The truth about teen angst

Knuckles scraping the floor, a hoodie pulled over the face to conceal embarrassment, an inability to rise before two in the afternoon. Teenagers are associated with the worst of human behaviours – sloth, rudeness and excessiverisk-taking. But new research reveals that it might not be their fault.

Academics at the University of Oxford believe there are biological reasons why people aged from 10 to 20 need to stay in bed for longer than the rest of us. A study carried out by Russell Foster, chairman of circadian neuroscience Brasenose College, suggests that students perform better in the afternoon, because their “body clocks” – the mechanisms that control our urge to sleep and get up – are programmed two hours later for teenagers than for the rest of the population. This could be for hormonal reasons, he explains.

“There’s a biological predisposition for going to bed late and getting up late. Clearly, you can impose on that even worse habits, but they are not lazy,” says Foster. He even suggests that delaying the start of school by an hour or two would lead to a massive spurt in teenage productivity. The reasons for this shift in body clock are unknown. But there are plenty of hypotheses. “If sleep is important for memory and learning, dealing with emotions, and repair and recuperation, then teenage years have an awful lot of all that. That might explain the increased need for sleep, but it doesn’t explain the change in timing of sleep,” says Neil Stanley, a sleep researcher at the University of East Anglia.

Jim Horne, director of Loughborough University’s Sleep Research Centre thinks it is not just teenage body clocks that are unusual. “In puberty, the brain undergoes reorganisation and sleep provides the opportunity for the brain to do this,” he adds.

This theory is echoed by David Bainbridge, the Cambridge scientist and author of Teenagers: A Natural History. He says that this “rewiring” of the brain may mean that the adolescent body clock runs more slowly than an adult’s, making their day more like 26 hours long (so 8am feels more like 6am). “You see the opposite happen in hamsters, who think a day is 20 hours long,” he explains. He says it could also be because teenagers haven’t yet developed the mechanism required for registering fatigue. “They just don’t realise how tired they are.”

So if teenagers’ ostensible laziness has a scientific explanation, what other areas of their stereotypical lifestyles can we account for with science? In truth, rather a lot of them.


Dr Rachel Andrew, a chartered clinical psychologist and teenager expert, believes that the preconception that all teenagers are filthy little toerags living in bedrooms that smell worse that a pigsty is a false one. “It’s a bit of a stereotype,” she says. “I meet a lot of young people who are much tidier than you would expect. Some children just don’t see it as that important, and this could be because they have so much going on in their lives, emotionally speaking, that it is not a priority for them. It’s not their home so it’s probably not something they are going to attribute as much importance to as their elders do.


We all know the familiar sight of a teenager stooping as they wander along the road (forced into their shells by their rapid, pubescent growth). “My lab focuses on specifically on this,” continues Blakemore. “We might put teenagers in a brain scanner and look at the areas of their brain that are active when they are embarrassed. What we find is that, when they are forced to think about themselves, a part of the brain called the medial prefrontal cortex becomes much more engaged.” This is much more active during such emotional moments in teenagers than adults. So what is the explanation? Some scientists say that, in evolutionary terms, younger animals that are dominant are more likely to provoke their superiors and get into fights that they cannot physically win (anyone who has walked past an off licence at the weekend can testify to this), so self-consciousness keeps them safe.


“Teenagers will often take stupid risks that adults wouldn’t,” says Dr Sarah- Jayne Blakemore, a reader in cognitive neuroscience at University College London and author of The Learning Brain. “It all comes down to the relative sizes of different parts of younger people’s brains: with teenagers there is a mismatch in development.” She adds that the parts of the brain that control emotion and reward – the section of your head that will tell you, say, to “drive that car really fast” – develops quicker than other areas in young ’uns.

On the other hand, the bit in their brains that might exercise caution grows at a tardier pace. “The frontal part of the brain would normally try to slow down what we might like to do on first impulse,” she continues. “It inhibits risky behaviour. In adolescents, with all their various high levels of emotions, they don’t have so much capacity in their frontal cortex. Adolescents do take more risks, especially when they have a couple of mates behind them egging them on.”


Moodiness can result from a melange of emotions, hormones and physiological change, especially at such a psychologically vulnerable age as the teens. Boys and girls are pumped full of sex hormones, clouding their judgement, and this has associated psychological effects. “It is a time when someone is moving from childhood to adulthood and that throws up a lot of big issues,” says Andrew. “They move away from being solely dependent on their parents and place a greater reliance on their friends.” This also means that they begin to identify themselves with the values of their peers, which will be different to those of their family. This creates the impression of emotional distance. “We underestimate how much is going on. There are lots of stresses for them – it’s an important time educationally,” she continues. “There are pressures at home mixed with school. Parents are also going through some changes. We often forget about that.” These “old folks” also have to deal with the fact that their little princes and princesses might soon fly the nest. Physiologically, little is known about why the teenagers are behaving like this – no brain imaging study has been carried out in the area.

Love of loud music

Andrew says teenagers will often turn up loud music to help them forget about the stresses they may be undergoing during their day-to-day lives. “Whether or not you believe they hear things differently – and thus have a varied capacity to absorb noise – depends on who you talk to. But it’s just a normal for them to want some kind of distraction.” On the other hand, pumping up the stereo can be an expression of rebellion, according to Bainbridge, although it has also been linked to the release of dopamine in the brain, a chemical which he says is part of our “physiological reward-seeking pathway, which basically means enjoyment”. He’s not sure if this continues into adulthood, “but when you’re 15, the emotional part of your brain can react to music without the higher intellectual centres thinking, actually this is a bit naff. When you’re 25, you don’t have that openness any more."


“The probability is that they are very selective about who they are rude and selfish towards,” says Bainbridge. “They might just exhibit such behaviour to their parents and younger siblings.” The Cambridge scientist claims that actively excluding parents by being mean and sullen is a cruel but necessary evil. He says it helps them sever their links with their parents and get used to their own independence. It is part of the same kind of developmental process as walking 10 steps ahead of your parents (so that, heaven forbid, people do not think you are related), or it might manifest itself as being annoyed at the way your father slurps his tea. “There has to be rejection if you’re going to be a healthy adult,” he continues. “It’s important to have a strong sense of self and it’s almost as if the more you reject your parents the more you are doing that.” Andrew, on the other hand, thinks the evidence for such behaviour is scant at best. “I think they come in for bad press. I have worked as part of a youth offending team in the youth justice system and the amount of respect they show me is extraordinary. As a member of the public I am always quite surprised by how respectful teenagers are.”

Teen Angst and Parental Stress

Adolescence can be a trying time for teens—but more so for their parents


Peter SherasPhoto by Stacey Evans

For those of us who fear that all our efforts to raise our children to be bright, polite and responsible have failed miserably, Peter Sheras has a message: Don’t give up.

A clinical psychologist for 30 years and aU.Va. professor of education, Sheras has spent his career exploring what makes teens tick. He has also weathered the adolescent storms of his own two children, now ages 26 and 29. So he knows, on a raw personal level, just how inadequate adolescents can make parents feel.

“A lot of parents don’t know what to do with the kids when they don’t even know how to program their own VCR or text message, or even help with complicated homework,” Sheras says. “My work is about trying to understand teenagers and help parents work with what creates happy and effective lives for their children in a world that is changing by the minute.”

While experts from Dr. Benjamin Spock to the American Academy of Pediatrics offer advice on parenting young children, few have been so generous in identifying ways to understand and cope with adolescents. Sheras means to remedy that with research that explores the stresses that make sharing the same roof with teens so tempestuous. His 2004 book, I Can’t Believe You Went Through My Stuff!, includes practical advice on teen-sensitive issues ranging from trust to privacy.

“What all this research really says to parents is, ‘Don’t freak out,’” Sheras says. “What you are experiencing, lots of other parents experience, too, so don’t take it personally when your child says, ‘I really hate you, Mom.’”

It’s never easy for moms and dads to maintain equanimity when teenagers insult them, berate them and barge past them to lock themselves in their rooms. But Sheras wants parents to know that, from a developmental standpoint, this is all completely normal. He suggests that parents commiserate with other parents of teens, if only to reassure themselves that they are not alone.

Sheras also suggests that it’s likely that parents are more effective than they think. “I always tell parents, ‘Your children are listening, whether you know it or not,’” he said. Adolescents, however, prefer not to let on that they’ve heard you.

Ultimately, says Sheras, you need to be the parent you want to be—but don’t expect them to thank you.

Why Do TheyDoThat?

  • Adolescence is a confusing time for both parent and child. When you’re feeling at wit’s end over your teenager’s behavior, remember:
  • An adolescent’s body and brain are in constant turmoil, so their behavior can be erratic and inconsistent and they tend to experiment more.
  • Adolescents live in their heads for the first time in their lives, so they can seem unusually withdrawn.
  • Their social world is expanding beyond family to include peers, school and the culture at large. Who they are in each context is different and may vary from minute to minute.
  • Adolescents confuse understanding with agreement. “They think if they explain something to you adequately, you will agree with them,” Sheras says. “So when parents say, ‘I’m not going to let you do that,’ adolescents almost universally say, ‘You don’t understand.’”
  • The teen years are a time when children are developing their own identity. They’re trying to break away from you, and the easiest way for them to do that, according to Sheras, is to choose the opposite of you.
  • There is a natural tendency for communication between the generations to break down when kids reach adolescence.

Adjusting as a Parent

Parenting teens can be radically different from parenting younger children, according to Sheras. “We need to change our expectations about what we expect our teenagers to do,” he explains. “We need to create more of a partnership with them, even though they don’t look like they want to be in a partnership with us.”

  • Give kids structure, but be fair and consistent. Avoid overreacting or clamping down too hard. Give them some space to work things out for themselves.
  • When you make rules, make them with their input, preferably in advance of the offenses. “They want to have a hand in it so they don’t feel like you’re dominating them,” Sheras says.
  • Pick your battles wisely. It’s better to go to the mat for something life-threatening like drinking and driving than whether their room is clean.
  • Keep the lines of communication open; develop strategies to keep up with what’s going on in your child’s life without interrogating or lecturing.
  • Spend time together as a family doing something the kids consider fun.
  • Don’t take their criticism personally. Remember, it’s their job as adolescents to break away and establish their own identity.

Teen angst rooted in busy brain

  • 19:00 16 October 2002 byDuncan Graham-Rowe
  • For similar stories, visit theTeenagersTopic Guide

Scientists believe they have found a cause of adolescent angst. Nerve activity in the teenaged brain is so intense that they find it hard to process basic information, researchers say, rendering the teenagers emotionally and socially inept.

Robert McGivern and his team of neuroscientists at San Diego State University, US, found that as children enter puberty, their ability to quickly recognise other people's emotions plummets. What is more, this ability does not return to normal until they are around 18 years old.

McGivern reckons this goes some way towards explaining why teenagers tend to find life so unfair, because they cannot read social situations as efficiently as others.

Previous studies have shown that puberty is marked by sudden increases in the connectivity of nerves in parts of the brain. In particular, there is a lot of nerve activity in the prefrontal cortex. "This plays an important role in the assessment of social relationships, as well as planning and control of our social behaviour," says McGivern.

Western turmoil

He and his team devised a study specifically to see whether the prefrontal cortex's ability to function altered with age. Nearly 300 people aged between 10 and 22 were shown images containing faces or words, or a combination of the two. The researchers asked them to describe the emotion expressed, such as angry, happy, sad or neutral.

The team found the speed at which people could identify emotions dropped by up to 20 per cent at the age of 11. Reaction time gradually improved for each subsequent year, but only returned to normal at 18.

During adolescence, social interactions become the dominant influence on our behaviour, says McGivern. But at just the time teenagers are being exposed to a greater variety of social situations, their brains are going through a temporary "remodelling", he says. As a result, they can find emotional situations more confusing, leading to the petulant, huffy behaviour for which adolescents are notorious.

But this may only be true for Western cultures. Adolescents often play a less significant role in these societies, and many have priorities very different from their parents', leading to antagonism between them. This creates more opportunity for confusion. "One would expect to observe a great deal more emotional turmoil in such kids," he says.

Advice; Teen Angst? Nah!

By Ned Vizzini
Published: May 17, 1998

So, you've turned 13, and suddenly you feel as if you're in Death Valley. You come home from school and Oprah is on, talking about America's Youth in Crisis; your parents assail you after dinner with antidrug literature, asking what you've been experimenting with lately; and from every corner -- school, home, church -- you're being told: ''Be careful! These are four of the most important years of your life!''

Well, relax. I've been there, and let me tell you: your teen years aren't that important at all. The important years come when you want them to. Ray Kroc was a two-bit, middle-aged, milkshake-machine salesman when he founded a little company called McDonald's. His most important years started right there.

As for me, I'm a junior at Stuyvesant High School in Manhattan. Although I'm still in the thick of my teen-age years, I think I've learned a thing or two by now. And as far as I can tell, being a teen-ager is just like being a kid, except that you've got five extra niggling concerns: sex, money, smoking, drinking and getting into college.