You are the scientist, correct?
As the scientist, your job is to study nature and people. You understand that farming is a natural way of producing the food that people eat. People in our communities get their food from farms. The earth only has a little bit of land that is good for farming. To learn more go to This website and click on Limits of The Earth.
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If you come across any words you do not know, look them up by going to this web site.
To keep farm lands healthy, we need to take care of the soil. First you will learn about soil. So, worm your way through the answers to these 13 soil questions Don’t worry, scientists love getting dirty!
Water is another important natural resource. It is also easy for people to hurt water or waste water. Water helps keep the people, plants and animals on the earth alive and healthy. When the water is not healthy then the people, plants, and animals can not stay healthy either. Go to this website and get more water facts.
Now that you know a little bit about how water gets to the earth, let’s find out how humans can hurt and waste water. Go to this website to find out what’s wrong with this picture.
Good Work!