Brief instruction for the work with price-lists in Software GatesCust

When placing an order for sectional doors in Software Gatescust there are wide opportunities of creation and usage of price-lists. We tried to take into account all the possible situations and to integrate it into the doors calculation with the help of the most convenient way. A flexible and convenient pricing mechanism implemented in the program allows setting different prices for a group of clients, customers and individual orders.

Below there are the basic ways to create, to use and to update the purchase price-list, the basic ways for the calculation and use of different price-lists for different groups of clients, the use of such instruments as «Discount» and «Markup» to adjust prices for sectional doors, additional options and automatics.

The brief instruction includes:

1.  Creation of basic price-list

2.  Creation of purchase price-list

3.  The use of price lists and creation of individual conditions for the clients

4.  Creation of individual conditions when placing an order for the doors

1.  Creation of the basic price-list

It is better to begin the work with program GatesCust from «Prices» menu.

Fig. 1 Entry into section «Prices» of the program

On default in the program there is created a zero price-list into which the required data will be imported.

Fig. 2. Zero price-list in section «Prices» of program

The import of prices into the price-list is performed with the help of special form in the format Microsoft Office Excel / OpenOffice Calc or by manual data entering.

To receive the form for the data import it is necessary to choose menu «Prices/Export in Excel (Open office)».

Fig. 3. Export of price-list from Software Gatescust into Excel (Open Office)

Before the export of the price-list we recommend to install the option «Not to load empty fields». During the installation of this option the doors curtain grids with zero prices will not be unloaded into the file Excel (Open Office).

Fig. 4. Option «Not to load empty fields »

During export of the price-list the program generates the required form which is to be saved on hard disk for further processing.

Fig. 5. The form of price-list for prices loading into SW Gatescust

It is necessary to transfer all the necessary data into the corresponding table of the price-list without changing without changing the data and file format.

First of all it is recommended to import the price-list which is basic into the program (as a basic price-list we offer to accept price-list of «Alutech» company). All the other used price-lists are supposed to be derivative from the basic one.

Fig. 6. Filling of price-list for import of prices into SW Gatescust

Then with the help of menu «Prices/Import from Excel (Open office) » the necessary price-list is entered into the program. As a result we receive a formed basic price-list which is ready to work.

Fig 7. Price-list in SW Gatescust

2.  Creation of purchase price-list

By using the formed basic price-list the program offers to create other price-lists necessary for work. In particular we’ll consider the creation and use of the purchase price-list.

With the help of menu which is opened by pressing the right button of the mouse «To create a new price-list on the current one» we create the following price-list.

Fig. 8 Creation of the price-list on the basis of the current one in SW Gatescust

During the creation of a new price-list the program offers to use coefficients:

Kg – coefficient which is multiplied by the cost of garage doors standard kit except for the doors series STANDARD;

Ks – coefficient which is multiplied by the cost of standard kit of garage doors series STANDARD;

Ki – coefficient which is multiplied by the cost of standard kit of industrial doors;

Kw – coefficient which is multiplied by the cost of standard kit of the wicket in the façade;

Ka – coefficient which is multiplied by the cost of automation;

Kd – coefficient which is multiplied by the cost of additional kitting.

Fig. 9. Creation of a new price list

Using these coefficients, we can create a purchase price-list, as well as a price-list of other type (dealer’s price-list, retail price-list etc.).

In case a purchase price-list is below the basic price-list imported before, the used coefficients are to be <1, but >0. (for example: if you have a discount 5%, К = 0,95).

During the creation of dealer’s and retail price-lists the value of coefficients is, as a rule, >1.

Having applied the necessary coefficient we receive a new price-list which is ready to work.

Fig. 10. Price-list created on the basis of the basic price-list

It is recommended to create or to import the Purchasing price-list into the base for a full use of the opportunities of the program for calculation of price markup for the order.

After installation of the program the purchase price-list created in the program is recognized as the first one (the option «PP» is automatically installed).

In case we create a purchase price-list with the help of coefficients or import it into SW Gatescust secondarily, for assigning the status of Purchasing price-list it is necessary to set up the option «PP» by selecting the appropriate item in the contextual menu:

Fig. 11. Assigning the status of Purchasing price-list

The algorithm described above is used for creation and editing of price-lists for different groups of customers or for individual clients.

3.  The use of price lists and creation of individual conditions for clients

To use the created price-lists it is offered to enter the menu «Clients & Orders».

Fig. 12. Entry into the section of the program «Clients and Orders»

In the opened window there are provided the following possibilities (within the section of this brief instruction):

1. creation of the clients group;

2. creation of clients within a group;

3. installation and adjustment of conditions for a clients group (1);

4. installation and adjustment of conditions of conditions for a individual client in a group (2).

Fig. 13. The use of price-lists and creation of individual conditions for a group of clients and individual clients

It is shown in the example that the client «Service Station №1» enters the group of clients «Service Station». For the group of clients «Service Station» there is assigned the «Purchasing» price. For the group of clients «Service Station» there is markup 20% from the «Purchasing» price for a standard set of garage doors except for the doors series Standard, markup 10% for a standard set of industrial doors and markup 5% for a standard set of a wicket in the façade.

For a client «Service Station №1» to the received conditions there is used a multiplying coefficient 1,3 (or + 30%) for a standard set of garage doors except for the doors series Standard, a multiplying coefficient 1,1 (or +10%) for a standard set of industrial doors, a multiplying coefficient 1,2 (or +20%) for a standard set of a wicket in the façade.

Thus individually created price-list can be adjusted for the group of clients and each client in the group can receive individual conditions.

4.  Creation of individual conditions during placing an order for the doors

The program allows to set individual adjustments for the clients and determine the conditions of separate orders before the calculation of the order for sectional doors.

In the main menu it is necessary to press the button «New order» and load «Doors wizard».

Fig. 14. Creation of individual price conditions for a separate order

At this stage you are offered to create a new client and determine the main price conditions of cooperation:

Fig. 15. Creation of a new client and determination of working conditions with the help of « Doors wizard»

At this stage You can create a new client and determine the desired level of price markup or discount onto the price list applied for this client using Kg, Ks, Ki, Kw, Ka, Kd coefficients. An alternative way of client’s creation and determination of working conditions was considered above during the description of the section «ClientsOrders».

Then the program offers You to make an order and determine the parameters of the order. At this stage if it is necessary You can install the desired level of additional markup or discount for a separate order of the client with the help of analogous Kg, Ks, Ki, Kw, Ka, Kd coefficients.

Fig. 17. Determination of discount/markup coefficients for a separate order

These coefficients will be applied to the individual conditions of the client created earlier.

Then the program will offer to enter the technical parameters of the order: door dimensions, to determine the composition of commercial positions and additional options.

Fig. 18. Calculation of orders with the help of «Doors wizard»

After placing the parameters of the order there is opened the active window of the program in which you can see all the data of the order (3) and if it is necessary you can make changes. After the final calculation of doors it is necessary to install the option «L» (4) –

completion of the doors calculation– and fix the changes by pressing the button (5). Then you will see the information (6) about the purchasing price, selling price and the amount of the formed price markup for this order.

Fig. 19. Editing of the doors characteristics and profitability analysis of the order

The described features of SW Gatescust show that this program is a convenient, flexible and clear pricing tool for the doors allowing You to optimize the work with the clients