Study Guide Standard 10.8

Identify the significance of the following terms to the World War II era. Know the chronology of events and be able to locate appropriate place names on a map.

Treaty of Versailles League of Nations Invasion of Manchuria

Invasion of Ethiopia March into the Rhineland Anschluss

Sudetenland Munich Agreement appeasement

Neville Chamberlain Adolph Hitler Benito Mussolini

Joseph Stalin Czechoslovakia Soviet/German Non-Aggression Pact

Secret Agreeements (Hitler and Stalin) Invasion of Poland

Soviet invasion of Finland and the Baltic States Collaborators

Spanish Civil War Fascists Francisco Franco

“Blitzkrieg” Fall of the Low Countries

Fall of France Dunkirk Battle of Britain

Winston Churchill Vichy France Nazi Invasion of the USSR

Stalingrad Shostakovich Leningrad Symphony

American Neutrality Acts “Cash/Carry” “Lend/Lease”

“Atlantic Charter” Franklin Roosevelt Japanese Invasion of China

Japanese Invasion of Southeast Asia Pearl Harbor

Axis Powers D-Day (Planning, Problems, Execution)

North African Campaign Italian Campaign Eastern Front

“Island Hopping” atomic bomb Hiroshima

Nagasaki Holocaust Kristallnacht

pogroms Mein Kampf einsatzgruppen

Heinrich Himmler Rheinhardt Heydrich SS and Waffen SS

“Final Solution” “death camps” Nuremburg Laws

Wannsee Conference “Rape of Nanking” isolationism v. internationalism

Emperor Hirohito

Test yourself to see if you can apply the terms to answer these questions…if you can, you know it!

1. “Strong actions by England, France, and the United States in the 1930’s would have prevented World War II. Weak responses and appeasement merely whetted the appetites of the fascist nations in Europe and Asia.”

To what extent do you agree with this statement? Use the facts from the period 1931-1941 in supporting your conclusions.

2. Explain the overall strategy for victory by the Allies during the course of WWII in Europe and the Pacific. What problems did they have to overcome on the road to ultimate victory?

3. How did Nazi persecution of the Jews change during the course of the war?

4. Using information from the text and the film on the Nuremburg Trials, analyze the importance and the difficulties of using international law to prosecute those accused of crimes against humanity.

5. Analyze the reasons that motivated the American decision to use the atomic bomb against Japan. Come to conclusions on the necessity their use by evaluating the historical evidence.