The membership year runs from Sept 1st. , and rates shown are from 01/09/16. Unfortunately no abatement of subscriptions is possible for part-year membership.
Direct Debit mandate must be supplied for future subscriptions, or higher rates apply.
Full member £31 o Please tick one category
Partner member £19 o
Country member £20 o
Associate member £12 o
Junior Associate £ 5 o
Junior BBKA £24 o
Title: Name
Postcode: Email address:
Tel No. I have been keeping bees for years
Please read the important information on the last page relating to the Association’s Data Protection Policy and use the form provided to advise the Membership Secretary if you wish to opt out of any aspect of this.
I apply for membership of Harrogate and Ripon Beekeepers Association and confirm I have read the attached section 6 detailing Data Protection Procedures.
Signed: Date.
If you are a taxpayer HRBKA can benefit significantly by recovering tax in relation to your subscription, and at no cost to you. Please complete, sign and date the form below to help us in this way.
Gift Aid Declaration
I wish that any subscriptions that I make to Harrogate and Ripon Beekeepers Association both in 2016/17 and in future tax years should be treated as Gift Aid donations. I can confirm that I expect to pay Income Tax or Capital Gains Tax in the tax year 2016/17 at least equivalent to the amount to be reclaimed by the Association and any other Charity to which I donate. (Currently 25p in the £1)
I undertake to inform the Association promptly if I cease to be a taxpayer and understand that otherwise the Association will assume that my tax status remains unchanged.
Post Code
Signed Date
Harrogate and Ripon Beekeepers Association
Full membership of the association will give you the following advantages:
· The fellowship of others with whom you can enjoy beekeeping through the exchange of views and experiences.
· Help and advice on any aspect of beekeeping. Your problem can be answered by post or telephone from any one of our panel of advisers who will visit your apiary on request and demonstrate in a practical way what you would like to know, free of charge.
· Monthly indoor meetings from September to April.
· Summer outdoor demonstrations on practical beekeeping at various apiaries.
· The Association's magazine 'Apiarist' sent to members quarterly with current news of activities and articles on beekeeping and related matters.
· Temporary use of an Association Apiary for members' hives.
· Access to the Association's library of over 300 books and videos, which may be borrowed free of charge.
· The opportunity to hire a honey or wax extractor for a small fee.
· Free examination of bees suspected of disease and appropriate advice from our microscopist.
· Public liability insurance cover of up to £5,000,000 and products liability insurance cover of up to £2,000,000.
· Bee Disease Insurance on three colonies, and the opportunity to insure additional colonies at low cost.
· Membership of the British Beekeepers' Association with the opportunity to take qualifying examinations.
· Theoretical and practical courses which are held at Harlow Carr Botanical Gardens where the Association has an apiary. (NB a small charge is made to cover course costs).
· Participation in the Annual Honey Show that is held as part of the Harrogate Autumn Flower Show.
Membership Categories
Full member: Annual subscription provides the full range of benefits of membership.
Partner member: Must live at same address as a full member. They will receive most of the benefits of membership but do not receive Apiarist and BBKA News.
Country member: This category is for non-beekeepers who wish to receive BBKA News and the Apiarist. No insurance cover is in place for this class of membership.
Associate member: This category is for full members of other beekeeping associations or non-beekeepers. They will receive the Apiarist from HRBKA. They will receive the BBKA News and their BDI insurance as a result of their primary association membership.
Junior Associate: This category is for anyone under 18 years of age who is interested in beekeeping and who carries out their beekeeping under the direct supervision of a Full or Partner member. If they keep bees independently they should take out the Junior BBKA membership which gives the same benefits as Full member.
Registeredat BBKA / BDI
Insurance / BBKA News / Registered
at HRBKA / Apiarist / Access to Website / Annual
Subscription paid by DDR*
/ l / l / l / l / l / l / £31Partner / l / l / l / l / £19
Country / l / l / l / l / l / £20
Associate / l / l / l / £12
Junior Associate / l / l / l / £5
Junior BBKA / l / l / l / l / l / l / £24
*Higher subscription rates apply for payment other than by Direct Debit. Rates shown do however apply to all new members in their first year.
HRBKA Data Protection Policy.
As an applicant for membership of HRBKA you may request opt outs from the HRBKA Data Protection Policy. The complete Data Protection Policy is available from:
Please indicate here precisely which part(s) of the HRBKA Data Protection Policy you wish to opt out from:
6 Standard Procedures for the Retention and Disclosure of HRBKA Data
6a Retention of Data
The HRBKA database will record the names, postal addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses and subscription payment details of all members. Where applicable the BBKA examination results and / or level of BBKA qualification will also be recorded.
From time to time other information may be recorded usually as paper records for brief periods and only for the immediate purpose at hand. This includes Show results, willingness to assist at Shows, skills that may be of value to the Association, and with Association demonstrations etc.
As part of the Spray Liaison Scheme the location of members apiaries may be recorded.
6b Disclosure of Data to Third Parties
HRBKA will disclose to the BBKA names, addresses and membership classification of all members. This is for the specific purposes of mailing BBKA News.
Names and addresses of members, including email addresses and telephone numbers, will be disclosed to The Regional Bee Disease Inspector at least annually for the specific purpose of improving disease control.
Names and addresses may need to be disclosed to Bee Diseases Insurance Ltd for the purpose of protection of members.
The location of apiary sites belonging to members together with the member’s name and telephone number will be circulated at least annually to appropriate spray contractors, farmers, and growers for the specific purpose of prevention of loss of colonies.
Subscription and other payment (for example, expenses) records will be retained by the Association Treasurer for a period of six years, and then shredded and/or deleted. The treasurer may make further disclosure to the auditor for the specific purpose of validation of the accounts.
Names and addresses of members, including email addresses and telephone numbers, will be disclosed to the Association’s Direct Debit administration company for the purpose of collecting subscriptions.
6c Disclosure of Data to Association members
The names, postal addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses of Officers of the Association, committee members and holders of posts of Special Responsibility will be published in each edition of The Apiarist. The latter is circulated to all members. The Apiarist has further restricted circulation to the editors of similar BKA publications.
An Association Directory will be published annually. This contains the information referred to above and in addition the names, postal addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses of all members. This is circulated to all members.
Officers of the Association and committee members will have available the email address of other Officers and committee members for the specific purpose of circulation of information relevant to committee meetings and management of the Association.
The Officers and committee members may use members email addresses for the circulation of information directly relevant to their class of membership (for example notice of upcoming meetings and last minute changes to such meetings) and interests (for example membership of a show or education group) and any urgent matters (for example detection of bee disease in the Association area). The email addresses of all members are on Google Groups.