OPCO, OA, GMP, BFMB, EAMB / This alert will be sent to DMID and DAIT DCs. DAIDS DC will not receive it; OA and EAMB for contracts; GMP for grants
Defer Initiative / Initiative Owners / DC, RIC Admin, SRP, MPIB, OID, OPCO, OA, GMP, BFMB, EAMB, Phasing Team Members / OA and EAMB for contracts; GMP for grants
RIC Approval / RIC Admin / DC, OPCO, SRP, OA, BFMB, EAMB, GMP / OA and EAMB for contracts; GMP for grants
Send Back Initiatives to Initiative Owners / RIC Admin / DC, OPCO / Purpose of this alert: when an initiative is submitted to RIC but later needs to be returned to the pre-RIC stage
Submit to RIC
/ Initiative Owners / DC, OPCO / Purpose of this alert: to request completion of pre-phasing information, when applicable, within two weeks.
Terminate PA / Initiative Owners / DC, SRP, RIC Admin, MPIB, OID, OPCO, GMP, BFMB,
Initiative Title Change / Initiative Owners / DC, SRP, MPIB, OID, OPCO, OA, GMP, BFMB, EAMB / This alert will be sent to DMID and DAIT DCs. DAIDS DC will not receive it; OA and EAMB for contracts; GMP for grants
Activity Code Change / Initiative Owners / OPCO, OID / At Post-RIC stage
Method of Solicitation Change / Initiative Owners / OPCO, OID, RIC Admin, OA, GMP, SRP, MPIB, BFMB, EAMB / At Post-RIC stage; OA and EAMB for contracts; GMP for grants