Parish Ministry Associate Program
Central States Synod
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Think of us in this way, as servants of Christ and stewards of God’s mysteries.
(1 Corinthians 4:1)
Purpose of the Parish Ministry Program
The Parish Ministry Associate (PMA) program is an education resource for members of congregations of the Central States Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Those who complete the program will receive a certificate identifying them as Parish Ministry Associates and will be qualified to actively serve in leadership roles in their congregation and the synod. Those who choose to do so will understand themselves to be servants of Christ and stewards of God’s mysteries: as servants they are obedient to Christ; as stewards of God’s mysteries they are responsible to care for and use the gifts given to them and to the church. PMAs are accountable to the church, on both the congregational and synodical levels.
PMAsmay serve as leaders in a variety of ways. Some may serve alongside rostered leaders in their own congregations. Upon the request and approval of the bishop they may enter into a covenant relationship to serve a congregation or parish as the primary pastoral leader. They may serve on teams and task forces of the synod.
How to Become a Parish Ministry Associate
- The applicant is an active member of acongregation of the Central States Synod.
- The applicant submits an enrollment form, found on the synod website, which includes an endorsement by his or her congregation as well as a brief description of the applicant’s spiritual journey. Theenrollment fee is $25.
- The applicant receives a letter of confirmation from the synod office which provides information about education courses and a coordinator who will work with PMA students to fulfill their requirements.
- Graduates of the program receive a certificate of completion at the synod assembly.
Education Requirements
The PMA course of study takes place over three to six years and covers nine courses – seven required and two elective. Both required and elective courses are coordinated through the synod office and posted on the synod website. Coordinators will work with students to identify appropriate education courses.
Required courses:
Lutheran Worship
Lutheran Confessions
Old Testament
New Testament
Christian ethics
Christian care-giving
- Elective courses may be selected from areas of interest, such as:
Christian Education
Youth and Family Ministry
Principles of Church Administration
World Religion and Global Ministry
Reformation Study
There are a number of ways to fulfill the educational requirements. Current educational offerings will be posted on the synod website.
- Group Classes - when there is a group of PMA students in a geographical area, the Parish Ministry Team works with the synod office to provide a class and instructor for these students. The location, times and duration of these classes are determined by the instructor.
- Independent Study – Select Learning materials can be found on the website Courses can be taken either on-line or by purchasing a book and DVD. After reading, watching sessions, the student writes a 10 page reflection paper.
- Bishop Kemper School of Ministry – The Bishop Kemper School for Ministry is venture of the Episcopal Church, working collaboratively with the ELCA, to educate people for church leadership. Classes take place in Topeka, KS at Grace Episcopal Cathedral and begin on Saturday morning and wrap up at noon on Sunday. Class fees include all handouts, meals, and overnight accommodations, based upon room availability. You can find out more information by going to
- Continuing Education Centers - Bethany House of Studies (in Lindsborg, KS) and Lutheran School of Theology (in St. Louis, MO)
- Other continuing education conferences, workshops, etc.
Costs and Scholarships
- The cost of the courses will vary (approximately $150-200).
- Congregations are encouraged to share the financial responsibilities with participants.
- Scholarships are available through the Mission Endowment Committee of the Central States Synod. Please contact the synod office or visit the synod website to download the form and apply.
Parish Ministry Associates are certified to do ministry and exercise leadership on behalf of the Central States Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. They therefore agree to:
- communicate regularly with a supervising rostered leader who will be assigned;
- participate in at least one continuing education event or course annually;
- attend the annual PMA Convocation;
- submit a yearly report (written after consultation with thesupervising rostered leader)to the synod office;
- if serving as the primary pastoral leader, complete a covenant agreement signed by the PMA, the congregation to be served, and the synod office which lists expectations, duties, and compensation;as well as have completed a background check.
- communicate with the synod office to request permission to preside at communion if providing leadership in a number of congregations;
- communicate with the synod office regarding concerns or troubling issues within the ministry site.
Role of Rostered Supervisors
- Meet (either by phone or in person) on a regular basis with their PMAs in order to build a relationship of trust and accountability. The suggested frequency is once a month.The supervisor and PMA are mutually responsible to make sure this regular contact takes place.
- Be aware of the PMAs’ activities and ministries.
- Be a resource and counsel for challenges, struggles, and joys; and offer additional help and support as needed by the PMAs.
The expectation is that in this established relationship, the PMA may contact the supervising pastor with any issues or questions that arise in the course of his or her ministry. If a supervisor has any concerns about the ministry of the PMA, he or she should contact the synod office.
Role of the Coordinators
- Track education requirements for students
- Remain in contact with PMAs and encourage them to participate in the annual convocation as well as other continuing education events
- Work with PMA Team and the synod office to plan and implement the PMA program
Role of the Synod office
Since Parish Ministry Associates serve both in their congregations and on behalf of the synod, the synod office is involved in the oversight and care of the Parish Ministry Associate Program.
- Enrollment forms can be obtained from and returned to the synod office.
- Files on each PMA are kept in the synod office.
- Authorization to preside at communion must be requested of and granted by the bishop.
- Synod staff will meet with PMAs who have been asked to enter into a covenant relationship to serve a congregation or parish and conduct a background check.
- A staff member works with the PMA planning team to plan the annual convocation as well as other continuing education opportunities.
Guidelines for Congregations
Pastors and congregations may identify and encourage individuals to consider entering the PMA program. Those who apply must be endorsed by their home congregation. In considering whether to endorse an individual, the congregation council should take great care in evaluating the individual’s spiritual maturity, leadership potential, and willingness to learn and serve. Endorsement is accomplished by a vote of the council.
Congregations are also encouraged to provide financial assistance for individuals in the program to fulfill their educational requirements. Annual reports from the PMA are also shared with the congregation.
Guidelines for Parish Ministry Associates
While Parish Ministry Associates have fulfilled additional educational courses and been certified by the synod to serve within their congregations and the synod, they have not been through the candidacy process to be rostered leaders of the ELCA. Therefore, they are not to wear clerical collars or stoles in worship, which are symbols of ordination, or use the title “reverend.” For the sake of forming a partnership for the ministry of the whole church, lay and rostered leaders must recognize and respect their different callings even as they work together.
Other Matters:
- An individual who has been removed from the ELCA roster because of misconduct or has been denied continuance in candidacy because of misconduct is precluded from serving as a Parish Ministry Associate.
- PMAs are expected to abide by the documentVision and Expectationswhich is found on the ELCA website.
- When permitted by law (as is the case in Missouri and Kansas) PMAs may officiate at marriage services for members of the congregation in which they are authorized to serve, with the concurrence of the congregation and the approval of the synodical bishop.
- Authorization to provide ministry within the synod may be revoked at any time by the bishop, who need not specify a reason.
- PMAs are not to offer therapy or counseling as part of their ministries, but may provide appropriate pastoral care.
- PMAs may serve only within the Central States Synod. Since they are not ordained clergy, they are not recognized by the IRS for the housing allowance benefit on their federal tax returns.