Statistical Annex to Norway's Second Quadrennial Periodic Report on the Implementation of the 2005 Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions

Due to technical challenges with the formatting of figures in the on-line form, please refer to the present document as the Statistical Annex.

1.Economy and Finance

1.1Total Flows of Cultural Goods and Services

1.1.a Cultural Goods








(a)Total exports in cultural goods


39 018 691




Statistics Norway

(b)Total imports in cultural goods


69 859 813




Statistics Norway

1.1.a Cultural Services








(a)Total exports in cultural services


85 864 486




Statistics Norway

(b)Total imports in cultural services


394 859 813




Statistics Norway

1.2Contribution of Cultural Activities to Gross Domestic Product

(a)Total GDP / USD / Year / Source
500519000000 / 2014 / Statistics Norway
(b)Share of cultural activities in GDP / % / USD / Year / Source
1, 89 / 9813084112 / 2014 / Statistics Norway

1.3Government Expenditure on Culture

Total government expenditure[3] / USD / Year / Source
1 494 217 290 / 2015 / Statistics Norway[4]
Share of culture in government expenditure[5] / 0,8 % / 2015 / Statistics Norway[6]


a)Number of published titles (name, year, source)

2015: 6608

Source: “Musikk, litteratur og visuell kunst i tall 2015”, Arts Council Norway,

Den Norske Forleggerforening/The Norwegian Publishers Association

2014: 6421

Source: “Musikk, litteratur og visuell kunst i tall 2015”, Arts Council Norway,

Den Norske Forleggerforening/The Norwegian Publishers Association

2013: 6400

Source: “Musikk, litteratur og visuell kunst i tall 2015”, Arts Council Norway,

Den Norske Forleggerforening/The Norwegian Publishers Association

b)Number of publishing companies

Total / Number / Year / Source
105 / 2016 / Norwegian Publishers Association

The Norwegian Publishers Association is a trade organisation for publishers. The members represent approximately 80 % of the sales from publishers to booksellers in the country. There is currently no comprehensive overview over non-member publishers.

Small size companies / Number / Year / Source
96 / 2016 / Norwegian Publishers Association
Norwegian Literature Abroad

Medium size / Number / Year / Source
5 / 2016 / Norwegian Publishers Association
Norwegian Literature Abroad

Large size / Number / Year / Source
4 / 2016 / Norwegian Publishers Association
Norwegian Literature Abroad:

c)Bookshops and annual sales figures

Bookstore chains / Number / NOK/USD[7] / Year / Source
8 major chains / 1,110 MNOK/
129,7 million USD / 2012 / Norwegian Publishers Association 2012
8 major chains / 1159MNOK/
135,5 million USD / 2013 / Norwegian Publishers Association 2013
8 major chains / 1159 MNOK/
135,6 million USD / 2014 / Norwegian Publishers Association
8 major chains / 1261MNOK/
147, 3 million USD / 2015 / Norwegian Publishers Association (p. 31)
Independent[8] bookstores / number / NOK/USD / Year / Source
N/A / 330MNOK/
38,5 million USD / 2012 / Norwegian Publishers Association 2012
N/A / 426,6 MNOK/49,8 million USD / 2013 / Norwegian Publishers Association, 2013
N/A / 159,5 MNOK/
18,6 million USD / 2014 / Norwegian Publishers Association
N/A / 184,6 MNOK/
21,5 million USD / 2015 / Norwegian Publishers Association (p. 31)
Bookstores in[9] other retail / Number / NOK/USD / Year / Source
N/A / 59, 4 MNOK/
6,95 million USD / 2012 / Norwegian Publishers Association 2012
N/A / 97 MNOK/
11,3 million USD / 2013 / Norwegian Publishers Association, 2013
N/A / 135 MNOK/
15,7 million USD / 2014 / Norwegian Publishers Association:
N/A / 98,4 MNOK/
11,4 million USD / 2015 / Norwegian Publishers Association: (p. 31)
Online retailers[10] / Number / NOK/USD / Year / Source
N/A / 439,5 MNOK/
51,3 million USD / 2012 / Norwegian Publishers Association, 2012
N/A / 453,4 MNOK/
52,9 million USD / 2013 / Norwegian Publishers Association, 2013
N/A / 430,5 MNOK/
50,2 million USD / 2014 / Norwegian Publishers Association
N/A / 581,5 MNOK/
67,9 million USD / 2015 / Norwegian Publishers Association (p. 31)

d)Translation flows

Translation flows / Number / Year / Source
Books translated from Norwegian into 47 different languages / 419 publication grants awarded
386 books published / 2014 / Norwegian Literature Abroad:
Books translated into Norwegian / 1009 / 2014 / “Musikk, litteratur og visuell kunst i tall 2015”, Arts Council Norway ,
Books translated from Norwegian into 47 different languages / 431 publication grants awarded
392 books published / 2015 / Norwegian Literature Abroad:
Books translated into Norwegian / 1112 / 2015 / “Musikk, litteratur og visuell kunst i tall 2015”, Arts Council Norway,
Not yet available / 2016


a)Production/number of albums produced[11]

Physical and digital format / Number / Year / Source
745 / 2012 / MedieNorge:
604 / 2013 / MedieNorge:
615 / 2014 / MedieNorge:
618 / 2015 / MedieNorge:

b)Sales/Total number of recorded music sales

Physical format / Sales numbers (million) / Year / Source
N/A / 2012 / N/A
134,7 MNOK/
15,7 million USD / 2013 / IPFI Norge: Årsrapport 2015

83,1 MNOK/
9,7 million USD / 2014 / IPFI Norge: Årsrapport 2015

108,4 MNOK/
12,6 million USD / 2015 / IPFI Norge: Årsrapport 2015

Digital format / Sales numbers / Year / Source
N/A / 2012 / N/A
Downloads and streaming (Spotify, Tidal, Apple Music) / 468,4 MNOK/
54,7 million USD / 2013 / IPFI Norge: Årsrapport 2015

Downloads and streaming (Spotify, Tidal, Apple Music) / 521,7 MNOK/
60 million USD / 2014 / IPFI Norge: Årsrapport 2015

Downloads and streaming (Spotify, Tidal, Apple Music) / 538 MNOK/
62,8 million USD / 2015 / IPFI Norge: Årsrapport 2015


a)Broadcasting audience and share

Year: 2015

Source: Norwegian Media Authority


Programme type / Audience share (% of daily viewers and listeners) / Type of ownership (private/public) / Type of access (paid/free)
NRK / 51 (tv)
35 (radio) / Public / Annual licence fee (non-commercial)
TV2 / 41,6 (tv) / Private with public funding / Free (commercial)
P4 / 16 (radio) / Private with public funding / Free (commercial)
Radio Norge / 9 (radio) / Private with public funding / Free (commercial)

b)Broadcasting media organisations

Number of domestic media organization providing

Ownership / Radio channels / Television channels / Both radio and television channels / Total
Public / 1 / 1
Private (with public funding) / 2 / 1 / 3
Community / N/A
Not specified
Total / 4

c)Number of newspapers

Year: 2014-2015

Source 1: Norwegian Media Authority

Source 2: MedieNorge

Publishing format / Daily newspapers / Non-daily newspapers / Total
Free only
Paid only / 72 / 156 / 228
Both Free and Paid
Both printed and online
Free only
Paid only
Both Free and Paid / 191
Total / 228

4.Connectivity, infrastructure, access

Year: 2015, 2016

Source: Statistics Norway), MedieNorge

Number / Year / Source
Number of mobile phone subscribers per 1000 inhabitants / 5715 / 2015 /
Number of households with internet access at home / 98% / 2016 /
Number of individuals using the internet / 96% / 2016 /

5.Cultural Participation

Year: 2015[12]

Source: Statistics Norway


Activity / Male % / Female % / Total
Cinema / 67 / 66
Theatre / 43 / 48
Dance (including ballet) / 10 / 19
Live concert/musical performance / 59 / 63
Exhibition/museum / 40 / 43

Is there any available data on the reasons for the non-participation in cultural events?

Yes, but no nationwide data available for the reasons they are not participating:


However, a focus group study carried out by Audiences Norway in 2014 found the following reasons for people not participating in arts and culture:

  • Non-users are happy and do not feel they are missing out
  • The current performing arts brand doesn’t reflect their own self image
  • The offer is perceived to be lacking in relevance
  • Marketing does not often reach non-users and when it does it fails to capture their imagination
  • Price is not the barrier – lack of perceived benefit or value is



[1] Source: Statistics Norway: "Utenrikshandel med varer".

[2] Source: Statistics Norway: "Utanrikshandel med tenester for ikkje-finansielle føretak"; fritidsaktiviteter.

[3]Figures provided refer to the budget of the Norwegian Ministry of Culture.

[4] Source: Statistics Norway: Kulturstatistikk 2015.

[5] This refers to the share of culture in total governmentexpenditure.

[6] Source: Statistics Norway: Kulturstatistikk 2015.

[7]The currency conversion is based on UN Treasury's UN Operational Rates of Exchange pr. Dec. 1. 2016:

[8] This figure is grouped under the heading ‘chainless bookstores/kjedeløse’ in the Norwegian Publishers Association's statistics

[9] This figure is grouped under ‘other retailer/øvrigeforhandlere’ in the Norwegian Publishers Association's statistics

[10] This figure is grouped under ‘direct sale to user/direktesalgtilsluttbruker’ in the Norwegian Publishers Association's statistics

[11]The overview of all Norwegian music albums produced every year is based on the number of applications received by Arts Council Norway’s programme for music production and publication. This programme aims to support and strengthen production and dissemination of Norwegian music and contribute to support diversity and quality in the publications. Musicians/right holders who are based and work in Norway may apply for funds. The funding programme encompasses both digital and analogue publications. However, not everyone who produces music apply for funding to the ACN and hence the figures do not provide a complete picture.

[12]The report was published in 2016 and is partly based on the figures from the last national survey on cultural trends carried out in 2012. Hence the numbers in the table are from 2012, being the most recent survey to date.