What is digital disruption?
Digital disruption refers to changes enabled by digital technologies that occur at a rate and scale that disrupt established business models (especially work processes, job design and skills), and require innovative approaches for the business to remain competitive.
Will a workforce development strategy be funded?
Projects that focus on workforce planning and development activities with a community, region or industry, and will benefit the current workforce are eligible to be considered for funding.
Can my application request funding for capital and IT costs?
No. Capital and IT costs will not be funded through this program.
Who iseligible to apply through this fund?
VET Industry Advisory Organisations (approved by the Department), Unions, Industry Peak Bodies and TAFE Queensland(representing an organisation or a group of businesses) are the only organisations eligible to apply through the Training in Emerging and Innovative IndustriesFund.
What is the definition through this fund of an industry peak body?
For the purposes of the Training in Emerging and Innovative IndustriesFund, apeak body is defined as an advocacy group; industry group;body with allied economic, regional or industry interests; or organisation representing a cluster of businesses in the same industry. For all of these bodies, they must have identified the same skilling requirements and/or training support needs for the region, industry or group of businesses they represent.
I am a Registered Training Organisation (RTO), can I apply?
No. VET Industry Advisory Organisations (approved by the Department), Unions, Industry Peak Bodies (as defined in previous FAQ) and TAFE Queensland(representing an organisation or a group of businesses) are the only organisations eligible to apply through this fund.
What is a co-contribution?
A co-contribution is a mandatory requirement through this application processand relates to the level of funding from industry, employers or students towards the cost of the project.
Co-contributions can be either financial or in-kind and there is no maximum percentage required.The level of co-contribution will be evaluated during the assessment process.
I own a small business affected by digital disruption. How can I have my employees trained under the program?
You can collaborate with a peak industry organisation or TAFE Queenslandto develop an application for funding, or seek to link with an approved Training in Emerging and Innovative IndustriesFund project when the list of successful projects is published by the Department of Employment, Small Business and Training.
Can I apply for non-accredited training?
Yes. Projects containing nationallyrecognised training will be considered as well as projects containing non-accredited training when the following criteria is met:
- clear demonstration that the skill(s) required cannot be obtained through the national vocational education and training (VET) system
- clear demonstration of an identifiable and transferrable skills development outcome for the individual being trained
- evidence of the proposed training being endorsed/recognised by industry
- evidence of the capability, capacity and industry recognition of the organisation delivering the training.
Can I apply for qualifications and/or skill sets listed on the Queensland Training Subsidies List?
Yes. However, training costs should not be included as part of the project costs as these costs will be subsidised through Pre-qualified Supplier (PQS) arrangements. To find out the qualifications and skill sets on the List, visit Queensland Training Subsidies List.
What is a Pre-qualified Supplier (PQS)?
To be eligible to deliver training and assessment services subsidised by the Department through one of the programs listed in the 2017–18Annual VET Investment Plan, a registered training organisation (RTO) must be approved as a pre-qualified supplier (PQS). For more information, visit Become a PQS.
Where do I find a Pre-qualified Supplier (PQS)?
The Queensland Skills Gateway on the Department’s website provides information on vocational education and training (VET) in Queensland. You can find information on VET courses, training providers approved as PQS, occupations and government- subsidised training available in Queensland.
Can someone help me complete my application?
The Department will be able to assist you with understanding the program but will not be able to help you write or review your application.The Department’s officers in VET Investment can be contacted .
When is the last day an application can be submitted?
Applications can be emailed to d will be accepted by the Departmentup to 5pm (AEST) on Friday23 March 2018.
How much funding can I apply for?
The Training in Emerging and Innovative Industries Fund provides funding up to a maximum of $400,000 per project, with the amount dependent on the nature of the project and training, assistance to be provided, and the number of existing workers targeted by the project.
When will I know the outcome of my application?
Notification of the outcome of your application is expected by the end of May 2018.
How will I know if my application is approved?
If your application is approved for funding, you will be offered a Training in Emerging and Innovative IndustriesFund Services Agreement to sign and return to the Department of Employment, Small Business and Training before commencing your project.
If my application is unsuccessful, can I apply again?
No. Your organisation can request feedback but this is a one off funding opportunity and we are unable to fund all applicants.
What are the funding conditions?
The terms and conditions of funding are outlined in the Training in Emerging and Innovative Industries Fund Services Agreement, available on the Department’s website.
How will applications be assessed?
A selection panel will assess the applications against the selection criteria detailed in the guidelines document, which include capacity to manage; servicing industry and employer needs; strategies to assist existing workers; outcomes; and cost/value for money. The funding round is expected to be highly competitive, and the selection panel will seek to recommend the projects that best meet the objectives of the Training in Emerging and Innovative Industries Fund, and also to achieve a balance of projects at a regional and industry level.
What workers are eligible to be assisted?
The Training in Emerging and Innovative IndustriesFund is seeking to upskill Queensland existing workers in industries, regions and enterprises impacted by digital disruption. To be eligible, a project must target existing workers that are aged 15 years or over and are Queensland permanent residents, as well as meeting the criteria listed in the guidelines.
Associated links:
Training in Emerging and Innovative Industries Fund Application
Training in Emerging and Innovative Industries Fund Guidelinesfor Funding
Training in Emerging and Innovative Industries Fund Services Agreement
Queensland Skills Gateway
How to become a PQS
Queensland Training Subsidies List
Department of Employment, Small Business and Training
Last Update: December 20171 | Page