4 September


Bendigo Maubisse Friendship Committee

Friday 7 July 2017 at 7:30 am

Reception Room, City of Greater Bendigo Lyttleton Terrace, Bendigo

Present: Cr. Jennifer Alden, Deborah Blake, Ian Blake, Mark Feiss, Jenny Feiss, Rod Flavell, Ken Hubbard, John Jones, Heather McNeill, Naidene Parry, Liz Bannon, George Waters, Steven Abbott

Guests: Wayne Downie, James Rinaldi, Dale Little

Apologies: Mark McLoughlan, Heather Ridge, Barry Secombe

Welcome: Chair Cr. Alden welcomed all to the meeting.

Declaration of conflict of interests and pecuniary interests: Nil

Confirmation of Draft Minutes 5 May as circulated: (No quorum for June meeting)

Moved: Naidene Parry Seconded: Jenny Feiss

Confirmation of Draft Minutes 2 June

Moved: Deborah Blake Seconded: Mark Feiss

Business Arising:

Action / Comments
Preparation of next e- newsletter / Marketing Team
Team 50 - Publicity and preparation of report / J. Feiss
J. Alden
Ongoing organisation Heritage Walk and other fundraising events / Fundraising Committee
Engagement with City of Ballarat Ainaro Friendship Committee / J. Alden, B. Secombe, S. Abbott
Dental Project – ongoing organisation / R. Flavell
Potential projects – food security/agricultural school / J. Alden/Team 50

Work Teams: Team 50 Reports - Jenny Feiss (Team Leader) and Team 50 members

Jenny spoke to the comprehensive Team 50 Report, previously circulated.

The Visual Arts Team visit was highly successful with classes delivered to 500 – 600 enthusiastic students over 21 sessions and an exhibition of student art work held at the end of the program. Generous donations from the Bendigo community and beyond were greatly appreciated. The support of both Sr. Henrietta and Fr. Feliciano was acknowledged; Fr. Feliciano invited the team to return next year. Support from Alola was also forthcoming to facilitate a meeting with TL Ministry of Education to gain approval for the team’s curriculum material. Ken Hubbard stressed that we must be very careful in our planning and the importance of following TL protocols.

In addition to teaching activities, the team also:

·  Explored the possibility of BMFC assisting financially with construction of an outdoor kitchen and toilet, with labour being provided by local workers.

·  Visited the proposed Arts and Tourism Centre, providing a donation of paint and other materials with work again to be done by the community.

·  Visited the Agricultural School to gain clarity around needs of this school and how to best support the school in extending its program.

·  Recommended that a water filter system could be implemented.

·  Distributed Days for Girls Kits which were well received.

·  Met with scholarship students in Maubisse and were presented with their reports and also met UNTL scholarship students in Dili.

·  Discussed supporting three women in the community through providing sewing machines. Sewing teachers must also be part of this support and options for machine servicing also looked into.

The importance of good translators was recognised. Whilst experience with the team was beneficial for students from AHHA, it was evident that mis-translations could readily lead to a lack of understanding.

Wayne Downie spoke to the Radiologists Report, previously circulated. The experience was a challenging and rewarding one for both radiologists and thanks were extended to BMFC, to Keystone Radiology and to Jenny Feiss for her team leadership. Ultrasound training took place to empower local staff at Maubisse Hospital and Dr. Dan’s clinic, as detailed in the report. Equipment was found to be often old and poorly maintained. IT infrastructure was lacking for digital equipment. The radiologists would be keen to return and have made several recommendations in their report for future donations of equipment and consumables to TL.

Ken Hubbard moved a vote of thanks to Jenny Feiss for her inclusive decision-making and for all the work that she has done – both before and after the team’s visit. Seconded: Jennifer Alden Carried.

Moved that the Team 50 Reports be accepted: Liz Bannon Seconded: Naidene Parry


As circulated for July 2017

Moved that correspondence be accepted: Heather McNeill Seconded: Deborah Blake

Finance Report: End of Financial Year Finance Summary as circulated, prepared by Mark Feiss. Mark noted that financial records had been sent to the Auditor and would hopefully be returned in time for August meeting.

Moved that this Report be accepted: Mark Feiss Seconded: Heather McNeill

Marketing Team Report: Deborah Blake

It is hoped to publish the new e-newsletter by mid-next week, containing Chair’s Message, Team 50 overview with photos ( and links to the full reports by Jenny Feiss and the Radiologists), Scholarship information – an update with a selected individual student report, Container packing information, Donation requests ( Garden tools and school items),Community Meeting (report and photos from Mark McLoughlan).

Fundraising Committee Report: Naidene Parry

The fundraising dinner at Farmers Arms raised $126 and was an enjoyable social occasion.

No new properties have been added to the proposed Heritage Walk – several private homes have been approached, but are unavailable this year. There was agreement to the proposal from Fundraising Committee that the Heritage Walk be postponed until next year and a note to this effect will be included in the next newsletter. Participating venues will be contacted.

Fundraising Committee will investigate another film fundraiser and raffle, most likely on a weekend afternoon.

General Business

1. Dental Health Project – Rod Flavell.

Preparations are underway for the Dental team visit in September and for a further visit in August by Ana Tilman to follow up implementation of the Kose Nehan project. It is hoped to source further donations, in cash and goods (toothbrushes and toothpaste) for the dental health preventative strategy being implemented at the school level. These goods would be included in BMFC September container.

La Trobe Dental School is showing strong support and is keen to be involved in sourcing dentists as participants to work alongside TL dental staff and to assist in training of dental therapists. Two representatives from La Trobe will hopefully attend BMFC September meeting to brief Committee on dental health needs in countries such as TL.

2. Container Update – Heather McNeill for Heather Ridge.

·  Noel Ridge has made bookings for the container and arranged for a packing day at Lords Raceway on Saturday September 9.

·  Heather Ridge will contact Walter Lourie regarding his possible assistance Sept 9. She will also contact those with goods for the container and request that these be delivered on the day.

·  Noel will be in touch with members regarding a working bee at White Hills Primary to make tables ready for transport.

·  50 Camp Getaway chairs could be included this time – George Waters to follow up on transport of these to Raceway.

·  Estimates from Liz Bannon and Rod Flavell for amount of goods would be appreciated.

3. Engagement with City of Ballarat’s Ainaro Friendship Committee – Cr. Alden

The next meeting date still TBC since some involved have been on leave and are not available until

later this month.

4. Scholarship Update – Heather McNeill for Heather Ridge

·  All donors have received personal emails regarding the progress of their student/s.

·  All High School student reports have been circulated.

·  Committee members have received Agricultural School reports. Please let Heather Ridge know if you would like copies of all secondary student reports.

·  There are 2 new donors – Mary Goodall Tuohey (Tertiary sponsorship.) Heather has suggested that her donation go to support a current Year 12 student who will be undertaking tertiary studies next year, rather than a new university student who has commenced this year. Rotary Eaglehawk has expressed interest in sponsoring another tertiary student.

Liz and John Morris will sponsor two Year 10 students.

5. Request for Use of Maubisse House – Mark Feiss

Robyn and Noel Lucas (Teachers for Timor) have requested a weekend booking which was confirmed by Committee.

6 .Rolling Memberships – Steven Abbott advised that ten expressions of interest had been received and a recommendation on the successful applicants would be made to Council at their August meeting.

7. Calls for Website Working Party – Heather McNeill

Dissatisfaction has been expressed over dated content and incomplete information for visitors to BMFC site.

In response to Steven Abbott’s request that Committee review website content and make recommendations for change, Cr. Alden, Ian Blake, Jenny Feiss, George Waters and Heather McNeill agreed to meet to investigate how the BMFC section of CoGB website could updated and also made more comprehensive. Heather will contact these members to arrange meeting time and place.

7. Report: Australia TL Friendship Network Education Meeting – a worthwhile session attended by Deborah Blake who will report in more detail at a later meeting.

Meeting Closed: 8.45am.

Action / Who
Preparation of next newsletter / Marketing team
Preparation for Container packing – Working bee White Hills Primary; collection of container goods. / All
Website Working Group – Recommendations to Council for improvements / H. McNeill+ group
Potential Projects : Food security/Agricultural School / J. Alden
Team 50.
Fundraising Committee – investigation of further film night / N. Parry& Fund. Committee
Engagement with City of Ballarat Friends: / J. Alden, B.Secombe S. Abbott
Dental project – ongoing / R. Flavell/ G. Waters

Next Meeting: 4 August 2017