Anston Hillcrest Primary School
Parent Forum Meeting
Date: Friday 6th July 2012 Time: 9.10am
Present: Present: Kay Denton, Mrs Mander, Mrs Greenfield, Siobhan Morley, Marichelle Gamo, Jane Banwart, Helen Hartley, Anne Wildgoose, Vicki Williams, Janet Jenkins, Helen Hill, Jackie Rookes, Susan Davis.
Apologies: Bev Blackwell
Agenda Items / Notes / Actions1. Welcome / All parents welcomed to the Forum.
2. a. Feedback from meeting 31.5.12
b. Input from Kay Denton (Healthy Schools)
c. Food in schools Policy
d. School Uniform (Footwear / Minutes and actions from meeting fed back and signed.
Mrs Mander discussed summary of actions that had been developed from the Parents Forum and thanked the parents for their continuing support and dedication. Also that there have been many improvements and communication has been strengthened via the Parents Forum.
Mrs Mander introduced Kay Denton who works as part of the Healthy Schools team. Kay discussed how creating a healthy school has many strands such as ethos, environment, emotional health and wellbeing and curriculum and that food in school is one key aspect. Kay discussed the rational about healthy schools and how the healthy schools team supports schools in complying to legislation. She discussed the importance of sending and setting key healthy messages to both children and parents. She explained how solutions and discussions with both parents and children are important to ensure policies are successfully implemented and have positive impact. Kay discussed how the Schools Lunch Service ensure nutritional content. Mrs Mander informed the group of how the school council have impacted on school lunches via improving portion sizes and the environment etc.
Kay suggested that the Parent Forum put themselves forward for a partnership award for the good practice demonstrated.
Time was then given for the parents to look through the Food in School policy.
Discussions followed and general consensus included:
o Parental right to decide on school lunch box content.
o Only healthy snacks should be brought to school for break times. It was suggested that sample fruits and vegetables could be given to the children to taste.
o School and parent role is to educate the children to make positive choices.
o Sweets should not be brought into school to celebrate birthdays and holidays due to abundance and lack of control over sweets given and peer pressure. Other ideas were suggested such use of a birthday board or postcard wall.
o Children should drink water rather than juices during the school day, with the exception of lunch time. It was discussed that access to juice throughout the day is detrimental to teeth. Water is vital for concentration and rehydration.
During the meeting a parent asked how many water machines are within the school. It was discussed how children have access to the water machine during the day and that they are encouraged to bring in a bottle separate to the lunch box. After the meeting it was suggested that potentially the PTA could buy each child a clear plastic bottle which could be used or an outside drinking fountain could be purchased.
A parent asked how often the school nurse comes into to school to discuss good dental hygiene practices. It was suggested that we could use parental expertise to come and talk to the children during assembly times for example to support the healthy school message.
Mrs Mander discussed that there had been some parental suggestions over footwear in school. Mrs Mander explained that the current policy is black shoes and this has been approved by the Governing Body. However many children had been coming into school wearing brightly coloured trainers which has raised potential issues:
o Health implications of wearing trainers all day.
o Peer pressure of wanting to be seen to wearing the ‘best’ trainers / footwear.
o Safety when wearing sandals or crocks etc.
The issues were discussed at length and different views raised:
o Cost implication of buying shoes and trainers.
o Appropriateness of trainers.
o Equality in the classroom from reducing peer pressure.
o Enforcement from school so that children are clear on expectation of uniform.
Mrs Mander thanked the parents for their different opinions and viewpoints and that the information would be relayed to the SLT before a final decision would be made surrounding Uniform in September.
Mrs Mander thanked the Parent Forum for their continuing support and wished everyone a lovely holiday. / Feedback to SLT and parents.
Amendments to School Policy.
Feedback to PTA RE: Water Bottles / Water Fountain.
Feedback views to SLT & Governors.
Seek advice from Podiatrist.
Letter to Parents before the end of the term to detail policy on Uniform.
3. Suggestions for subsequent meetings / Parents suggested the following items to be brought to subsequent meetings:
· Provision before and after school – wrap around care. / Agenda to be written
7. Date of next meeting / Provisional date for next meeting:
Minutes of previous meeting were agreed and signed.