Serving the villages of Kerry, Sarn and Dolfor.
Minutes of the Meeting of the 25th January 2017.
At Kerry Village Hall
Chair / Cllr. M. J. Collis (Sarn)
ee / Cllrs. / Cllr. D. P. Pryce (Kerry)
Cllr. D Hughes (Kerry)
Cllr. M.S.G. Morgan (Kerry)
Cllr. T.R. Jerman (Kerry)
Cllr. M. Griffiths (Kerry)
Cllr. C. Seal. (Kerry)
Cllr. V. Wildish (Kerry)
Cllr. D. Jones (Kerry)
Cllr. P.A.M. Dyer (Sarn)
Cllr. I. Jones (Dolfor)
Cllr. T. M. Powell (Dolfor)
County Cllr. / County Cllr. Mrs K. Roberts-Jones
Clerk. / Mrs A. Feltham.
Members of the Public. / None
Item. 1. Apologies.
Cllr. O. Stanier (Sarn)
Item. 2. Minutes.
The mins of the meetings of the 30th November 2016 and the of 14th December 2016 were approved and signed.
Item 3. To declare Personal/Prejudicial Interest.
Item.4.Matters Arising.
- PCC Policy on Var. 106
Council thanked Gwilym for his time and it was felt that both parties now had a better understanding of the joint problems relating to this complex policy.
- Siting of Cycle Rack to Kerry Bowling Club House Wall.
Possible representation at The National Development Framework Meeting, 9th February at Welshpool.
Council will not be represented at this meeting.
To Proof Read Posters for Grass Cutting/Cemetery Maintenance.
It was agreed to high light the inclusion of the raised land to the rear of 15 Willian Drive in the Grass Cutting Contract. The clerk has been asked to extend the display area of the contact posters as far as possible in the hope of attracting more tenders.
Item 7. Amenities Committee Report.
There was a meeting of the Amenities Committee on Wednesday 18th January 2017.
The main items discussed were:
1)Charging Machines
2)Whether the toilets should be locked-up overnight
3)The Notice of Tender for the Caretaker/Cleaner contract for the period 1st May 2017 – 30 April 2018.
It was agreed by all present that the toilets are a much appreciated and well used facility. It was decided that it would not be appropriate to charge for their use at this time and the matter would be reviewed again in the future.
We were advised that the police are keeping a check on the toilets when they do their routine tour of Kerry and it was agreed they should remain open overnight at present.
It was considered that a cleaning schedule should be drawn-up detailing the specific duties and other matters relating to the cleaning of the toilets and this has now been done. Those submitting tenders and quotes for the cleaning contract are advised to obtain a copy of this document from the KCC clerk.
The cleaner advised that one of the lights was not working in the passageway leading to the men’s toilet. Upon inspection it was found to be three lights that were no longer working. The clerk to the Amenities Committee arranged for an electrician to attend. He found that in all three cases it was the fittings that were no longer working and these have now been replaced. The bill has not yet been received but the electrician estimated the cost to be in the region of £200.00.
The lid to the cistern in the men’s toilet has been badly damaged. The Clerk has repaired this and taped the lid securely to the top of the cistern so that it can no longer easily be removed.
The footfall counters read as follows:
Over the past 56 days the ladies have been visited 4,182 times. This represents 75 per day. Allowing for the cleaner passing the counter, say 10 times per day, this figure now reads 65 per day.
Over the same period the men’s have been visited 1,969 times. This represents 35 visits per day, less 10 for cleaning, the final figure is 25 visits per day.
The figures for the ladies does seem excessive for this time of the year and the footfall counters are highly sensitive to movement.
Report by Cllr. V. Wildish
Item 8. Vale of Montgomery Rural Cluster Report.
Minutes of the meeting for Vale of Montgomery Rural Cluster held on Tuesday 17th January 2017 at 7.30 in the Town Hall, Broad Street, Montgomery.
Present: - Cllr M Mills (Chairman) Representatives from Kerry, Berriew, Llandyssil and Montgomery County Councillor S Hayes.
Mr Griffiths introduced Lisa his colleague also from PCC.
•He advised that several communities were now involved in delivery of services and have also undertaken Community Asset Transfers.
•Llanfyllin had formed a Cluster Group and in turn had also set up a Community Interest Company which enabled them a legal entity to provide services.
•Llandrindod Wells had also taken over Grounds Maintenance and have agreed to take over planting on the traffic island as you enter the town.
•At present if a community takes over the running of a service PCC will provide financial support of 45% of the original cost minus overheads for 5 years.
•As standards provided by PCC are reduced, a community may elect to contribute financially for enhanced services.
•Maintenance contracts were not put in place by PCC early enough in 2016 which led to some areas not been dealt with.
•Maintenance contracts have been awarded for 2017 which should enable grass cutting and street scene services to continue as standard.
•Contracts would be reviewed by PCC in 2018 and standards could be reduced.
•Cluster members need to review the figures again and if necessary consider this before any Precepts are set for 2018
•Members present agreed to re-visit the costing of undertaking the street scene and ground maintenance of the Cluster using the new 45% contribution over 5 years formula in readiness for the next meeting
Montgomery Town Council will be employing a Development Officer on a three year fixed contract; this person will promote the town and the Town Hall to encourage more visitors. There will be opportunities for small businesses in the town.
A Development Worker will be in post shortly, they will undertake a feasibility study and a bid will be made to Heritage Lottery.
Cllr Kibble advised that Countryside Services had been working with various groups who had obtained funding to employ a Footpath Officer who would work specifically with ‘access, way marking and footpaths ’. This officer will train volunteers to work on paths and mend styles etc. Walks of approximately one hour duration, three miles are most popular.
Provisionally – Tuesday 23rd May 2017
Highlights from report by Cllr. O Stanier.
Item 9.
Planning Applications / KCC Consultation* / PCC Notices.
Rhos Kerry SY164PL
Erection of an extension. / “Council wishes to support this application.” / Conditional Consent
B. P/2016/1200 24/11/2016 Focus School - Newtown Campus Sarn SY164EJ
Continued siting of a temporary portakabin (2 years) for use as a class room.
KCC Consultation*
“Council understands that the portakabin is currently being used as a classroom, therefore they suggest that although they are in breach of planning condition 3 on application P/2014/0850 made in 2014 the portakabin should remain in use until July 2017 bringing it in line with the end of the academic year”.
“After that date Council wishes to request the removal of the portakabin re-affirming their original statements made on the 2014 application.”
•The portakabin is badly sited, dominating the vista of the site from the A489.
•It blocks the view of the School House which is seen as a landmark of the village.
•The overall image of the site will present a quasi-industrial image out of character with the surrounding residential properties.
PCC Notice. Conditional Consent
Item 10. Finance.
Accouts paid November /December 2016
Accounts to be paid January 2017.
Accounts to be paid January 2017. / Leach. Burial
Nikky Michelle Dingle
Fight Bladder Cancer.(replacement chq. J. Hester)
British Gas. (Electric Toilets)
V. Wildish (Toilet Repairs)
A Davies (Caretaker)
One Voice Wales (amended bill for training)
O. Stainer.(Sarn Tree)
A. Feltham Clerk (November)
A Feltham Admin (November)
SLCC membership
Office Express (Toner & paper)
HM Revenue and Customs (PAYE)
Newtown Decorating (Toilets)
A Davies (Caretaker)
A Feltham Clerk (Dec/ Jan)
A Feltham Admin.(Dec/Jan)
Wales Audit Office
PAVO PAYE invoice
J. Morgan (Cemetery bench refurbishment) / £250.00
Account balance as of 5th January 2017. Community Acc£32,823.51Money Manager Acc £11,061.31 giving a total of £43,884.82.
Precept request of £26,400.00 made. VAT refund of £789.99 received.
Item 11. Reports on Visits/Meetings Attended.
Powys County Council Cabinet meeting, Tuesday 17th January 2017. Llandrindod Wells
To approve the updated changes to LDP
In addition to the cabinet members present there were approximately fifty to sixty members of the public. The meeting was also broadcast live on the web.
Peter Morris presented the Local Development plan for approval.
There had been 741 representations from 593 representors, 575 (or 70% ) of which related to FFC79, Renewable energy.
Some of the representations were addressed as follows
The well being of future generations act - The LDP is exempt from this act
That the process was undemocratic and there have been significant changes to the LDP at such a late date. – Peter Morris disagreed with both statements, the policy having been in place for several years and that the Welsh Government had asked in March 2016 for the LDP to spacially represent renewable energy policies.
That changes contradict landscape policy - Peter Morris disagreed, that is the nature of planning!
Some concerns were raised about the tactical flying area
-This is new information and is being considered
National Recourse Wales expressed concerns regarding bird protection
-Buffer zones are under consideration
That the energy contribution is significantly more than we need loacally
- These are maximum figures, and that the Welsh Government planning policy is that we need to “optimise our contributions”
The visual impact of wind and solar farms - This concern needs more evidence!
The connection to the national grid - This needs further investigation
Mr Thomas pointed out that “search area” does not mean that planning permission has been granted.
Peter Morris agreed that some of the suggested areas may well be deemed unsuitable as details are further refined
John Powel showed concern about the influx of developers to put in the infrastructure,
- more work will need to be done to clarify this!
The question of hydropower was also addressed, and it was deemed that most possible sites have already been implemented, and although other sites were available they are all likely to be environmentally sensitive.
It was also pointed out that of 72 local councillors that could have attended the meeting and spoken of their concerns, not one was there.
Also that any decisions made today would have to be implemented by a council that has not yet been elected,
The end result:
All cabinet members are opposed to the Further Focussed Changes relating to renewable energy however, they feel that they have no choice but to agree to them if they want to preserve other aspects of the LDP
If they reject these changes it will mean that Powys will be left with no identified housing land supply for the next five years and that the community has no control over planning.
Of the seven members present, six voted to approve and one abstained.
Highlights from report by Cllr. C. Seal.
Item 12 Correspondence/communications sent /received
Additional Correspondence sent to:
George Russell, Postcodes forFibre Optic in Dolfor.
Cllr Avril York, Cllr Tony Thomas, Gwilym Davies.Ref Var. 106.
Severn Trent Water. Confirmation of work completed at Nook Lane.
Correspondence From.
Chris Lloyd (CSP - Local Environment)Newtown Bypass Temporary TTRO - First Notice
Tracey Smith (CSP - Regeneration and Corporate Property) 471 RE: Examination of Powys LDP - Introduction & Notice of Pre-Hearing Meeting.
Liam Fletcher (CSP - Local Environment)Temporary Road Closure - U2669, Sarn from 20/03/2017 – 21/03/2017.
Nichola Davies (CSP - Local Environment) full Business Rates exemption will be given to toilet buildingsfor the financial year 2017/2018
Severn Trent Water Works – Sarn Drop in session on Thursday 26 January 2017, between the hours4pm – 7pm at Sarn Village Hall.
Laura Samuel (CSP - Local Environment) Closure of Sarn recycling site. I can confirm that a poster has been put on the cans/plastics pod at the site. We are making arrangements to remove all of these containers from Powys.
George, Russell. Fibre Optic in Dolfor. copy available.
Powys County Council and Town/Community Council Liaison Meeting - Tuesday 7th February 2017 Agenda with clerk.
Clerks Briefings - Community Council's Election 4th May 2017. Clerk to attend briefing session. 2nd March.
Chris Lloyd (CSP - Local Environment) Traffic Counter Data - Common Road. Info emailed to Councillors
Council requested the clerk to write to Chris Lloyd objecting to the proposal to take no further action. Agenda item for February.
Liam Fletcher (CSP - Local Environment) Temporary Road Closures - C2156, U2820, C2025, Mochdre. Details with Clerk
Sarah Ward. Garreg Lwyd Hill Wind Farm: turbine deliveries now complete
Louise Evans (CSP - Development Control) Application Ref: P/2016/0722
Grid Ref: 320181.45290928.59 for Outline application for the development of approximately 60 no. dwellings and associated infrastructure with all matters reserved at Land Opposite Oak View, Sarn, Kerry, Powys. To go to committee 22nd February.
Electoral Services (CSP - Generic). Powys Electoral Review 2017. Invitation to attend.Chamber, Neuadd Maldwyn, Welshpool – 8 March 2017 at 6-30.Cllr.P. Dyer (Sarn) to attend.
Powys War Memorial Project Grants available. Clerk to express an interest.
Item 11. Any Other Business.
Dolfor. / Due to the recent road closures in and around Dolfor, the road "Over the Top" C2058 from the Vestre, Kerry to Dolfor is suffering and the road surface is falling away from the increased use and by HGVs. Clerk to inform Highways of Councils concerns
Kerry / A request was made to install a memorial stone lying flat on a grave plot. Council declined this request as it is hoped to keep a uniformed appearance to the grounds.
A request to hold a wedding venue on the Dolforgan Park Community Field was supported by Council.
The dog waste bin has not been installed at the grassed triangle area on the approach to Sawmills. Council to monitor fly tipping in this area.
A new bench is to be placed on the above area.
The village notice board is in need of repair. Cllr. M. Morgan to arrange work.
Sarn / The road sign at Spring Bank Sarn has been damaged and needs replacement. Clerk to inform highways.
There being no other business the meeting closed at.9.25pm.
Meetings are open to residents, who may only address the meeting with the Chairman’s prior consent.
If you wish to address the Council in Welsh please make your intentions known at the time of your request, which should be made prior to the meeting date.
* Although KCC works in conjunction with PCC as consultants, it has no authority to grant planning permission.
Copies of Minutes can be made available after approval on request or by visiting our web-site
Next Scheduled Meeting.
Wednesday 22nd February 2017 7-30pm in Kerry Village Hall.
To comply with PCC guidelines and to ensure public awareness additional planning meetings may be called. Notification will be posted on the village notice boards.
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