Ayurvedic Drug Manufacturers’Association

Unit No. 227, T.V. Industrial Estate, 248/A, S.K. Ahire Marg, Worli,Mumbai - 400 030

Tel: 91 - 22 -24984405, 24984423. Fax: 91- 22 – 24983658


0713/ADMA/ 243 8th July 2013


All Members of ADMA

Subject: Stock Updates

Dear Sirs,

We forward herewith mail dated 6-7-2013 received from Herbal Health Research Consortium Pvt. Ltd., Amritsarwith regard to Stock Updates.

Members interested to place an order may directly contact Herbal Health Research Consortium Pvt. Ltd., Amritsar.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

O.P. Poojari

Secretary General

------Forwarded message ------
From: Herb Heal
Date: Sat, Jul 6, 2013 at 6:06 PM
Subject: Latest Price List
To: Herb Heal <

Dear Sir,

Please find attached the latest price list of available herbs with us.

We proudly announce that we enjoy the privilege of only house having such a huge list of herbs readily available with us almost throughout the year which is being upgraded with addition of new items. This takes away the entire load from buyer by giving single window solution.

Do you know when you procure the items from Raw Material Markets like Delhi, Mumbai you are additionally charged for:

-Bardana (Packing Charges)- to the tune of Rs.20-50. It appears to be small but if you calculate the same for products like Bhringraj, Gokhru Panchang, Bala, Arjun, the same adds up to Rs.2-5 per Kg.

-Hamali Charges

-Mandi Commission

-Courier Charges etc.

But HHRC rates are inclusive of all these charges, so please consider the above facts while calculating the price difference.

Of course there are other more important benefits which you get when you buy the material from HHRC like:

-Surety for the authenticity of the product

-Clean and stone, dust free material.

-Duly checked for active components like curcumin in Haldi, Z & E Guggalsterone for guggulu, Gallic acid in Amla etc.

We are sure that while procuring the raw material for your esteemed organization, you are taking care of above facts to ensure quality and consistency of your finished product.

Awaiting your valuable order and suggestions

Thanks &Regards

For Herbal Health Research Consortium Pvt. Ltd.







/ 06.07.13 STD PRICE LIST.pdf
Price list effective date 06/07/2013
VILL. KHYALA KHURD, RAM TIRATH ROAD, AMRITSAR Ph.No. 01858-262025, 09501756939, Fax: 01858-262026
ORDER DATE: / Standard Price List
S.No. / Local name of Herbs / Botanical name of Herbs / Part used / Price per KG (Std Packing) / Standard Packing / Retail Price Per Kg (Non standard Packing)
1 / Aarni / Clerodendrum phlomidis / Roots. / 24 / 30 / 27
2 / Abhrak Vajra / Mica / 16 / 50 / 19
3 / Agarwood / Aquilaria / 43 / 50 / 48
4 / Afsateen / Artemisia absimthium / whole plant / NA / 30 / NA
5 / Ajmoda / Apium leptophyllum / seed / 75 / 50 / 83
6 / Ajwain / Trachyspermum ammi / fruit / 70 / 50 / 78
7 / Akarkara / Anacyclus Pyrethrum / Root / 1050 / 20 / 1074
8 / Amaltas dandi / Cassia fistula / fruit / 16 / 30 / 19
9 / Amaltass Crushed / Cassia fistula / fruit / NA / 30 / NA
10 / Amchure / Mangifera indica / fruit slice / NA / 30 / NA
11 / Amar Guthali / Mangifera indica / seed / NA / 50 / #VALUE!
12 / Amla Powder / Emblica officinalis / dried fruits / 72 / 50 / 80
13 / Amla seedless / Emblica officinalis / dried fruits / 62 / 50 / 70
14 / Anantmoola kala / Hemidesmus indicus / root / 38 / 30 / 43
15 / Anantmoola Red / Hemidesmus indicus / root / 265 / 50 / 289
16 / Anar Dana / Punica granatum / Seed / 315 / 30 / 339
17 / Anar Chhilka / Punica granatum / fruit / 15 / 30 / 18
18 / Apamarg panchang / Achyrantus aspera / whole plant / 15 / 20 / 18
19 / Arjuna chhal / Terminalia arjuna / stem bark / 24 / 50 / 27
20 / Ashok chhal / Saraca ashoka / bark / 31.5 / 50 / 36.5
21 / Ashwagandha No. 1 / Withania somnifera / dried roots / 255 / 50 / 279
22 / Ashwagandha panchang / Withania somnifera / whole plant / 38 / 50 / 43
23 / Ashwagandha SPL / Withania somnifera / dried roots / NA / 50 / NA
24 / Babul Chhal / Acacia arabica / bark / 15 / 30 / 18
25 / Babul Chhal (disintegrated) / Acacia arabica / bark / 21 / 50 / 24
26 / Baheda chhilka / Terminalia belerica / dried fruits / 23 / 50 / 26
27 / Baheda Powder / Terntinalia belerica / dried fruits / 27 / 50 / 32
28 / Bala Panchang / Sida cordifolia / whole plant / 17 / 30 / 20
29 / BANAFSA / VIOLA ODORATA / FLOWERING TWIG / 1025 / 10 / 1049
30 / Bakyan beej / Melia Azedarach / Fruit / 25 / 50 / 28
31 / Bavachi (Bakuchi) / Psoralia coryllifolia / seed / 60 / 50 / 68
32 / beej kala / seed / 142 / 50 / 156
33 / Ber Pathar / Fossil encrinite / mineral / 198 / 50 / 216
34 / Bharangi / Clerodendrum serratum / bark / 52 / 30 / 60
35 / Bhringraj / Eclipta alba / whole plant / 44 / 25 / 49
36 / Bhringraj disintegrated / Eclipta alba / Whole Plant / 46 / 25 / 51
37 / Bhringraj powder / Eclipta alba / whole plant / 56 / 50 / 64
38 / Bhumi Amla / Phyllanthus niruri / Whole Plant / 40 / 25 / 45
39 / Bhumiamla Powder / Phyllanthus niruri / whole plant / 51 / 50 / 59
40 / Bil giri / Aegle marmelos / fruit / 45 / 50 / 50
41 / Bil Patter / 32 / 50 / 37
42 / Bilva chhal / Aegle marmelos / Stem bark / 26.5 / 50 / 31.5
43 / Brinjasaff / Achillea Millefolium / whole plant / NA / 20 / #VALUE!
44 / Boswellia (Gond Kandru) / Boswellia serrata / exudate / 180 / 50 / 198
45 / Chandan Powder / Powder / 115 / 50 / 129
46 / Chavya (Mirchmool) / Piper retrofractum / stem / 90 / 30 / 100
47 / Chharila / Parmelia periata / whole plant / 168 / 20 / 186
48 / ChakrMard ( Pawar Beez) / 35 / 50 / 40
49 / Chitrak moola / Plumbago zeylanicum / root / 105 / 30 / 119
50 / Chitrak moola powder / Plumbago zeylanicum / root / 131 / 50 / 145
51 / Chirayta nepali / Swertia Chirayta / whole plant / 650 / 25 / 674
52 / Chobchini / Smilax china / rhizome / 395 / 50 / 419
53 / Dalchini / Cinnamomum zeylanicum / bark / 130 / 50 / 144
54 / Danti Mool / Baliospermum Montanum / Root / 65 / 50 / 73
55 / Daru Haldi / Berberis aristata / Heart wood / 46 / 50 / 51
56 / Daru Haldi Chips / NA / 50 / NA
57 / Devdaru / Cedrus deodra / Heart wood / 37 / 30 / 42
58 / Dhamasa / Fagonia cretica / whole plant / 28 / 30 / 33
59 / Dhaniya / Coriandrum sativum / fruit / 94 / 30 / 104
60 / Dhaniya Split / Coriandrum sativum / Fruit / 80 / 40 / 90
61 / Dhatki Pushpa / Woodfordia fruticosa / flower / 33 / 50 / 38
62 / Dikumali / NA / 30 / #VALUE!
63 / Elaichi chhoti / Elattaria Cardamom / fruit / 710 / 50 / 734
64 / Elaichi Badi / Amomum Subulatum / Fruit / 1050 / 25 / 1074
65 / Erand Beej / Ricinus communis / Seed / 55 / 50 / 63
66 / Eranda moola / Ricinus communis / root / 17 / 20 / 20
67 / Eranda moola (disintegrated) / Ricinus communis / root / 21 / 50 / 24
68 / Fitkari / Potassium alum / mineral / 17.5 / 50 / 20.5
69 / Gajwan / Onosoma bracteum / leaves / 360 / 30 / 384
70 / Gajjar beej / Daucus carota / seed / NA / 50 / #VALUE!
71 / Gambhari chhal / Gmelina arborea / root bark / 38 / 50 / 43
72 / Gandhak Amlasaar / Sulphur / mineral / 51 / 50 / 59
73 / Gandhaprasrini / Paederia foetida / whole plant / 24 / 20 / 27
74 / Geru / Ochre / 8 / 50 / 11
75 / Giloy / Tinospora cordifolia / stem / 25 / 30 / 28
76 / Giloy (special) / Tinospora cordifolia / stem / NA / 30 / #VALUE!
77 / Gokhru Beej / Tribulus terrestris / fruit / 55 / 50 / 63
78 / Gokhru Panchang / Tribulus terrestris / whole plant / 13.5 / 30 / 16.5
79 / Gond Babool Kala / Acacia arabica / gum, resin / 70 / 50 / 78
80 / Gond babool Red / Acacia arabica / gum, resin / 95 / 50 / 105
81 / Gond Katira / Astragalus Gummifer / gum, resin / 655 / 30 / 679
82 / Gorakhmundi / Spharalanthus indicus / fruit / 54 / 20 / 62
83 / Gudmar / Gymnema sylvestre / leaf / 79 / 30 / 89
84 / Guggulu / Commiphora wightii / exudate / 590 / 60 / 614
85 / Guggal Spl / Commiphora wightii / exudate / 790 / 50 / 814
86 / Gulab phul / Rosa centifolia / flower / 179 / 15 / 197
87 / Gulab phul powder / Rosa centifolia / flower / 212 / 50 / 236
88 / Gunja (RATI) / Abrus precatorius / Seed / 136 / 50 / 150
89 / Hadjor / 46 / 50 / 51
90 / Halo beej / Llepidium sativum / seed / 58 / 50 / 66
91 / Haldi / Curcuma longa / rhizomes / 83 / 50 / 93
92 / Hansraj / Adiantum innulatum / whole plant / 49 / 20 / 54
93 / Harmal beej / 52 / 50 / 60
94 / Harad Chhilka / Terminalia chebula / dried fruits / 39 / 50 / 44
95 / Harad Chhilka powder / Terminalia chebula / dried fruits / 47 / 50 / 52
96 / Haubaer / 46 / 50 / 51
97 / Hirabol / Commiphera myrrha / gum, resin / 460 / 50 / 484
98 / Imali Beej / Tamarindus indicus / seed / NA / 50 / NA
99 / Indrayava Kadwa / Holarrhena antidysenterica / seed / 90 / 50 / 100
100 / Indrayan Phal / Citrullus Colocynthis / Fruit / 67 / 25 / 75
101 / Isabgol Husk / Plantago Ovata / Husk / NA / NA
102 / Ispagul Beej / Plantago Ovata / Seed / 94 / 30 / 104
103 / Jalbrahmi / Bacopa monnerieri / whole plant / 37 / 25 / 42
104 / Jalbrahmi powder / Bacopa monnerieri / whole plant / 48 / 50 / 53
105 / Jamun beej / Syziyum cummi / seed / 45 / 50 / 50
106 / Jangharad / Terminalia chebula / unripe fruit / 110 / 50 / 124
107 / Jatamansi / Nadrostachys jatamansi / rhizome / 605 / 25 / 629
108 / Javitri / Myristica fragrans / Mace / 995 / 30 / 1019
109 / JayaPhala (With Shell) / Myristica fragrans / seed / NA / 30 / NA
110 / JayaPhala (Without Shell) / Myristica fragrans / seed / 850 / 30 / 874
111 / Jeera / Cuminum cyminum / fruit / 165 / 40 / 183
112 / Jeevanti / Leptadenia reticulata / Whole Plant / 315 / 25 / 339
113 / Jeharmohra / Serpentine / mineral / 40 / 50 / 45
114 / Jeharmohra powder / Serpentine / mineral / 55 / 50 / 63
115 / Juffa / Hyssopus Officinalis / whole plant / 498 / 30 / 522
116 / Kachur / Curcuma zedora / rhizome / 38 / 50 / 43
117 / Kaiphal Chhal / Myrica esculenta / bark / 36 / 30 / 41
118 / Kala Pattar / leaf / N.A / 30 / #VALUE!
119 / Kali mirch / Piper nigrum / fruit / 420 / 50 / 444
120 / Kali Jeeri / 90 / 30 / 100
121 / Kalihari / Gloriosa Superba / Root / 47 / 30 / 52
122 / Kalmegha / Andrographis paniculata / Whole Plant / 90 / 25 / 100
123 / Kalmegha Powder / Andrographis paniculata / whole plant / 115 / 50 / 129
124 / kalmi shora / 58 / 50 / 66
125 / Kalounji / Nigella sativa / seed / 98 / 50 / 108
126 / Kamarkas / Butea monosperma / Gum / 170 / 50 / 188
127 / Kanchnar chhal / Bauhimia variegata / bark / 34 / 30 / 39
128 / Kantkari panchang / Solanum xanthocarpum / whole plant / 37 / 25 / 42
129 / karanj beej / Caesalpinia crista / seed / 70 / 50 / 78
130 / karanj beej (RED) / Pongamia Pinneta / seed / 40 / 50 / 45
131 / Karela Dry / Momordia charantiya / fruit / 60 / 30 / 68
132 / Kasmard beej (Kasoundi) / Cassia occidentalis / seed / 33 / 50 / 38
133 / Kasni / Cichorium intybus / seed / 62 / 50 / 70
134 / Kala namak / Black Salt / 19 / 50 / 22
135 / Katha / Acacia catechu / exudate / 185 / 50 / 203
136 / Khunshosha / Ddaemonorops draco / exudate / NA / 50 / #VALUE!
137 / Khadiya mitti / Alabaster / 12 / 50 / 15
138 / Khadeer Kastha / Acacia catechu / heart wood / 26 / 30 / 31
139 / Khas / Vetiveria zizaniodis / root / 95 / 20 / 105
140 / Khurasni Ajwain / Hyoscyamus niger / seed / 165 / 50 / 183
141 / Konch Beej black / Mucuna prurita / seed / 55 / 50 / 63
142 / Konch Beej white / Mucuna prurita / Seed / 62 / 50 / 70
143 / Kuchla / Strychnous nuxvomica / seed / 85 / 50 / 95
144 / Kulanjan / Alpinia galanga / rhizome / 78 / 30 / 88
145 / kulath / Vigna unauiculata / seed / 46 / 50 / 51
146 / Kutaj chhal / Holarrhena antidysenterica / stem bark / 27.5 / 30 / 32.5
147 / Kutki / Picrorhiza kurroa / Root / NA / 25 / #VALUE!
148 / Lakh Pippal / Laccifer lacca / exudate / 690 / 50 / 714
149 / Lajwanti / Mimosa pudica / seed / 115 / 50 / 129
150 / Lal chandan / Pterocarpus santatinus / heart wood / 143 / 50 / 157
151 / Lasudi / Cordia dichotoma / fruit / 32 / 50 / 37
152 / Lavang / Syziyum aromaticum / bud / 835 / 50 / 859
153 / Lodhra Chhal / Symplocus racemosus / bark / 47 / 30 / 52
154 / Majju phal / Quercus infectoria / dried galls / 555 / 50 / 579
155 / Makoy Dana / 135 / 50 / 149
156 / Makoy Panchang / Solanum nigrum / whole plant / 19 / 25 / 22
157 / Malkangni / Cellustrus paniculatus / fruit / 250 / 50 / 274
158 / Mamjivha / Enicostemma littarale / whole plant / 94 / 50 / 104
159 / Mandookparni (Brahmi) / Centella asiatica / whole plant / 73 / 20 / 81
160 / Mandookparni (Brahmi) Disint / 81 / 20 / 91
161 / Mandoor / Rusted iron / 12.5 / 50 / 15.5
162 / Majith Irani / 145 / 30 / 159
163 / Majith cutting / Rubia cordifolia / stem / 116 / 30 / 130
164 / Maroodfali / Helicterus issora / Fruit / 38 / 50 / 43
165 / Mashparni / Teramnus labialis / Whole Plant / 12 / 30 / 15
166 / Meda lakdi / 51 / 59
167 / Mehndi Patter only Leaves / Lawsonia inermis / leaf / 55 / 30 / 63
168 / Methre / seed / 42 / 50 / 47
169 / Methi beej / Trigonella foenumgraceum / seed / 110 / 50 / 124
170 / Mochras / Bombax ceiba / gum, resin / 220 / 50 / 244
171 / Mulathi / Glycyrrhiza glabra
172 / Mulathi Cutting / Glycyrrhiza glabra / Root / 145 / 30 / 159
173 / Musali Safed / Chlorophytum tuberosum / rhizome / 600 / 50 / 624
174 / Nagarmotha / Cyperus rotundus / dried rhizome / 49 / 30 / 54
175 / Nagkeshar / Mesua ferra / bud / 350 / 30 / 374
176 / Neelofar / Nymphaea stellata / flower / 70 / 25 / 78
177 / Neem chhal / Azadirachta indica / stem bark / 23.5 / 50 / 26.5
178 / Neem Pattar / Azadirachta indica / dried leaves / 25 / 25 / 28
179 / Nirmali beej / Strychnous potatorum / seed / 73 / 50 / 81
180 / Nirgundi beej (Samhalu) / Vitex negundo / seed / 35 / 50 / 40
181 / Nirgundi pattar / Vitex negundo / dried leaves / 22 / 25 / 25
182 / Nirgundi pattar (only leaves) / Vitex negundo / dried leaves / 90 / 25 / 100
183 / Nishoth / Operculina turpethum / Root / NA / 30 / #VALUE!
184 / Nisoth White / 165 / 30 / 183
185 / Padmakh / Prumus Puddum / heart wood / 40 / 30 / 45
186 / Palash Beej / Butea monosperma / seed / 34.5 / 50 / 39.5
187 / palash pushpa / Butea monosperma / flower / 30 / 25 / 35
188 / Pashanbhed / Bergenia ligulata / root / 48 / 30 / 53
189 / Patala chhal / Stereosternum suaveolons / stem bark / 28 / 50 / 31
190 / Patol patra / Trichosantues diaica / leaf / 24 / 25 / 27
191 / P.Mool / 111 / 30 / 125
192 / Piplamool / Piper longum / root / 325 / 50 / 349
193 / Pippali badi / Piper Retrofractum / fruit / 810 / 50 / 834
194 / Pippali Chhoti / Piper longum / fruit / 450 / 50 / 474
195 / PITPAPRA / Fumaria indica / whole plant / 44 / 30 / 49
196 / P.LAL PATHAR / 375 / 30 / 399
197 / Prishnaparni / Uraria picta / Whole Plant / 28 / 25 / 33
198 / Priyangu / Callicapra marcophylla / seed / 210 / 50 / 234
199 / Pudina Panchang / Mentha viridis / Whole Plant / 47 / 25 / 52
200 / Punarnava mool / Boerhaavia diffusa / Roots. / 48 / 30 / 53
201 / Raal / NA / 30 / #VALUE!
202 / Rasna / Pluchea lanceolata / leaf / 26 / 25 / 31
203 / Rohitaki chhal / Tecomella undulata / stem bark / 30 / 50 / 35
204 / Sajji Khar / 30 / 50 / 35
205 / Safed Namak / Sea Salt / 5.25 / 50 / 8.25
206 / Santara chhilka / Citrus reticulata / peel / 19.5 / 35 / 22.5
207 / Samuderjhag / Cuttle stone / NA / 25 / #VALUE!
208 / Samudra phal / Barringtonia acutangula / Fruit / 72 / 30 / 82
209 / Saptparni / Alstonia scholaris / stem bark / 46 / 50 / 51
210 / Sarpagandha / Rawvolfia serpentina / root / NA / 50 / #VALUE!
211 / Sarphonkha / Tephrosia purpurea / Whole Plant / 18 / 50 / 21
212 / Senna Patti / Cassia angustifolia / dried leaves / 58 / 25 / 66
213 / Shalparni / Desmodium gangeticum / Whole Plant / 35 / 30 / 40
214 / Sainda namak / Rock salt / 6 / 50 / 9
215 / Shankhpushpi / Convolvulus pluricaulis / Whole Plant / 30 / 25 / 35
216 / Shatavari white / Asparagus recemosus / Root / 148 / 50 / 162
217 / Shatavar Nepali / 325 / 30 / 349
218 / Shikakai / Acacia concinna / fruit / 46 / 50 / 51
219 / Shilajit pathar / Asphaltum Punjabinum / exudate / 950 / 50 / 974
220 / Shirish Chhal / Albizia labback / bark / 29 / 50 / 34
221 / Seimal musli / Bombax malabaricum / root / 41 / 30 / 46
222 / Shitalchini / Piper cubeba / fruit / 510 / 50 / 534
223 / Shyonak chhal / Oroxylum indicum / stem bark / 38 / 30 / 43
224 / Soya beej / Anethum sowa / seed / 65 / 50 / 73
225 / Somlata / Ephedra Vulgaris / Stem / 26 / 40 / 31
226 / Sogi / Vitis vinifera / fruit / NA / 50 / #VALUE!
227 / Sounf / Foeniculam vulgare / fruit / 92 / 50 / 100
228 / Sounth Powder / Zingiber officinale / dried rhizome / 175 / 50 / 193
229 / Sounth Disintegrated / Zingiber officinale / dried rhizome / 165 / 50 / 183
230 / suhaga(tankan) / borax / 59 / 50 / 67
231 / Supari kathi / Areca catechus / seed / 195 / 50 / 213
232 / supari chura / 110 / 50 / 124
233 / Supari telia / Areca catechus / seed / 235 / 50 / 259
234 / Tagar / Valariana Wallichi / Rhizomes / 420 / 30 / 444
235 / Talis pattar / Abies webbiana / leaves / 60 / 10 / 68
236 / Talamakhana / Asteracartua longifolia / Whole Plant / 198 / 50 / 216
237 / Tejpatar / Cinnamonum tamala / leaf with some branches / 42 / 20 / 47
238 / Tejpatar (only leaves) / Cinnamonum tamala / leaves only / 62 / 15 / 70
239 / Tukmekahu / Lactuca sativa / seed / 145 / 50 / 159
240 / Tulsi patra (krishna tulsi) / Ocimum sanctum / leaf / 70 / 30 / 78
241 / Tulsi green / Ocimum sanctum / leaf / 72 / 30 / 80
242 / Ulatkambal / Abroma Augusta / root / NA / 30 / #VALUE!
243 / Unnab / Ziziphus sativa / fruit / 120 / 30 / 134
244 / Urad / Phaseous mungo / seed / 49 / 50 / 54
245 / Vadara moola / Argyria speciosa / root & stem / 29 / 30 / 34
246 / Vanslochan (Bold) / NA / 50 / #VALUE!
247 / Vansalochan / Bambusa arundinacea / exudate / 73 / 50 / 81
248 / Varahikand / Dioscorea bulbifera / root / 40 / 50 / 45
249 / Varun chhal / Cratava nurvala / bark / 90 / 30 / 100
250 / Vasa pattar / Adhatoda vasica / dried leaves / 17 / 30 / 20
251 / Vata Chhal / Ficusbenga tensis / stem bark / 28 / 30 / 33
252 / Vatsnabh / Aconitum chasmanthum / root / 345 / 50 / 369
253 / Vavidang / Embelia ribes / Fruits / 225 / 50 / 249
254 / Vavidang Powder / Embelia ribes / 258 / 50 / 276
255 / Varch / Acorus calamus / Rhizome / 118 / 50 / 132
256 / Vidara Beej / 160 / 30 / 178
257 / Vidarikand / Pureria tuberosa / root tuber / 45 / 50 / 50
258 / Vijay beej / seed / 92 / 50 / 102
259 / Vijaysar / pterocarpus marsupium / Heart wood / 38 / 50 / 43