


List Projects Enrolled In This Year And Exhibit Record At Fairs, Shows And Club Events

Include Exhibits, Fashion Revue, Favorite Foods Show, Showmanship, Skills Contest, Etc.

Project / Item / Name of Show, Fair or Event / Placing

4-H Club Participation

Monthly Club Meetings:

Number held by clubNumber I attended


Office held in the club and/or county:

Committees served on: (Club or County level)What did you do:

4-H Community Service Projects (service to others, community pride program)

What was done by the clubYour responsibility

Other Activities you took part in:

Club TourBannerBLU/YELLO!Judging teams

Awards CeremonyFair Clean-upProject Bowl4-H Camp

Day CampProject MeetingsAmbassador

I took part in the following learning activities: judging, demonstration/illustrated talk, youth-in-action presentations, reports at club meetings, public speaking, learning opportunities attended (project meetings, leader workshops, etc.)

Learning Activity / Topic / Where Activity Was Held

4-H Events you attended this year:Your responsibility

club, county, state, national, international

Promoted or publicized 4-H (news article, talk, radio, T.V., 4-H Ambassador responsibilities, etc.)

4-H Recognition Received During The Current Year

Medals, trips, scholarship received. Other recognition.


What was most fun? ______

What did I learn the most from? ______

What I Did and Learned in my Other 4-H Projects (not recorded on a Record Form)

Project Area No. of Years in this Project

Project Area No. of Years in this Project

Project Area No. of Years in this Project

Project Area No. of Years in this Project

Project Area No. of Years in this Project

Your responsibilities in your family or how you help others:

Your activities outside of 4-H.




Your story (add extra pages if necessary). Write at least two paragraphs about what you learned through 4-H, enjoyed most, had difficulty with and found most interesting. Tell how your family helped you. Write one paragraph about your favorite project and the other about 4-H experiences in general.