Syllabus Italy High School
Course Description: Geometryintroduces geometric reasoning as a method for problem solving. In this course, you will explore the properties of geometric figures such as triangles, quadrilaterals, and other polygons. Some important geometric ideas such as symmetry, similarity, and trigonometry will also be examined. Lastly, you will begin to explore the basis of formal mathematical proofs and solid geometry. The course material progresses from more visual, intuitive ways of solving problems to more formal explorations of geometric ideas, properties, and, finally, proofs.
Contact Information:
Pam Rigamonti
Italy High School
Room 302
Conference Time: 9:36 – 10:21am
If you have any questions or concerns, you can contact me at 972–483–7411 (leave a message) and your call will be returned within 24 hours or email me at
Parents: The quickest method to contact me is via email. I always have access to my email and will respond rather quickly, if I am not in class. If at any time you wish to meet with me, please do not hesitate to contact me for an appropriate time to meet. I will be happy to set up a conference time convenient to your schedule.
First Semester / Second Semester /1st Six Weeks / 4th Six Weeks
Unit 01: Introduction to Logic and Euclidean Geometry
Unit 02: Coordinate Geometry and Transformations / Unit 06: Relationships of Circles, including Radian Measure and Equations of Circles
Unit 07: Relationships of Two- and Three-Dimensional Figures
2nd Six Weeks / 5th Six Weeks
Unit 03: Relationships of Lines and Transversals
Unit 04: Relationships of Triangles, including Congruency and Similarity / Unit 08: Measurement of Two-Dimensional
Unit 9: Measurement of Three-Dimensional
3rd Six Weeks / 6th Six Weeks
Unit 05: Relationships of Right Triangles, including Trigonometry (22 days for the / Unit 10: Probability
Unit 11: Engineering Design
**All material taught will align with the Texas Essential of Knowledge and Skills as set by the Texas Education Agency.
Important Information:
· Attendance: Attendance is a priority. Missing instruction during a math class is very hard on the student. It is extremely important to be in every class if at all possible. Students must be present in class 90% of the time to receive credit for the class, regardless of the grade obtained in the class. If an absence cannot be avoided, it is the student’s responsibility to make up the work missed in class. Tutorials are available for students who have been absent.
· Student Assessment: Interactive Notebook Grades, Homework, Quizzes(Announced and Unannounced), Team Challenges, Projects, and Unit Tests are examples of how the student could be assessed. Students will be expected to complete open-end response type questions on all assignments, quizzes, and tests.
· Grading: Each 6 – week grade will be calculated using the following weighted percentages:
* 25%: Daily Work
* 35%: Quizzes/Class Activities
* 40%: Tests/Projects
Grades will be updated each week and will be available for view on Parent Portal each Monday. Please do not hesitate to contact me at any time to discuss your student’s progress or grade.
· Extra Credit/Corrections: Due to the complexity of the coursework this year, students will be allowed to correct all Quizzes that result in a grade of less than 70. Corrections must be done in tutorials before the end of the week when quizzes are returned. Extra credit is not available for the course due to the amount of work being done in class. Students will only have the opportunity to improve a quiz grade that is a 70 or below. There will be no test corrections allowed at this level of mathematics.
· Homework: Students will be given homework on occasion and will be expected to adhere to specified due dates. If a student does not complete the assigned material by the due date, 15 points will be deducted from the grade for each day that the assignment is late.
· Tutorials:
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 7:15 – 7:55am
Monday – Thursday 3:00 – 3:45pm
· Semester Exams: A comprehensive semester exam will be given at the conclusion of both semesters. A high school student may be exempt from eligible final exams if the student is passing ALL classes for the semester, has passed ALL state exams required to graduate, has ZERO “Unexcused Absences” AND has a 95% attendance rate in ALL classes.
· State Testing: Geometry is not a state tested course. However, course credit is given when a year-end final grade averages to at a least 70. If a student does not meet the passing requirement, accelerated instruction will be given. Italy High School will have accelerated instruction during the summer. Any high school student who fails a state required course will be required to attend summer school.
· Students will not be permitted to leave the classroom for any reason during the first or last ten minutes of class. If a student is not in class by the tardy bell, the student will be sent to the office for a tardy and given a consequence as outlined in the student code of conduct.
· Remind 101: There are occasions when a reminder text will be sent regarding my class. I urge you and your student to sign up for my Remind 101 to help ensure total preparation for my class. To participate in receiving text message reminders, simply send a text to the number 81010 with the message ___@mrspriga______. Rest assured that you will not receive advertisement texts and your phone number will remain private. You may choose to opt at any time by messaging ‘stop’ to the above number.
· Materials: All supplies will be collected and kept in the classroom for daily use.
o 2-One Subject Spiral Notebooks (11inX8.5in)
o 4-Low Odor Black Expo Markers
o 8-Elmer’s Glue Sticks
o 1 Package Construction Paper
o 1 Dozen Pencils
o 8-AAA Batteries
**Disclaimer**This syllabus is a tentative outline of these courses and may be changed as deemed necessary by the instructor at any time during the current school year.**